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Everything posted by setomonkey

  1. setomonkey 99,056. Oh wait, you're going to check the old board... Mike
  2. What, no pics?? Great report, very cool about that last fish by the parking lot. Mike
  3. You want to keep an eye on that, so it doesn't get worse... lol Mike
  4. brfishrgy, if you're cleaning the fish to bring home, you're supposed to leave a patch of skin so that COs can identify the species and, I guess based on the scale size, how big the fish was. Mike
  5. Fantastic trout pics guys, congrats on an amazing day on the Niagara... Mike
  6. Nice fish, guys, and glad you had a chance to go fishing with a fellow OFNer... Mike
  7. I don't think you can access the old galleries anymore, you might be able to find it doing a websearch... Mike
  8. You can get them online, or pick up a copy the next time you are at a tackle store. I always check them before heading out to a new body of water, and it's handy to have with you as well, either on the boat or at your cottage or ... Happy fishing, Mike
  9. Meeting OFNers is one of my favorite things about this board. I've had a chance to go fishing with a couple of other members, ran into a couple of members this past spring fishing the lakeshore, and met some folks on my way back from Memquisit during the Lakair g2g. Glad you hit it off so well! Mike
  10. great report & pics, guys, a really nice muskie outing! Mike
  11. Great story! Where did you find it? Mike
  12. Nice muskie! Thanks for the story behind the picture too... Mike
  13. Sounds like a fun night, thanks for posting the report... Mike
  14. Thought this was interesting... Mike ---------------- Fish will change attitude to fit in in school TENILLE BONOGUORE Globe and Mail update Fish have personalities and will change their behaviour to fit in with other fishes, researchers from the University of Liverpool have found. Rainbow trout were deemed ‘bold' or ‘shy' depending on how they reacted to Lego blocks being dropped into their fish tank: If they went to investigate the new blocks quickly, they were bold. Fish that shied away from the new stimulus were shy. The researchers then compared how these fish reacted when given a chance to mingle with other fish, and when put in view of another fish in a different tank. It turns out, shy fish tend not to take on bolder fish when competing for territory, but if they come up against other shy fish they can start to adopt the outgoing traits of the bold fish. The researchers surmised this could be because the shy fish recognize the shyness, and are willing to take on a competitor they think they can beat. Bold fish, on the other hand, will tone down their behaviour to fit in with more shy counterparts. Dr. Lynne Sneddon and Ashley Frost, from the University's School of Biological Sciences, let the fish interact for 15 minutes a day for one week. “Rainbow trout are a highly aggressive species and naturally form relationships of dominance in a very short time period. They chase after each other to try and exert their dominance,” Dr. Sneddon said. “We found that bold fish that lost their ‘battle' became shyer than usual and shy fish who won their ‘battle' became bolder.” The more time the fish spent together, the more their behaviour changed, she said. Dr. Sneddon told the London Times that the idea that fish have poor memories that only retain information for a matter of seconds was a myth. “Studies have shown that fish can remember for anything up to three years, and current thinking in fish biology is that fish are very diverse in behaviour within any population,” she told the Times. “They also learn from their experiences: They adjust their behaviour according to what they pick up from others.” The research was published on Wednesday by Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B.
  15. A lot of people don't realize that fishing is a blood sport, whether you keep your catch or not. Nice report, I thought we were committed going out on G. Bay on Thursday, but we weren't in a canoe! Mike
  16. All good, I wonder if some people are having problems b/c of the way their browser is set up for cookies? Mike
  17. All I can say is captured in one word: WOW ! ! ! Great report, what an amazing fishery! Mike
  18. I bet he's thinking about what he's going to post next... Good stuff, Roy, you're donig a heckuva job... Mike
  19. My wife and I both like to cook, and we probably split it about even. I'm better at some things and dishes and she's better at others. I do almost all the BBQing and she is amazing at sauces. And you single guys, forget the flash clothes or car, if you really want to impress a date, learn to cook! My wife still mentions the wild mushroom & rosemary pasta I made for her on our first official date... Mike
  20. Congrats, that's an amazing night of fishing. Glad you persevered, and nice to hear that the OFC community was helpful to you in your quest for fish. Shore fisher unite! wtg! Mike
  21. Thanks Big Swede, but we decided to go to Georgian Bay out of Midland instead. Beautiful day on the water but we were skunked. Mike
  22. It was a fun day, Dave, always good to meet another OFNer and spend a day on the water, fishing and telling stories. Frost, fog, & a little ice at the launch, you know it's fall fishing... Had only fished Georgian Bay once before, at the mouth of the French River. Never fished the south side before. More scenery Dave at the helm of his Lund, very nice ride! tjsa, I usually bring the cellphone only for emergencies too but I promised my wife I'd give her a call during the day to let her know I was still alive. She thought it was pretty dubious to get up at 5 am, drive to Barrie, meet up with someone I didn't know, fish a place I'd never been, in a boat I'd never seen! For those of you who've thought about making plans to fish with an OFNer, I highly recommend it. Not only did I survive but Dave (tinbanger) was great company for my last day on softwater this season, even if no muskie showed themselves. The other guys who launched around the same time got back shortly after us and didn't have any luck either. Mike
  23. Admit it Roy, he managed to get an old pic of yours and posted it here! LOL Mike
  24. My PB WGSF, posted on the old board... (back in Nipissing to make more big ones...) Mike
  25. Wayne, You either have a way better computer screen than I do or you're a lot better at reading blurry images. Must be the pilot eyes! Mike
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