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Everything posted by setomonkey

  1. Nice report, you'd think it was spring already, instead of early January, from some of the riverside scenes! Mike
  2. What a year, thanks for the overview and reminder of some of the great reports you've postd in 2006. As a fellow geek, I'm impressed with the numbers you posted too. Lots of interesting details, though the one that got me is how many days you managed (62). That's probably 2-2.5 seasons of fishing days for me. I've got to get out more. Mike
  3. Nice bass! Does anybody know how long it takes for a fish to change colour? I've caught some bass in murky waters that were really pale, and I've also caught really dark fish like the ones in the pics. Mike
  4. Another nice report, gcd. Of course, I think any report where you ain't nekkid is a good one... Mike
  5. Congrats Jamie! Thanks for the report... Mike
  6. How many "last report of the season" can you post? Wear that fishing scar with pride... Mike
  7. One more thing, already mentioned by a few of the others, you should also get and make sure your anti-virus and anti-spyware software is up to date. Avoiding viruses, spam, and other hassles means being careful about your computer security. No need to spend a lot of money either, some free programs that I like are AVG (anti-virus), SpywareBlaster and Ad-Aware Personal (anti-spyware). Mike
  8. There are some green shoots appearing in our garden, they are in for a real surprise if/when it gets cold... Mike
  9. I don't use Outlook Express so I'm not sure how to help you. But once you hopefully get sorted out, do the following to avoid spam: 1. Never, never, did I say never?, reply to spam. All that does is confirm that your email address is valid, which means it will stay on spammer lists. 2. Create a freebie email account online (Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo, AOL, it doesn't matter) and use that to register for websites, enter online contests, etc. One way spammers get email addresses is to pick them up in public access areas, so you want to avoid using the one you have at work or at home. 3. Never post your home or work email address here or in other public forums. Use PMs or the email function via the board. 300+ spam a day, geez that would really bug me... hope you get it sorted out. Mike
  10. hey ccmt, just took a look at a couple of videos, you guys are good! Mike
  11. I think you already know the answer, Wayne! Mike
  12. Nice-looking trout, at least you got to see a fish today and I'll bet you'll catch one if you keep at it... Mike
  13. Go get 'em, ch, and post your first (?) walleye report of 2007... Mike
  14. Now THAT'S a Canadian fishing trip memory to last a lifetime... Mike
  15. Cool, glad you had a chance to get out and catch some fish! Mike
  16. Hey I know those spots! Thanks for posting the report, I'd been curious about the Credit... Mike
  17. Amazing, I'm reading boat fishing reports on Jan 4... I know there's the occasional one from the Niagara but the Holland River?? Mike
  18. Congrats, you kept at it and it paid off in the final few minutes... Nice 'eye! Mike
  19. Great trout pictures, you've had a good fall & winter, it looks like... Wayne, the individual pictures aren't that big, there's just a lot of 'em! Mike
  20. Nice trout, sounds like a beautiful winter day... But you can keep the ice as far as I'm concerned... Mike
  21. Thanks for helping clean up the garbage, ccmt. I really don't understand why anybody who likes fishing would like to see the scenery spoiled by litter. Do they never plan to return to that trib again? Does it bother them that there are coffee cups, old line, etc. strewn around when they go fishing? Do you understand why locals might get fed up and eventually get bylaws passed prohibiting fishing in public areas? Mike
  22. That's impressive, I hope you appreciate what she did for you! Mike
  23. Keep up the good work, Rick and other admins... Mike
  24. Best wishes to all OFNCers for 2007... May you catch [prettier/more/bigger/new/lots/special] fish this year... Mike
  25. Damn, 76 days on the water is pretty good! I'd like to fish more in 2007, catch another musky, catch a new species, and heck, why not, catch a pike or musky over 40". Mike
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