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Everything posted by highdrifter

  1. You outta toss that 10lb power braid brah, it's useless unless your fishing panfish!! From what I hear, lunges are a class by themselves. They hit harder, fight harder and are some of the toothiest critters in our waters.. That's why you've got folks totally hooked on sky fishing!! Also, I believe we've got some members that would grind their teeth at the thought of someone fishing their haunts without the right equipment.. See you at the show jiggah, I'll bring the kunas. HD
  2. Assuming of course Sabina bought you the rod as more of an all around set-up for bass, pike and trout/salmon, I think you'd be under-shooting it a bit for lunges budday... You could probably get away with such a setup for a weekend thing, but specifically targetting muskys would require a heavier rod and reel. We sometimes get incidental hook ups when fishing for other species in the Kawarthas, Mcdoug landed some dandies last year fishing with senkos and small tubes, but the time it took to play the fish in probably put uneeded stress on the fish. Off topic, wut time is your gig at the Gladstone tonight brotha? yyeeeeeeee HD
  3. NOW that's funny! HAHAHAAH Very good porn caption there Justin! yyeeeeeee HD
  4. LOL Glen! speaking from experience? You think you're soo kewl with your sabiki rigs doncha? chuckles.. HD
  5. Bonne fête Roy!! Mon cher Roy, c'est à ton tour, de te laisser parler d'.... Chte souhaite une bonne année, et qu'on te laisse jouir de tes bébelles!! Et en plus, un osti de musky du Nord!! Chte salut mon grand. Prend soins. HD
  6. That's quite the adventure Scuro! Good eye candy and a great read. cheers! HD
  7. That would have been as much to make as it was to film it... Freaken OUTRAGEOUS MAN!! mass forward coming up. HD
  8. Last I heard they had more of a fan base in the US... Makes sense that he'd be caught there rather than here. That $10000 bail he posted must make him wanna sing, "wish I had 10 grand, I'd post bail.." Who gives a flying hoot though anyway?!! HAHAAH HD
  9. What the...!! You and I are a kindred folk, my friend. Too funny! Fidel
  10. kewl pics! Smiles all around. cheers! HD
  11. OUCH!! Dedication is sometimes painful... I guess.. Very noice brotha. HD
  12. Ah kewl. She does seem to have some war wounds on her, which is an indication of rough netting.. She looks fine though.. I'm just being overly protective! cheers! HD
  13. NICE! Just wondering though, what kind of net, if any, did you use to land her? cheers HD
  14. This is the one I use mostly. I tie 2 knots at the tag end, just to be safe. Duuude.. you spool your flueger yet? I'd hate for a repeat of Saturday.. cheers HD
  15. NOICE! I'm so happy for you.. my scentless apprentice! However, I need not remind you that I'm still waiting those 3 heads of cattle you promissed me. I expect to be paid in full tomorrow, or you'll have to down 3 angus.... on our way to the Forks of the Credit!! Right on brotha. HD
  16. PPPFFFFFF. You need only one bait in that box.. That firetiger HJ 13.. HD
  17. Waders? Heck, if I could wear mine to work, I would. Happy time for me would be splashing in the tub, playing with a rubber ducky, imagining I was Jacques Cousteau, all the while wearing my breathable simms.. I place high demands on my equipment, especially my waders. I remember bying a good pair of gortex waders in 1999, and they lasted me for 6 years. Finally had to retire them a couple years ago and bought a new pair, and I luuuvv them.. They were the Simms Guide Model Gortex. Back in 99, I paid over $600 for them. When I replaced them last year, I paid half the price. And you know what? They were worth every single penny then, and they're worth every penny now. I put alot of hours in them, so nickle and diming waders is not an option for me. If you're planning on more of a conventional use, I'm sure $100 would get a pretty decent pair... Hope this helps. Cheers! H to the D
  18. Bien joue mon grand! Des osti de beaux poissons, superbement photographies... Dang, my alt keys won't work here.. You must have switched your keyboard settings... mes accents aigus me sont pas disponibles.. minor corrections though. Poisson is masculine, not feminine (even if the fish picture pictured is obviously a lady) Hence, le grand poisson, instead of (la) grande poisson. Unless of course you're just messing with me! And.. AND. Your closing statement.. very noice, but. (Venir) encore. The word Venir should have conjugated in l'imperatif present, hence, VENEZ, used with the pronoun VOUS, or when you're addressing a general audience.. Well done my man. I love da french, and I have to be me! yyyeeeeeeee HD
  19. Hey kewl! That looks like our drums distant couzin... what with the elongated dorsal fin and carpish looking head.. You da man! Glad you kept it clean. cheers HD
  20. ensuing guffaws. I'd better bring the lass then..
  21. Well I'll be jiggered.. That red face and smile from ear to ear.. I know that cat! What year was it? 1999? Anywho, been a long while since that summer at Central Surplus.. Grant! You lucky sumab***!! Good to see you alive and well. Congrats on your PB.. Bunk, another awe inspiring thread. Catchy title too!! One of the reason why this place is home. cheers HD
  22. LOL In that case, I'm bringing the keg.. and the jambalaya!! Roy, Glen, I'm going if ya'll are going! OOHH BOY I'm tingly all over.. HD
  23. BEAUTIE(S)! I'd sure as heck go the extra mile for a day like that too brotha. Now what was doing again?? Oh yes... worky work. dang. cheers dude! HD
  24. esox lucius. or.. northern pike. Also acceptable are snot rocket, dink, and wee pike. HD
  25. Hey Mike! Long time no see.. been many moons since that stellar day me and Doug met you there.. Do you still fish the bay much? How's it been this year? HD
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