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Everything posted by 4x4bassin

  1. That is indeed a big lake trout for Ontario waters , congrats !
  2. Are you fishing near another finder , I know mine acts up due to interference from the other finder in the vicinity. Other than that I have no problem seeing a 1/2 oz jig in 100 ft of water
  3. I heard them last night as well, shook the house . I thought the walls/roof were falling apart .I too thought I was crazy . I let the dog out and she was really on edge , she could really hear them I guess because she wanted nothing to do with being outside .
  4. Working right through the holidays , no shut down at Air Canada . Been there for 25 years so I'm use too the shift work .
  5. I just seen on the news that there is a lot of transformer problems/fires(not surprised) north of Toronto Joey . You are lucky you still have power if you are seeing this in your area ! Just snow so far around my neck of the woods .
  6. Well said Merc , couldn't agree more . Cheers to you and the rest of the OFC !
  7. Starter is pooched ! Try lightly hitting the side of the starter with a small hammer (not too hard) This has worked for me before . The gear that shoots out and engages with the flywheel is probably stuck and hitting the side of the starter can loosen it up . Or take apart and give the gear a little shot of WD to loosen it up !
  8. That is what you call "crazy cool" A lottery moment right there !!!
  9. I am looking for a good waterproof boat bag in the 40 L- 60 L size , any ideas . Something like the yellow bass pro bags that everyone has but a bit better quality . I have seen a couple but can only get them in the states of course . Thanks
  10. Welcome , this is a great place
  11. Exactly what Bill said and don't start with the long bomb casts right away . Start with the short casts until you get comfortable with the set up . Once you get used to it there will be no turning back . Great set up by the way !
  12. Thanks Moose , great pics. and stories as always
  13. Welcome back , Glad to hear that you are keeping the spirit alive .
  14. I tried using a baitcaster last year (no hut) and it froze up on me . I actually broke something in the reel and had to get it fixed so I won't be doing that again at least not with one of my good baitcasters . I will try the oil on the spool , thanks !
  15. Sounds like a thermostat but make sure the rad is topped up with antifreeze. If it is low this could be the problem as well.
  16. I live in this area and believe it or not there is a lot of enforcement by the MNR on the upper stretches of the Pine and Boyne ,you might not see them but they are there. See the trucks driving around all the time so like this guy , others will be caught eventually . 32 fish over is a disgrace and total disrespect of "our" resources , I agree with Roy and they should have gave him a much larger fine and put his face out there for everyone to see . Shame this idiot !
  17. I got a great deal on a triton atv trailer on kijiji last year . Have to agree , it has always worked for me !
  18. Agree 100% , do some research and get out there and explore for those hidden gems .
  19. Just heard that police have found debris that is consistent with that of a cessna aircraft in Nottawasaga Bay and a shoreline in Tiny Township , not good news .
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