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Everything posted by Twocoda

  1. can anyone else relate to this one?
  2. dont forget your scissors Capt
  3. glad you shaved your tounge for the photo...
  4. its been a few years since ive seen a specimen of that calibre....nice shootin!!!!
  5. switching from moonshine to water Skip?
  6. scientists know exactly the time of day and where they will have a bowel movement....fishermen pooh in the woods and if they are smart...they will have a sacrificial sock
  7. i think we went in and did our last one by ourselves i think the penalty was 2% (3 years ago) or something like that for closing it prior to mature...i would have to ask the better half to be sure....ok just asked and she said i was the one that did it ...
  8. how is your dog these days Paul? if its any consolation....i cant find my keys 5 minutes after setting them down... as far a techniques go....i would like to knock the dust off my fly gear and see if i cant catch a bigger tree then the last time i had it out...
  9. look on the bright side...you didnt drop a few thousand on tickets/travel/accomadations ....
  10. cant help you out with those units but if its your intention to keep the original unit in service aswell as the new unit....make sure they will not interfere with each other....
  11. makes me want to live at his house
  12. If she is a fishermans daughter...im sure she will reel....when she sees your rod
  13. i hate it when i bite my tongue.... it really really hurts
  14. Im calling Jerraldo Rivera to see if Jimmy Hoffa is hiding behind that locked door with no knob set... from the smiles on their faces i would say they had a great day.... cheers
  15. the downfall to the lighter units is keeping a consistent temp during the winter....last fall i retired my true north unit that served me well for 8 or 9 years but winter time it sucked....you can smoke on your BBQ ya know.... its my intention on building a large unit as soon as i find the material i require...but ill never go back to electric....food for thought ...
  16. once again ....ill deny it...
  17. Glad you opted to stay in the fishing game....lawn darts now-a-days can be very violent Good Luck with the new set up Dave....but if for some reason it doesnt boad well for you ....let me know and ill sign ya up for the Lawn Dart International Leauge...I heard there is a Tourney in Alabama this spring and Billy Bob is the defending Champion Cheers
  18. Nice shootin' Tattoo...welcome to Fantasy Island
  19. lol.....i personally chuckled to a couple of his comments ...but the wife was looking over my shoulder and laughed her ass off....nice mullet
  20. nice shootin man ....i contemplated hitting the river at 4ish but decided to run the dogs instead....i do have tired dogs now but with the storm comming i think i made a mistake... Good onya
  21. MQFYBB: Mod que for you Billy Bob .... eh Roy? how dare he make fun...
  22. i love this song....band and fond memories this video bring to my mind....
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