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Everything posted by setomonkey

  1. amazing to see how much diversity there is on OFC, with only one certain interest in common . . . Mike
  2. Nice chromer! Mike
  3. Definitely a good idea to have PFDs on the little ones, looks like there are lots of people around but that water is really cold and better to be safe with them. Mike
  4. Looks like it would be fun with kids or if you're hankering for a perch meal... Mike
  5. Who would expect to see Erie or O reports at this time of year? Nice catch... Mike
  6. Nice job, mistyjr! Mike
  7. Faster downloads too, it's worth getting Pro over the free version. Mike
  8. Photoz, yeah it's on, I was at LeB to pick up a few things on Boxing Day and they had coupons to save $1 off the admission. Mike
  9. Spiel's got it, no legit bank email will ask you for personal info. They might make announcements but will then give you a link to their secure sites... Mike
  10. So that's what that stuff on the ground is... Doesn't look like it's going to last though... Mike
  11. Nice brown! Mike
  12. Congrats on the first 'bows, the firsts are always memorable. Mike
  13. But won't it take some extended below freezing temps to be safe for ice-fishing? Saw another thread that Rob Hyatt had to cancel a hut booking for early January... Mike
  14. It'll never stop, unless you live on your own or hide your spending... Mike
  15. Sleeping in sounds good! Mike
  16. congrats on the promotion... Mike
  17. They are supposed to work, and they're less expensive in the long run than doing the rustproofing sprays every year. Mike
  18. Great pics, those are beautiful trout. Not a shot at Bojangles, who also posts great trout reports, but I'd rather see pics with no background or water only than the photoshopped backgrounds (though he does them really well). Mike
  19. Nice job, I think it's very cool to make your own lures and then catch fish on those lures. I think the black & orange looks particularly good (sorry Lew!) Mike
  20. Old school, the way they did it before sonar, GPS, and trolling guides... Mike
  21. I'd get it checked out, a month is a long time to have a recurring cough. Mike
  22. Welcome back, glad to hear you are cancer-free... Mike
  23. I very briefly stopped in at BPS on Boxing Day, I don't know what I was thinking because the parking lot was a zoo with all the sale shoppers (not just for BPS). It's nice to save money but not at that price! Mike
  24. If you want legit versions, then I've heard only good things about iTunes. You have to be careful with the P2P software, like others have mentioned there is a chance of downloading viruses, spyware etc. You have to know what you are doing and keep up to date with your anti-virus, anti-spyware, etc. to keep your computer clean... Mike
  25. Getting on TV sounds like fun, and glad you got those floater suits. Fished with your dad on Georgian Bay about a month ago and we were talking about how comfortable those suits are, and safer too with cold water. Mike
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