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Everything posted by Twocoda

  1. Looks like fun.....COMMING SOON TO A LAKE NEAREST YOU
  2. real cool kids with STUFF? i wonder if the thieves will be smart enough to bring it home after using it
  3. stoopid thieves....they should have stole one they wont have to set up everytime....
  4. Sitting in the house and the sky/air/everything turned pink outside...so i grabbed the camera and ran off to the beach...i wish i had of got there quicker but ....heres what i got.... "Pink shy at night .....Sailors delight"
  5. ha ha ha ...this page is sponsered by Cougar Life...... must be in refrence to the leafs thinking they still have a hockey team....just like the ladies at Cougar Life still think they are 18
  6. my condolences to his family and friends
  7. usually happens while they are learning to walk....
  8. heres the link Ryan.... http://propertyguys..../index/id/29466 since the vendor is selling privately....im sure you have lots of room for negotiations...i dont know your area at all so maybe this lot is too far away from your requirements...
  9. you went to too much trouble....i didnt have to modify the background at all....but i did put Mikey in front of the street sign names...
  10. Sinker raises some very valid points....if your going into a subdivision utilities and sewer will be all there at the lot line but this is where you need to compare prices of a lot in and out of the subdivision...i just seen a 1.2 acre parcel in your town for 62....compare that to the subdivision...and go from there....to me ...room for kids to play out weighs the convenience of utilities at a lot line... http://propertyguys.com/property/index/id/29466
  11. Thanks Ryan....The foundation for the basement is 26' wide for the house then 9'wide for the vestibule( where the front door is) and the garage is 23' wide....so this paticular one wouldnt fit on a 55 wide lot...but i have adapted this to a 59' foot wide lot before...at the garage and vestibules expence....but i adjusted to go deeper with both to compansate...and left the habitable space the same to the print ...
  12. http://propertyguys.com/property/index/id/61702 this one might be worth checking out....i know its a little higher then your budget...but dont forget asking prices are just that.....ASKING prices Cheers
  13. a 4 or 5 bedroom bungalow with an office and an unfinished basement is going to require a fairly large foot print (raising the cost of your lot)...you can do a raised bungalow/ranch...and locate two of the bedrooms and office into the basement (giving you a completely finished space as opposed to a empty basement)...here is a pic of my house as a raised bunalow that i just finished and we now live in (unfinished in this pic but youll get the idea) ....really its way too big for just the two of us (perfect for 4 kids and two adults)..if you have any specific questions fell free to PM me....the footprint is roughly 1400 sq for the house excluding the garage but gives you 2800 sq of habitable space ....there are many things you can tweek to a house that cost nothing in extras (eg garage door on the back of the garage...the money you save in stone and labour ...pays for the door and installation and is quite handy for outdoor patio parties when it rains or just putting your boat out back)
  14. kinda defeats the purpose of blurring anything when Geo-Tags are turned on....just saying
  15. Moosehead dry used to be great too...but i havent had it since i left the Maritimes
  16. Sinclair this stement is wrong on sooooooooooo many levels....but i have to give it up to Steam Whistle for the innovation to duplicate the pine car fresheners into an alcoholic beverage....
  17. thats not good if all the bridges are falling down....whatever will the apartment dwellers along highway 20 tie their clothslines to?...Mercman might notice a boom in dryer sales
  18. You are definatley correct...." a solid Laker report" for sure....love the markings on the rocket....nice shootin!!
  19. get both and tell us which ones you liked better....>>>>>I SOLVE PROBLEMS<<<<<<< Cheers!!!
  20. so much for having a swiss army knife and the ability to say " hey follow me"
  21. this is classic proof that people that live in trailers...know how to move them to mid Michigan
  22. better yet...the turky was wearing a Pepsi ball cap
  23. i read an article the other day about the low yeild of syrup that is expected because of this weather...syrup is going to skyrocket in price....Alberta is already preparing for losses for the farmers due to the lack of snow out there...i wonder if the vegetarians are going to be forced to eat meat with no veggies to be had...of course im joking ....
  24. has the price of shot shells inflated that much ?....now ill think of this photo when/if i should ever win another glass turkey
  25. Lake Horon @ the mouth of the Saugeen ....pic was taken about 40 minutes ago....the only thing missing is tourists and sail boats....
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