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bare foot wader

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Everything posted by bare foot wader

  1. I believe gun and ammo sales spiked after talk of stricter gun control, following Obama's election and a few high profile shootings...and 22 has lower margins like aplumma mentioned, so it doesn't make sense for manufacturers to invest in better equipment I went 2 months without any rimfire ammo last year and started hoarding ever since, there is no shortage in my house anymore lol...if you want 22, it is out there if you don't mind online ordering...but prices are constantly rising, I would imagine you'd take an extra hit on shipping to the NWT I watched CCI green tags go from 16.99/100 to 26.99/100 at various retailers in BC...even cheap American eagle went from 2.79/50 to 3.79 between stockings on the shelf
  2. if you plan to get on any bigger waterbodies I'd go for the 9.9 personally, otherwise sounds like you're on the right track every aluminum I've rented or used at fly in's has had a 9.9 on it
  3. I just heard of a ticket for this the other day, it was in AB though....conversation in a store, not sure if it's actually true Distracted driving is a form of impaired driving as a driver's judgment is compromised when they are not fully focused on the road. Distracted driving qualifies as talking on a cell phone, texting, reading (e.g. books, maps, and newspapers), using a GPS, watching videos or movies, eating/drinking, smoking, personal grooming, adjusting the radio/CD and playing extremely loud music. Even talking to passengers and driving while fatigued (mentally and/or physically) can be forms of distracted driving. http://www.rcmp-grc.gc.ca/cycp-cpcj/dd-dv/index-eng.htm
  4. if thing stay well mannered, perhaps there's some ideas that could be used in the girls speech I'm not one of them, I mostly c&r but I do keep a fish if I don't think it'll survive, even if my intentions weren't to bring any home that day (I think a lot of bass anglers should reconsider their handling techniques too) I shoot coyotes and wolves any chance I get, and I don't eat them, I do skin them (my coyote hunting skills are far superior to my wolf skills lol) you said "eat what you hunt"...I'm asking you if you eat what you fish, because all the fish you release do not survive...so why do you fish for them? you're killing fish purely for the personal enjoyment of the fight...that is the mindset anti's have, if you think anti's don't have an agenda with fishing the same as hunting, you're wrong....anglers pointing fingers at hunters (trophy or meat hunters) is pretty pathetic IMO the thing many don't consider is sustainability of the harvest, and the dollars that hunting puts back to conservation...how much money and effort has groups like P3TA invested in actually protecting wild spaces? rehabilitation work? they are narrow mindedly focused only on the killing aspect...do they protect marshlands like DU does? do they do streamside work in rivers? well managed trophy hunting, including hunts for threatened species, puts dollars back into conservation read this article, do you see the Humane Society offering to donate 350K to help fund conservancy programs? http://www.cnn.com/2014/01/16/us/black-rhino-hunting-permit/
  5. typical ignorant statement... what do you think anti's think of fishing? and catch and release fishing and mortality rates? do you think every single fish you've released has survived? if you're not keeping your catch and stopping when you hit your limit, why bother fishing, purely for the entertainment of the fight?
  6. I would try to educate her on the concept of sustainable hunting, harvest vs growth rates, population management, and reasons to promote predator control...show her the other side of the fence, that anti hunters don't ever touch on....regardless of her hunting opinion, sounds like a smart girl, she might be outsmarting you soon enough!
  7. it seems to be normal on my ammo and reloading orders...fishing and clothing orders tend to flow smoothly I was told they have an issue with backordered items showing as in stock on the website, this has burned me a few times, it seems to be an ongoing issue.....
