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Everything posted by outllaw

  1. just maybe if we raised our kids things could be different. the largest babysitters on earth t-day are all electronic. yes wayne i was drug everywhere including the toolshed.
  2. man we have built thousands over the years. that is a very different way. maybe he should flog a horse
  3. most of us do that for weeds. but to control a bait in positio on the corner wash is good. we will use a weight then a leader . this controls the down rod postion. the next rodholder holds a rod with a 4 and 40 setup. thats 4 ounces and 40 ft of line out. this covers the back of the boat. then planer boards outword. . with a 4 man crew in some regions you can run 2 rods per man. the same as salmon fishing on l. ontario or erie.
  4. try morins resort lodge in gogamas. boat rentals clean efficiecie units. tell em george sent you. ask for dale or mary anne fishing is great
  5. charters choice tiugerstik blank. eva foam handles. rodholders dont eat them. soft tip great backbone. a 10ft dipsey rod can lift a 12lb bowling ball off the ground without whimpering. reel a good ole 310 gti. 4.1 gear ratio. excellent for big fish and bigger lures.
  6. right near me. i hope to see the cormorants put in check. they have already killed the erie shoals. young of the year bass have been wiped out. ask any c.o. in southern ontario. ohio has been pleading also. problems are other nesting birds are being disturbed.they should also introduce skunks, and racoons. they would get fat.
  7. the detroit river has strong currents and spring flow. you would be better casting a jig and twister for walleyes . live bait is an option also. theres plenty of parkland to fish from.monnows would be the key. also you could try some canals for panfish with floats. awesome for gills, crappies, pike.
  8. this is a must see if your into toothy critters. see you there pigeontroller
  9. like chripsy stated. wallys baits. bill is honest and has a great product line.
  10. signed happily. a waste of taxpayers money. anyone that argues this fact is living on mars
  11. definately tiger stik blank with a penn 310. you can use it for any species and its for life
  12. like marc t. says. un-conditional love. dogs are cool. they never hide whats up.. i run mine 1 hour every morning, rain or shine.
  13. my lab ate a bait. the yellow eye is in the landmine he dropped.
  14. a lab could not do that. 2by4,s yes
  15. congrats from belle river an a good note. if your intested, just think of all the on the water experience these folks have. attending their meeting for a look can shorten your learning curve by years.
  16. normally what happens in southern ont. the fines issued or a summons to appear in court. if the subject pleas or is found guilty, the equipment is returned.innocent the same results. the persons then go to the mnr detachment and gets their stuff returned.. after all fines are payed..
  17. the pictures on another website. . i dont know how to import it.
  18. looking at the ofah rewads for big fish i noticed. a award for a 37.20 walleye. is this the new record. caught on erie last year
  19. wow. down here its palm trees and bananas
  20. i see batter, and fries and salad mmm.
  21. it all depends on the load and the powerplant. if your using a diesel to pull a utility trailer, no worries.
  22. thanks bob for the report. i need fillets mmm
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