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Everything posted by setomonkey

  1. I was waiting for somebody to mention this... Mike
  2. Thanks guys, I've been hearing Temagami is a tough lake to figure out. What about one of the smaller lakes nearby? Mike Thanks guys, I've been hearing Temagami is a tough lake to figure out. What about one of the smaller lakes nearby? Or would you recommend somewhere else up to 6-7 hours from Toronto? Mike
  3. Sounds like a full day of shore fishing, thanks for posting the report... Mike
  4. Happy bday, TJ! Mike
  5. You guys are bold, or maybe I'm too timid... I'll be too full anyway if my eating plans work out. Mike
  6. Happy birthday, Roger, hope you don't suffer the "curse" of people who are born close to Christmas, where your family tries to convince you that a single bigger present is good for both occasions! Mike
  7. Disaster resulting in loss of your old bass boat??? That'll be some story... Best wishes for the holidays, Mike
  8. nice prize, that's a beautiful photo. Love shots of wildlife. Mike
  9. Great slideshow! Welcome to the board, Al, heck of an intro... Mike
  10. Good story, too bad about the lack of fish but with this mild winter you'll probably get some more chances soon... Mike
  11. Hi all, My buddy and I usually plan our annual fishing trip in the Fall but for various reasons I won't bore you with we haven't gotten around to talking about it until now. We've fished Nippissing the last couple of years and have enjoyed it but would like to try something new. It's a big province and there are so many great fishing opportunities, so we would like to keep exploring. Was curious about the Temagami region. Don't know it at all, and I'm hoping that some of you would be able to recommend one of the smaller lakes in the region. I can use TJ's lodge guide and do some online searching to find specific lodges, but I don't know where to start looking first. We usually go on our week away in late June (has overlapped with the Lakair g2g the last two years), but we're a bit flexible with time if that's not a good time to go (or if the lodges are already booked up). We're not stuck on the Temagami region either, if you want to suggest another new region to try. Any help appreciated! Mike
  12. It's raining right now in downtown Toronto, not the weather I'm used to at this time of year! Hmmm, chance of a white Christmas is looking mighty low... Mike
  13. Always glad to hear the COs are out. Just wish there were more of 'em. And sounds like a fun day of perchin', what were you using? Mike
  14. Congrats again, she's a cutie. Mom looks tired. Mike
  15. My impression is that fishing-related jobs are not easy to find, but I can imagine how rewarding they are for someone who is really passionate about fishing and about building a career involving fishing. Hopefully somebody will have more help they can post here, but I dont think anything can beat contacting fishing stores, lodges, maybe even magazines with your resume and showing them your enthusiasm. Good luck, Mike
  16. I've only fished a few OFNCers -- FHR, tinbanger, gforce -- and would happily fish with them again. Lots of OFNCers I'd like to fish with, it's hard to choose b/c there are so many experienced anglers who know their stuff and sound like great company too. Lew, Raf & Diplip, Irishfield, MuskyBill, Whopper, Spiel, the plumma brothers... (this could be a long, long post) Mike
  17. Mike
  18. Christmas Story, hands-down. Some classic scenes. Mike
  19. Maureen, Mind Games has multiple locations (not sure which is closest to you) and has the kinds of puzzles you are describing. Lots of interesting card and board games too. Mind Games website I'm impressed with your friend's husband, I got one of those puzzles you are talking about (interlocking metal rings with a cord woven through it), where there is only one way to separate the rings, and I still haven't solved it (and it was only medium difficulty!) Mike
  20. The changes for Nipissing stood out for me too, esp. given the Lakair g2g and the Nipissing fans on the board. Thanks for posting it... Mike
  21. Congrats, that is great news! Mike
  22. fishindevil, Don't worry about it, it's kind of interesting how these kinds of hoax emails keep circulating. What I don't get is why somebody would enjoy passing bogus info along... Big pike no matter where it was caught. Mike
  23. Used to live near High Park in Toronto and saw a coyote walking in a small parkette by our house one fall, must have wandered over looking for food. I heard there was a small resident population in High Park. Not a good area to let your cats go outside (!). Mike
  24. Then you're decision is clear, right? From other threads, looks like BPS, LeB, and JB's will all be open for boxing day with no-tax sales. You could spend the whole day hitting all three... Mike
  25. I'd think pike (see snag's latest report from the Islands) and trout in local tribs. Mike
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