  8. I looked up a local plastics company, told them what I wanted, told me to poke through the scrap bin for free, if I didn't find anything I liked it was $25 for 1' x 1' of 1" hdpe...I found a suitable scrap piece
  9. that's awesome! step in the right direction
  10. I did buy the boat in Vancouver, where it spent it's life and the past few years it has been north of Prince George, experienced some -40 each winter
  11. if this was anybody but a family member, I'd just rip their logic apart...but the family connection calls for a finesse approach I think the best approach, is to let her give her speech...anything but will only make her more determined, and she's already iron willed by the sounds of it I'd take the video camera, so when she eventually surely changes her mind on hunting, thanks to her outdoorsy fathers' upbringing, you can replay her childhood speech for many years to come, it'll be a good laugh
  12. It sounds like moeller zinc chromate primer is the way to go, and Johnson white top coat I took out my trolling motor batteries but left the starting battery connected and in the boat...not sure if that would affect anything? the other side of the outboard is completely fine, no cracks, no bubbling or flaking
  13. I replaced the anode when I first bought the boat used, so it has been a couple of years...I'll check that and possible fuel leak maybe
  14. Took the covers off this past weekend and found a disappointing surprise, paint peeling on my outboard. It's a 97 Johnson 90hp, I've owned the boat 4 years now, winterize, cover and tarp, park under covered roof for the winter. The boat has seen fair share of saltwater use, but none last year, and has always been properly rinsed after use, engine flushed, deck, engine and hulls scrubbed with soapy fresh water. Always thought I did a good job maintaining it, not sure what caused the peeling, I'm assuming some sort of moisture issue being wrapped all winter...the paint only peeled on the side of the leg that was tilted down Anyways, any tips for repainting? not my expertise but planning to do it on my own...so far it seems like I need to wire wheel, sand, wipe with acetone, prime and repaint is this paint appropriate for the size of repair I need to do? I have a few air compressors, should I be looking into buying a spray gun? http://shop.evinrude.com/product/659823/777171/_/Evinrude_-_White__1981-thru
  15. muskies are not invincible, they put up maybe 1/3 the fight compared to saltwater fish, and spinning gear is common for inshore...spinning gear is common for shore fishing sturgeon your budget will dictate what suggestions to give you I'd look at a shimano 5000 or 6000 spinning reel, stradic, saguaro...on the cheaper end, penn battle reel....braid 50 or up penn, shimano and st Croix all have rods that would do what you want....just a matter how much you feel like spending
  16. their customer service is top notch for things like returns, not satisfied, wrong sizing, price matching, etc....customer service on the floor is usually crap in my experience, staff are often not knowledgeable, same as any other big box store their Canadian stores suck big time they still have good clearance sales I prefer BPS, but it's not like they are amazing either, share some common issues, but just a little better IMO
  17. The local CO's were requesting coyote carcasses a while back, testing for a new strain of parvo...vaccination isn't a guarantee by any means, but I do believe it helps The more interaction your dog has with other dogs, wildlife, livestock, etc the more risk there is to contract something I've always thought it odd that most kennels and dog sitters require paperwork for vacs, but groomers don't seem to ask
  18. damn...I was going to say we forgot the booze on a fishing camping trip once...but that polar bear story takes the cake! lots of little accidents over the years....biggest near miss was a huge submerged tree getting caught on my anchor rope on the fraser, pretty terrifying, luckily my anchor popped and bounced along until we got the boat off, lost my setup but learned a few lessons...if it was really anchored we would've been swimming
  19. downrigger rod will work fine most mooching rods tend to be in the 10-11' range, a little extra length doesn't hurt but a rigger rod will work too for me the challenge wasn't avoiding knuckles, but reeling like crazy when they turn back at you, it is fun for sure
  20. Just asked the vet sitting beside me lepto is primarily spread through rats/rat urine...if your dog is likely to have contact with rat urine than it's advisable to continue with the vaccine is this a straight lepto vaccine, or a parvo, distemper, carona combo? does he react only this way to the lepto vaccine? if you are sure he's sensitive only to the lepto, you can get a lepto antibody titer to see if he actually needs the vaccine, his body may possibly have sufficient immunity to mount a defense against virus what breed is he also? my chocolate lab is a hunting dog, he eats various guts of wild game but has also refined his "fox jump" and devours mice and rats all the time....I get him fully vaccinated, but on the topic of worms, make sure your dewormer covers tapeworm, found out this past year I needed to treat tapeworm separately...don't ask how I noticed his infection lol I hope Ralphie is feeling better soon
  21. so, how'd it taste? definitely weird looking, don't blame him for wearing gloves to handle it lol
  22. lots of sketchy drivers out there, at least no one was injured in your videos just curious what camera you're using? I was looking at one at Costco the other day, kind of wish I bought it for a roadtrip, lots of crazy stuff happened, would've been great footage
  23. the BC gov't is largely to blame for the first point, especially the liberal government the past few years...Christy Clarke and her "world class environmental standards" is a joke, look at mount polley....giving Nestle free ground water to provide a whopping 17 jobs to the economy in Hope, BC...BC hydro selling power to the US for cheaper than residents, not following through on promises following flooding valleys for hydro dams....foreign owned guide outfitters donating to the liberals campaign and then we see game allocations shifted from residents to the outfitters...but that's a huge other subject lol wolves are opportunistic, caribou, moose, elk, deer, cattle...moose numbers are hurting in certain regions of BC for the same reasons as the caribou many resource companies also do fund enviro projects wolves don't rely on habitat the way ungulates do, opening up huge tracts of land from logging, pipelines, etc create easy travel highways for the wolves to cover more ground...wolves can cover upwards of 50km per day, ungulates cover much less backcountry snowmobiling also provides tracks for many animals to follow, wolves included...wolves have the advantage in deep snow over ungulates....ungulates tend to have a migration and winter ranges in the mountains, they need to stay with their winter food sources or starve, and at the same time the wolves can travel greater distances much easier in winter the wolves are not the only reason, and certainly not the largest reason behind the decline, but at present time they are the largest threat to the recovery plan...land is now protected, much tougher standards to get permits approved, but the caribou need to live long enough to rebound in the 70's and 80's aerial culls were common place and populations were more balanced...a lot of the opponents criticise the cull based on other similar projects claim to have failed in recent years, but it takes upwards of a decade to see the results....the critics don't seem to mention how things worked out in Ft Nelson back in the day
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