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Everything posted by outllaw

  1. the majority of active muskies are in the top of the water column.. we fall fish muskies up to 40ft. water temps are the same here from top to bottom... if your truly want more action fish the top 12 ft for this water is normally the warmest. preferred temps are different for skies other then salmonoids.
  2. If you truly took the time, home brew is best. timmies or mcdonalds are never consistent.. we grind our own beans and never let coffee stew. no need to cream it to death.
  3. nice stuff mike. i bet building lures makes life a little more complicated eh lol.
  4. if he keeps dumpster diving at mickey dee,s he wont be around for long.
  5. personally. i would go with shakespeare tiger stiks. with okuma line counters. you will save much coin for other things.
  6. GUYS this is worth the adventure. mr lazarus the musky guide,s thoughts will be well worth the trip and entry.. plus many of those secret baits will be readily available.
  7. Jack rabbits have been devastated by diseases in southwestern ontario. they are making a comeback in rodney, middlesex and kent county. essex county there still a rarity.
  8. steve in hepworth is a good supplier. before you start an adventure i would take a look at the handlebarz line of spinners. great quality and pricing. he.s also an adverizer on this board.
  9. this is the only muskie show in canada folks. well worth the admission if your intrested in predator fish.. remember the proceeds go back to your own fishery to boot.. just to hear mikw l. thoughts are worth the ticket price.
  10. thats a great line. after watching a yote run by my front door in windsor this morning. i believe he was looking for takeout. a few cats lol.
  11. living in windsor its common for yotes to run city streets. training my dogs i have been challenged from coyotes. at 10ft away with hunched snarling yotes its un-acceptable. i called mnr. they claim its city problem. called windsor they only do rats. called humane society. they want to tranq it . since all this nothings done. now i carry a shovel handle and m-80 fire crackers. since the hunting no trespass laws predators have exploded.. where i run my dogs home depot has instructed employees cannot lunch at the back of the building, and can not go outside at nite. these are just a sample of problems. on a another note windsors feral cat population is way down.
  12. all baits are tools. koppers has an excellent finish. as some know i build lures and custom paint. its nice to see a canadian product appear. every one has a go to confidence lure in their tackle box. they do look to be an excellent walleye and bass lure.
  13. amazing. simply amazing. i definatly feel smarter after reading that info.
  14. its sad. pensioners that built this country, fought in w.ars are at the end of the spectrum. gouged from a goverment. canada was known to be the most resource rich country on earth. to bad our own goverments have sold canadians out.
  15. I also drive one. Its never been back for any warranty defects.. the 4wheel is awesome.
  16. Sadly the u.s. is broke. hst will be in the future.. the land of the free,,, cost went up.. in reality and canada we also are paying huge sums for wars.
  17. sadly. the goverments have tweeked the industrys to become taxation agents. brokerage is apaperwork goldmine for the brokerage firms. unless i can not purchase the product in canada,and only then will i be held hostage. how is it you can take shipments from asia, not be gouged but get gouged from u.s. shippers.since 9-11 brokerage,shipping,and taxations have been forefronted.these procedures have been killing trade between north-americans..we try to ship thru the mail services it is slower but, cheeper.
  18. still dont cure what the problem was. anyhow with the fines, they could buy all affected toyo owners workboots. then they could have flintstone brakes.
  19. dang. those have more tinsel then my xmas tree. sweet work.
  20. neither store. chinese crap. i support independent stores for selection. they carry regional quality products.
  21. Sadly to say. We went from Wal-mart to unions. Frustration seems to be folks truly want a decent product, and decent wage and benefit packages. Why not truly adress the real issues. Global trade and our wants,aka goverment borrowing ,has placed north america to bow down to cheaper imports.Truthfully the organised labour haters,would jump at the chance for a decent wage and benefit package..it used to be 1 wage would suffice for families. ist. it OUR wants before our needs.
  22. Walmart as many box stores have the inherrent sadness. employees that can only tell you the price or sku nu. knowledge of products is non existent in these businesses. sadly minimum wages ,and untrained employees, brings this about.the definition of wal-mart is vacuum cleaner in many areas.
  23. My top pick would be the dodge ram. the power for pulling, incentives, and comfort is what comes to mind. One thing when choosing any product is .check gear ratios. that can be a major factor in fuel economy. if you need 4 wheel drive you will sacrifice some economy. if you dont need 4 wheel check out the posi-traction rear ends if you launch in iffy boat ramps. all 3 you picked . dodge ,chevy or ford are good vehicles.
  24. in the larger markets its force feeding consumers. in the tackle industry small independents create lures, only to be stolen from large corporate raiders. these corporations have the tools, monies to push out independents. . the largest dilema now is. Asia does not honor trademarks, patents as such. its the wild west dealing with offshore folks.
  25. every maker has faults. i will keep my jeep liberty.it starts and it does stop when i apply the brakes.
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