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Everything posted by Twocoda

  1. i bet a bass itch is a real basstich....ohhhhhh boy im up tooo early
  2. we were without power for about 13 hours....so i couldnt watch tv ....instead i watch the SAME cow fly by our house several times
  3. was i ever married to you before?
  4. your property taxes are going to go up.... ditto to no one hurt and "purpous" is spelt "poipuss"
  5. John gave you the most intelligent answer available....you surely dont expect an intelligent one from me do you???
  6. nudge nudge...wink wink...
  7. why ? are you planning on surfin the net in the Raw you might want to ask Mercman to publish his latest "how to get off Mod Q" book...i think he will give 50% off if its your first time...
  8. True Story...many years ago...im sitting in Port Stanley on the pier dunking minnows and worms all day ...this ole man comes up and sets up his little minnow bucket and worm container and sits right beside me ....we filtered try again please chat for a couple of minutes while he sets up...then his minnow hits the water ....5 minutes goes by and he says...."its pretty slow today" of course i agree because ive got hours invested into very little success...( had a few perch but that was it}....so he lifts his minnow out of the water and switches to a worm...2 minutes....bang....pickeral...couple minutes later ...bang...another...well im kinda embarrassed now for the time ive put in compared to the 10 minutes he has been here...so without comming right out and asking him ...i say...you have some magic worms or what?"...he says "yup" as he sets his hook into another fish..(perch this time)....it comes in fast and he casts out again..im thinking "Damn" i have a worm on he asks me how it was prior to him getting there...and i tell him Honestly...thinking oh great...hes going to gloat in his glory...but i didnt leave for the sole reason i was too embarrassed to get up and walk away...lol...Bang...( fishing rods dont make a "bang" sound as you know but every time he picked his rod up off the white bucket that it was perched on he would bump it or kick it out of the way} he gets the pickeral in and now im just feeling really stupid if i dont ask..."what do you mean magic worms??? he tells me "African" worms...best worms in the world.....i think oooooooookay....out patient from the St Thomas Psych Ward .....i say where the hell do you get African worms in this area? He tells me the gas station on highway 4 in St Thomas as he is reeling in another fish...sheephead this time...but it was pretty big sheephead....im too embarrassed to stay any longer as another ole man comes up and sits beside him and starts to filtered try again please chat with him.... i figure this is my out to walk away with my humble cache i spent ALL day to achieve...but reside myself that it was all worth while cuz know i know the secret...African WORMS!!! yeah Baby!!!im gonna nail em tomorrow!!! Next day im heading back to Port Stanly i pull into the Gas Station the ole man had mentioned and ask for worms...Guy behind the counter says there in the cooler there...i open it up and grab a container and pop the lid off..think to myself...they dont look any different ...dont feel any different...so i ask...Are these African worms?....The counter guy looks up at me with one eyebrow up and screams HEY DAD....are these worms African ???? Low and behold the ole guy from yesterday comes out with his fishing rod and a can of WD 40 and says they will be in a minute....can i hitch a ride with you to the pier kid.. ... i dropped him off back at the Gas station from fishing in the early afternoon (opposed to ALL day) ....I bought African worms from there for the whole summer.... Yep true story....so if ya want to get a one up on your ole man ....Get Some African Worms
  9. Finally, a blonde joke with some Canadian content.... As a North Bay trucker stops for a red light on Hwy.11, a Blonde catches up.. She jumps out of her car, runs up to his Truck, and knocks on the door. The trucker lowers the Window, and she says, "Hi, my name is Heather, and you Are losing some of your load!" The trucker ignores her and proceeds down the street. When th e truck stops for another red light, the girl Catches up again. She jumps out of her car runs up and Knocks on the door. Again, the trucker lowers the window. As if they've never spoken, the blonde says brightly, "Hi, my name is Heather, and you are Losing some of your load!" Shaking his head, the trucker ignores her again and Continues down the street. At the third red light, the same Thing happens again. All out of breath, the blonde gets out of her car, runs up, Knocks on the truck door. The trucker lowers the window.. Again she says, "Hi, my Name is Heather, and you are Losing some of your load!" When the light turns green the trucker revs up and races to The next light When he stops this time, he hurriedly gets Out of the truck, and runs back to the blonde. He knocks on Her window, and as she lowers it, he says,.............. "Hi, my nam e is Kevin, it's winter in CANADA , and I'm driving the SALT TRUCK.........."
  10. ever tied a kite to a fishing rod?????
  11. Well IF i had to take matters into my own handS i would only have me to blame i have a lot of funny remarks i could carry this conversation into ...but i dont want to take away from Solos thread or get myself put on Mod Que
  12. your doing everything right Simon....before you know it ...he will be in college....these memories are going to make you feel warm and fuzzy inside even moreso years from now when you review them.... Thanks for sharing your happy moments
  13. you can straighten up a trolling plate twice before it snaps in half.... and i always thought it was a compliment to be "special"
  14. good Luck ....dont sell yourself short...i really do like the pic
  15. is this an original Mike? if so....BRAVO!!! if not ...it sure has the "feel" of Peter Kaminsky .... on a side note....im a terrible lover but a great fisherman....or was that the other way around
  16. she is absolutely adorable...i can relate to being a proud Poppa...with your approval ill post a video i made of my "Lil Bean" a few years ago ... Great Job!
  17. just for the sake of confusion
  18. get a homemade gummybear kit and you can personally scent it ......and if the fishing sux....eat it!
  19. point and case....the powers to be made a point of this being stipulated.....time to make amendments to suit the need so ALL fish enforcers will operate under the same definition ....it will clear up alot of "grey" areas so we dont have to waste too much "gray" matter on this subject...
  20. wayta make the ole boy think he is still superior Bill ...nice shootin....both through the lens and the ice
  21. maybe fish enforcer will chime in hopefully after he consults his superiors
  22. interesting.....i too think "possession" should be clarified to the degree that each officer complies to the same definition across the board if a steelheader has two fish (my zone) on a stringer and continues to fish...technically as soon as he sets the hook on another fish...he is over his limit....even if his intentions are to release the fish ...there is still the brief window that he is illegal with 3 fish...and based on this thinking ....he will continue to fish for the entire day...breaking the rules over and over again.... if the definition was more specific...maybe ...just maybe....the meat hunters would leave one empty slot on their stringers so they can continue to fish...with the guarantee of going home with one fish at the cost of not going home with two if they want to continue to fish....or simply quit fishing until there is an open spot on their "possession" limit pos·ses·sion (p-zshn) n. 1. a. The act or fact of possessing. b. The state of being possessed. 2. Something owned or possessed. 3. possessions Wealth or property. 4. Law Actual holding or occupancy with or without rightful ownership. 5. A territory subject to foreign control. 6. Self-control. 7. The state of being dominated by or as if by evil spirits or by an obsession. 8. Sports a. Physical control of the ball or puck by a player or team. b. The condition of being on offense: The home team was in possession during most of the fourth quarter. pos·session·al adj.
  23. All the best Richard....dont carry any microwave popcorn on your person unless you intend on sharing Cheers Mate !
  24. when you buy your leadcore it will come with 25 pound leader material already attached....your first question should have been ...will 10 or 12 colours of leadcore fit on this Okuma reel ( seriously consider it )....then consider if you should save the line counter reel for a dipsey set up...and count colours when deploying your leadcore...food for thought... Good Luck
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