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Everything posted by Twocoda

  1. Im using Photoshop CS5 Joey....its alot of fun....but man is there alot to learn....Im JUST starting to get the hang of it ...( i think)...lol
  2. good to see the the meds are working....you look great....few more weeks and youll never wear a shirt like that again...
  3. i love that you combine your passions and share them with us Thanks!!!!!!! being as its fall....its a good thing the water is still relatively warm...or he would be freezing his ass off
  4. True steelheaders are finishing up their season by the time the season opens...just sayin.... Nice shooting B
  5. heres one from an up and comming band....kind of an anthem song for the full version.....this is the acoustic... ill be singing the chorus later on tonight...lol..Happy Friday kids!
  6. sentimental moment....i miss John...but hopefully his fishing desires are filled vicariously through you .....he used to get skunked ALOT
  7. Congrates Josh....nice shout out for Grant Ferris....to this day i feel proud to have had the honour of shaking his hand on a couple of occasions as well as working along the side of Gary Biederman... Both amongst others are truely a driving force to our fishery and its future For all the people that appreciate the Lake Huron Rivers...you should all come up and appreciate the lake during the derby.... i garantee you will make friends to last a lifetime Did i mention ....you can EAT the fish!!! Cheers
  8. upload to photobucket or image shack and just copy the image code into your post....
  9. Fishin
  10. and Here is my other Dog
  11. the problen i found with craftstore beads is ....the hole edges are sometimes sharp...therefore it doesnt take much of a tug on your line to break you off once underload....but the ones walmart sells in their craft section seem to be ok ....while your there...pick up some of the round yarn balls...all ya have to do is put a hook through them and your good to go ....but ...they have a tendancy to slid off or up the hook ....experiment and youll figure it out...
  12. I think Paul was just making sure you keep the seat on that bike....
  13. i know there is alot of shutterbugs on this OFC so i was wondering how many of you like to play in post production....if you do ...feel free to add to this thread your creations....ill start it off with this one of one of my dogs that has a bad wrap for its breed....but the way i see him .....he has a good wrap now Cheers and have fun with it !
  14. Nice shooting Bryan....the fish looks fresh
  15. kiss the wife goodbye and get up here....you have won a guide for the day....
  16. fwiw Rob i caught it and it was funny!!!!
  17. very very good OP welcome aboard AWWWWWWWWW why did you edit it ???
  18. fantastic!!!!! nice shooting..
  19. option 1 take a white 5 gallon pail....use a grinder and cut angled notches all the way around the top of it so it looks like a giant hole saw ....hang your lures in the slots end of day spray them with WD....i used to use the curtains but your lures sweat in the extreme heat and the tape lifts off....not a bad thing if your into painting your own lures...but ...i just dont have time for that ... option 2 dont use your lures...just admire them...
  20. they changed their format....a kid i know is building one right now...simple floorplan but as far as material goes....they do their best guestimate to the bill of material and should he be short anything on his project they come out and look to do an invitory of what he is missing ....definatly not over shot on material for his project....they didnt include things like bracing/ribbing /backers/short on joist hangers....piddly stuff really....and they didnt question the need....maybe it was just an issue with the HH we have up here... Make sure you are on the Aero Plan if you buy a kit from them ... Cheers
  21. lol...its only Feb....still 10 months to go
  22. look on the brightside Simon....its valentimes day today and maybe youll get "lucky" and "hit" your "personal best" tonight.... Disclaimer- no fishing is involved in my last statement after all...Pepe loved his pooosey cat
  23. I went to the river and caught a fresh fish for supper....
  24. wouldnt it be easier for them to monitor the sites in question with that kind of activity and pull ip addys of those that visit them...pay them a visit...think about it ....where does the line get drawn in the sand....for everyone that watches UFC or movie streams ...to me this sounds like a foot in the door for SOPA.... If the FCC can monitor the content over the television and radio....then im sure something can be done to monitor the internet without invading peoples rights...
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