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Everything posted by setomonkey

  1. Could be anywhere! Bet the ice-fishing is awesome in Nunavut... Mike
  2. That's cool, how deep is the water that you were fishing? Did you catch any other species? Nice to see pics from somewhere warm... Mike
  3. Never say never, Rick! Who knows what the next generation board will be like. All I know is, I will want to be a member as long as I have access to a computer... Good work, thanks for keeping us posted. Mike
  4. Going back to Bojangles first post, it's his choice what he wants to do with his pics, whether to post, photoshop, or blur. I don't like the fake backgrounds so I have stopped reading his posts, but it's not personal and as he says, it's my choice whether or not I look at his reports. What I do appreciate is his passion for the fishery. I'm sure stocking, water levels, angler numbers etc. have all affected the trout numbers, but it would probably be in better shape if more people cared about it. Mike
  5. I camped once at Frontenac Park, near Kingston. There are several camp clusters on the big lake (Big Salmon), and there are a number of smaller lakes you can portage into for the day. Canoe rental available, nice scenery, and we did well catching some lakers deep and smallies in the mornings and afternoon. Mike
  6. Thanks for the reports from somewhere warm, much appreciated after coming back from a walk in the park at -11C! Mike
  7. I've got the Eagle Fish Easy 2 and like it, around $200 I think. I got a rechargeable battery & charger for it, heavier than a bunch of D batteries but I can run the sonar for days w/o needing a charge and it's cheaper in the long run. Mike
  8. It was a good effort, hopefully the attention from this site and the knowledge that there are people out there who will take photos and will contact the MNR will make a few think twice about purposefully breaking the regs... Mike
  9. Nice thick pike, congrats on a great day on the open water... Mike
  10. Looks like a piece of paradise... Just five more months until my fishing trip in June... sigh... Mike
  11. I don't care how old a trip is either, a great story and some nice pre-digital pics of beautiful places. Thanks for posting it. Mike
  12. Great views, congrats Peter, hope you get lots of enjoyment out of it... Mike
  13. Done the shore and trib fishing thing but my favourite way to fish is from a boat. I like moving around, trying different spots, finding offshore structure like weedbeds and humps, and if I have to, I'll troll some promising spots... Mike
  14. Who would expect softwater whitefish reports from mid-January?? Congrats on a successful outing... Mike
  15. Welcome, tell us a little something about yourself. Where do you fish, some pics, maybe a story or two... Mike
  16. 3.5 months, on your own in remote country. Maybe not so remote to you but for a city-dweller like me it's an amazing adventure. You wouldn't be boring us with more stories if you have time to type them up here, think of it as practice for that book you might write some day! Mike
  17. At least you got out, looks like a beautiful day... Mike
  18. Okay, I reconsidered my answer, definitely not stressed, but it can be frustrating if it's a spot you've fished before with success. I try not to get frustrated in new spots because I know it takes time to figure them out. Mike
  19. I think there's a few fans of Lakair Lodge on the board... Check out its neighbours too, like Samoset or Memquisit. Mike
  20. I don't get stressed, but I'd rather catch fish than not catch fish. Getting skunked happens, it's more important to me if I have a nice day on the water, good company, try a new lake or new tactic or lure... Mike
  21. Congrats guys, BOQ is proving again why it's so renowned for trophy walleye fishing! Mike
  22. You'll catch one I'm sure, you're getting some hits and you are learning more about this kind of fishing... Keep at it, Mike
  23. Yup, close to UofT's Mississauga campus. Good luck, Mike
  24. Amazing that you got out on Simcoe in your folding boat, better luck next time... Mike
  25. Congrats on getting your 2007 catchin' season started... Mike
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