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Everything posted by setomonkey

  1. diehard is right, it's chilly out there! Mike
  2. Cute puppy! They are adorable at that age... Mike
  3. Good tip guys, I have a clown x-rap that's barely used, will try both casting & trolling with it next year... Mike
  4. Great report & pics, and much appreciated as winter is descending upon us. Congrats on being a non-chummer as well. Mike
  5. I think this is typical of December? Lots of people have put their boats away, Kawarthas closed, only some never-say-quit anglers still out... Mike
  6. Nice view, my heart rate went UP looking at those pics. Some very fishy-looking water there (as I look out the window at the light accumulation of snow in downtown Toronto...) Mike
  7. Brian, If it stil under warranty shouldn't you be able to get a replacement from where you purchased it, or a local ASUS dealer? Mike
  8. That first pic is a classic... Mike
  9. I remember those, nothing like an ice cold bottle of Coke on a hot day, digging into the water & ice to find one was part of the cooling off.. Mike
  10. wtg Rick, every step to reduce spam here is very appreciated! Mike
  11. That's cool, what's the name of the B&B, and do they still have some of his things, e.g., books, fishing gear around? Mike dk, I figured that you were also a fan of Gierach from your sig... Mike
  12. me too ccmt, I'm living vicariously until 2007... Mike
  13. Just like the t-shirt modeled by our very own Joey recently... Mike
  14. Hey Weeds I don't know about the tribs but I believe this came up before, Lake O. is Div 8 so casting into the lake from shore, whether the main lake or one of the bays, is fishing Div 8. Mike
  15. Great, post that report with pics and every lurker will be hitting that Sobeys by tomorrow! You might as well have posted the GPS coordinates... Mike
  16. Not me, sadly, my season is done. Mike
  17. Some good lessons indeed, thanks for reporting back. Hope you get out again before season closer... Mike
  18. I have a bunch of fishing books, one of the ways I spend the winter waiting for softwater again. I really like reading John Gierach stories, even though I'm not a fly-fisherman. Good sense of humour, doesn't take things too seriously, writes well, and he's had lots of interesting trips. Tom McGuane and Nick Lyons are pretty good too. Mike
  19. How did you do? Mike
  20. I'm always impressed when I hear about somebody who's willing to break down their reels, given how many parts there are (at least from the manuals that came with my reels). I'm the kinda guy who will always end up with an "extra" piece at the end of it -- which is why I take my reels to a pro. Mike
  21. Geez Lew, why did you have to bring it up?? Mike
  22. John, When it comes down to it, it's up to the individual whether he's going to keep the fish or not, as long as it's within the regs. I wouldn't keep a fish like that myself, but I can't impose my personal views on somebody else. I could try to persuade somebody I'm fishing with, but it's ultimately up to him/her. (Just like it's up to the boat owner whether to go with a tiller or console, even though the right answer is TILLER). Mike Whopper: I just looked at the thread again, he was definitely respected and nobody brought up the keep issue...
  23. That is a cool pic indeed, I like the look of that trolling fly... Mike
  24. Wow what a fish. What a fight it must have given! Looked at some of the comments on the thread, sounded like this angler is well known locally... Mike
  25. Don't know any of those lakes, but I'll bet they are all good up there. And this'll bump your thread up... Mike
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