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Everything posted by outllaw

  1. unloading boxcars of lumber by hand. we got .75 cents an hour.. man it was the cats meow to get that pay envelope.
  2. install 1 musky. that should take care of the koi. i couldnt resist
  3. cmon roy. we all troll down here.
  4. toyota is no different then any manufacture.. to try and support image this happened.to little to late.. . im chuckling. free injector cleaner and a coffee mug. you can go faster, but you might overshoot timmies, lol.
  5. nice vehicle. my son had a dakota. sopld it after 280,000 km. its still on the road.
  6. i shoulda never traded my LADA in. there were no floor mats, and in would not reach 190kmph. if the battery died it did have a crank.
  7. well to avoid arguments. maybe thats why kyle bush crashes so much.
  8. well its not just the american car companies. the facts are. imports are just as prone to design failure.. you want vehicles cheaper. there you have it.anybody into after market gas pedals lol.
  9. contrary to a website in southern ont. the ice is rotten boys. wait for a hard freeze . l.s.c. is bad.with many 4 wheelers getting wet you would think, common sense would prevail. i bet the coast guard chopper logs hours this weekend.
  10. great thread. all registerd charterboats are required to have a boarding ladder. getting back in is not as easy as one thinks. wet clothes and shock are factors..my feelings are it should be law on the manufactures part.
  11. dogs on a leash. not in an area there allowed to be worked. i have trained dogs for 35 years. this is an area within that allows no hunting.im not looking for a debate. i love to hunt?fish myself. in fact i just got back in and i destroyed 3 more snares. the idiot marks them with floro tape. i cant wait for the next snow. i will walk the whole line with a pair of side cutters. if your a legit sportsmen do harvest. this guy sells walleyes, dont wanna work. the mnr have him on there list here.
  12. funny this came up. i run my dogs daily. last week my dog got caught in a snare. . last year my other dog also. i tore the snares out. i went to the sportsman club, gave them to the bartender. told him to tell the poacher that they all knoow to quit. seems that did not work. its sad when the riverside sportsman club in windsor knows, of a member doing this. nothing has been done. the mnr are strapped.. so in closing please be carefull on or near the gnatchio trail in windsor.
  13. im amazed. i build lures. if you wanna be a rich dude sell sham wows..
  14. i loved my dodge. i had 2 cummins. now a happy jeep owner. 2 years old never been back to the dealer. thats a quality statement.
  15. nice truck lew. french red. congrats
  16. i was a big brother years back. giving time and having a good ear can definatly give a young fellow a chance.. if you make the commitment stay with it.
  17. coyotes are everywhere here in essex county. a fellow lost his labrador to a late season pack last winter. the windsor star ran an article on cats dis-appearing. i have found cat remains several occasions. they are cyclable . if theres game theres yotes.. mange is the norm. if there,s a problem they need to be controlled. one group 2 years ago shot 234 of them in one winter. my friend a veternarian saw a coyote run by with a cat in its mouth 4 blocks from my house. . if controls needed so be it. .
  18. the bass pro chinese junk infiltrates the markets again. theres plenty of north american product that is superior quality. sorry for the rant.
  19. jackrabbits were nearly wiped out in southern ont. disease. there were maany. now theres very few left.
  20. this just amazes me. flying carp. the authorities have missed the boat. there been numerous reports of these fish in erie already. between shipping ballast and poor aquaculture we have developed a b-movie for science fiction.. instead of being a baitmaker,,,maybe i should be selling hemets and pads to boaters.
  21. great stuff. lew worked all his life and now he,s enjpying the fruits of labor. . you will get your slimey girl, just keep trying. if you do get a nother chance to share a ride with lew JUMP. he,s a good stik.
  22. roy pm me the sizes needed. i may have a few lol.
  23. keep going at it. i have done a few myself.. before ya know it . you will be up to your armpits in wood chips
  24. good going wayne. and great save on the lower unit. shees i wooda had a load in my knickers. i hit a shoal 1 time. it hurt.
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