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Everything posted by setomonkey

  1. Nice fish guys, glad to see reports in December... Mike
  2. Yikes. I remember the ice storm, I had a bunch of friends who were without power for quite a long time. Mike
  3. Hi Roger: Too bad about the leaking, other things to check is to see if the ground around the foundation slopes away to prevent pooling, eavestroughs aren't clogged and drain well away from the foundation, sump pump is working properly and hose isn't clogged if there is one. I'm told that inside patches don't last long b/c they don't solve the problem (water coming through the foundation walls). Waterproofing on the outside, which means excavation etc., is expensive but it's the only long-term solution. Mike
  4. Be careful if you head out guys, I'm sure the tribs are high & fast after all the rain today... Mike
  5. I forgot the tourney results are reported at the Dec swill. Another reason to go if you haven't made up your mind yet... Mike
  6. Is the company's policy set in stone? Maybe they only ship UPS but would consider shipping USPS for you. Mike
  7. wtg, that's a nice 'ski to break your streak... Mike
  8. And I thought you had gotten into some kind of jam again... Mike
  9. Nanook, What browser are you using? I just downloaded Firefox and I have to admit I am impressed with how elegant it is compared to IE... Mike
  10. Glad you guys got out, and nice way to end, with a nice fish while getting ready to call it a day... Mike
  11. Nice entry for our team, Wayne! Mike
  12. Gotta love those days when everything comes together, makes up and more for the skunkings... Mike
  13. Great intro, you've figured out the secret (lots of pics). Welcome to the board... Mike
  14. You were out there, that's dedication! Mike
  15. Would probably help if you can stand the smell! I'd suggest soaking the luers in hot water for awhile and then rinse. Mike
  16. Good advice from ricoboxing, you haven't just cut the caffeine you've also cut the habit of having a hot drink, flavour of coffee etc. I have cut down my caffeine over the past couple of years, rarely drink colas anymore and I drink much less coffee. Sounds like you've already gone "cold turkey" but I found it easier to slowly cut down, first in number of cups of coffee and then mixing up caf & decaf. Mike
  17. Amazing pics guys, what kind of resolution cameras do you have? We have a 4 megapixel camera that's several years old, good enough for casual photos, fishing & cottaging but I don't think good enough for the kinds of shots you are posting here... Mike
  18. Either of those suggestions should work, the only other thing I can think of is to check that your browser has cookies & java enabled. Mike
  19. I read your trilogy out of order, first dinner then breakfast and now lunch. Funny set of stories, I've encountered some pretty ambitious panfish too. Mike
  20. Fun trilogy, but you're freaking me out in that pic with those EYES... It's like they are following me as I move around the computer... eerie... Mike
  21. It's going to be a looooooooooong winter... Mike
  22. My season is pretty much done and I didn't make any contributions to my team (Team 5). I guess I'll have to start planning for next year's tourney... Mike
  23. Glad you got out with your grandpa again, and nice trout! I'd also guess around 7 lbs for that last one... Mike
  24. Cool, maybe it won't only be the misty jrs asking for his autograph at the swill! Mike
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