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bare foot wader

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Everything posted by bare foot wader

  1. you'll notice I said very few.... but if you watch your malamute fight wolves long enough, eventually his day his coming....just like watching two closely matched boxers, they both have winning and losing days
  2. Sorry for you loss, its never easy losing a pet, and it's even tougher to predators Some domestic dogs stand a good chance against a pair of single coyote or eastern wolves, but very few, even the largest, stand much chance against a pack. A pet is a permanent attractant to your residence, he will constantly attract them unless they have learned the reward is not worth the risk. I find a 40 grain sleeping pill from my trusty old 222 to be quite effective, but there are many other options out there if you want a real wolf dog, look into the various breeds of livestock guardian dogs, but working dogs are generally not great pets
  3. ah, the miracle of social justice lol...BC has clearly worded legislation about harassing wildlife (so does ON), but in some provinces this would not be an offence....at least facebook is good for something actually productive now (stupid people just can't seem to learn to not post their stuff online) chasing and circling a moose with a jetboat in a lake, and jumping on it, is entirely different from a rodeo horse...stress to a wild animal is more severe than stress to livestock, in a province where moose numbers are dwindling in 2/3 of the management zones (although the Tuchodi is still abundant, but it gets guys pissed off to see crap like this going on)....when the original facebook feed got taken down it was a resident hunter who saved the videos off youtube and alerted the CO's, at least the media isn't spinning this to be negative light on hunters personally hoping the boat operator and moose cowboy get steep fines and boat impounded till fines are paid
  4. I bought a $200 fancy plano bag, it is nice but absolutely not worth the money....3 years later zippers are broken, the outside compartments are too small/not practically designed IMO, carrying strap broke, etc, etc so now I just buy these for tackle on the boat, super easy http://www.cabelas.ca/product/45234/cabelas-quick-stow-convertible-tackle-bag-3650 simms ultra manly fanny pack on the rivers.....and for shore fishing/hiking and exploring, I use a backpack with trays stocked up for what I plan to do on that day
  5. that is awesome! I should have sued for a truck wash, sun baked loogies all over my door, they require scrubbing to get those things off lol
  6. I had a confrontation with a cyclist before, I despise most cyclists and I'm an avid mountain biker myself, their attitude on the road sucks.....I believe unless there is a local bylaw in place they are allowed to pass on the right, provided it is "safe to do so" and that is the grey area.....I was turning right and a leg shaving, spandex clad roadie smashed into me, dude starts screaming spitting on my truck (casual FYI - you don't look tough wearing spandex....) I told him to call the cops and after a few minutes of cursing and pretending to be hurt he pedalled away....I called a cop buddy and asked his opinion, he said with my turn signal on it was unsafe for the cyclists to pass me
  7. Following up a previous thread that went mildly sideways...thought it was a timely article http://london.ctvnews.ca/coyote-attack-in-southeast-london-park-police-issue-warning-1.2365665 Police are asking area residents to be on alert after a female was injured by a coyote early Friday. A male and a female were reportedly walking through South Branch Park around 8:30 a.m. when a coyote jumped on the female from behind, knocking her to the ground. As she struggled, she suffered injuries to her arm and face, fortunately her friend was able to pull the coyote off of her, preventing further injury. She was treated in hospital and released. Anyone using the trails in the park on the north bank of the Thames River between Adelaide Street North and Egerton Street are reminded to be cautious. Police say the area is populated by coyotes and people should avoid travelling through the area alone. Anyone with information on aggressive animals is asked to call Animal Control or London police at 519-661-5670.
  8. great to hear about the success! steelheading and river fishing has a steep learning curve, but when it comes together it really comes together quickly, just gotta keep at it accidental oos is very common, you can avoid certain spots but it's inevitable to happen and clearly did the right thing releasing it.....the thing with pics, friendly advice can sometimes perceived the wrong way I didn't see your pic, but fish in the net sounds way better than flopping around, props for that...but I believe the official response from the MNR is OOS are to be released immediately, taking pictures is not immediately and can cause unnecessary stress and warrant a fine, depends on the specific CO
  9. some of my favourite lakes I grew up fishing in that list, brings back some memories, but very sad to hear it sounds like they just continued to get worse after I stopped visiting.....pm sent
  10. ginseng is big money, spent some time in NC, lot of redneck hillbillies in them parts
  11. those are very nice....you flip them or just collect? there is a bit of a niche market for old colemans those old lanterns sure beat the new stuff they have out now
  12. awesome video
  13. this is an awesome thread! grouse/chicken teriyaki noodles moose nachos
  14. have had 4 sets of aluminum rims on my last 3 trucks, never had an issue with leaking rims, maybe I got lucky with good tire shops only ever bent one rim, and it was bad, my fault
  15. I went through the same thing, be careful if they are overly rusted....clr cleaned them up great, quick touch up with my hook sharpener, go fishing and the hooks were breaking, points breaking off and lots of missed fish...or hooks breaking during the fight
  16. if you fish smaller water bodies I wouldn't bother.....if you are on high traffic waters I'd say it's pretty affordable and nice to have protection
  17. looks sharp! well done with regards to the foam, my boat has taken on a lot water before I installed a float switch on the bilge pump...I'm planning to redo my floors soon, how do you test the foam? I would imagine the surface would appear dry, do you drill to the center to check for moisture? I think pouring foam might be a smarter idea for my boat
  18. no boat pic handy, this is my truck last weekend
  19. LOL I'll try to work on it for ya where's the logic in one of group of outdoorsman, arguing with another legal group of outdoorsman, based purely on emotional opinions? shooting coyotes is legal, not hurting their population, and to chris' one point, yes the hide is not wasted, it's being used to make me a new hat!
  20. hmm, since when are humans not part of nature?....a coyote gets killed by a wolf, the pack learns to avoid wolves....I shoot a coyote, the pack learns to stay away from my dogs....mother nature working in perfect harmony IMO this guy is gonna keep my head warm next winter
  21. I wasn't suggesting that, I was making the point that hunting alone will not hurt their current numbers...emotions and politics aside, I support most hunting if it is sustainable by artificial population control, you mean human influence? I can assure you there are indeed models where artificial population control has been very effect....look at aerial shooting of wolves in western provinces God bless Canada indeed, thought we had a proud tradition of hunting and trapping...
  22. coyotes are not endangered, they thrive in all conditions and human development has helped spread their population...you need to remove 70% of their population annually to even see a reduction in numbers, they are very resilient I'm not worried about preyed upon myself lol, but I care about my dogs a lot more than a coyote....
  23. I am not a coyote fan at all.....from my experiences, wild coyotes/hunted coyotes tend to be timid and quick to run off...coyotes near city limits/industrial areas/work sites (aka not hunted with easy food sources) tend to be much more aggressive and show little fear of humans If you have house pets, monitor when they are outside, coyote swiped my ex gf's cats in our yard, watched them challenge my dog 20' away with me standing right there....get a few coyotes together and they have no problem tackling large breed domestic dogs they often try to lure my dogs off the ice into woods while fishing in the winter, the female will act playful as the bait, and the rest of her pack is waiting in the woods.....had a close call when my dog was 6 months old...but now my dog is coyote smart and I have a few tails on the wall in my basement lol
  24. Looks like a wicked trip, perfect timing Noticed you're sporting a Filson vest? I have the same vest, ancient and well used, somewhere in my parents basement, reminds me I should dig it up...great little vest
  25. cleaning is one thing, but restoring is another thing....you want to keep the patina looking at those pics, I'd give it a light wipe down with a cloth to clean off the dust, but wouldn't do anything aggressive
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