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Everything posted by 4x4bassin

  1. Thanks for the report Mike , was waiting for this one ! I just got back from a similar trip and agree with you 100% about being in the bush and camping/fishing for trout come spring time . It is an experience like no other with all the smells , sights and of course the trout
  2. Like others have said , get the biggest screwdriver in there with lots of downward pressure .
  3. I have been on this board from almost day one and have wondered the same about some guys . To all the guys that go way back what ever happened to Diplip (JP)
  4. I never thought about that Sinker , I will give that a try with one of them , you just never know I guess
  5. I was going through some of my gear today getting ready for my laker trip next week and noticed that some of my williams, suttons and cleo's have lost a bit of shine . Does any one here clean there spoons with something to bring back the shine ? I was thinking about a basic cleaner (brasso I think) but not to sure if it will leave a fish spooking scent trail while trolling ! Thanks
  6. Great pictures CK , you are having a good spring eh !
  7. Great report , it feels good when a plan comes together ! That first picture is crazy , bin there , done it , not doin it again , you made the right choice on going a bit north
  8. If you can find some open water go for it , you never know . The lake trout will be almost every where on a lake at this time of year but one good thing for the flatlinners is that they will be shallow . Troll no deeper then 20 feet with any silver spoon (Williams , Cleo , Sutton) and let a lot of line out while trolling , the boat tends to spook the lakers a bit when they are up shallow . The water is going to be really cold , almost to cold so try and find some warmer water on the lake you are fishing . The bugs and baitfish will be active in this warmer water and the lake trout will follow . The lake that I fish in the spring the lakers are stacked up in a small bay on the sheltered north side of the lake , the water is warmer there and they are in there feeding on anything that swims (they are very aggressive) Good luck !
  9. Welcome aboard , great bunch here !
  10. Yep , snowing again here too ! This has been a crazy spring so far or maybe this is how it's suppose to be , we just have been spoiled .
  11. Parry Sound - Dunchurch area lakes are still ice covered and locked to shore except for current areas that have opened up in the last week . Reports of 6-10" of ice on area lakes . Algonquin , well all I can say is forget the opener . Opeongo and surrounding lakes are still being reported with 10-14" of ice as well add all the washout problems in the park
  12. Just heard a lot of roads in Algonquin Park are washed out including Opeongo Road as well most secondary roads in South Algonquin are either flooded or washed out ! That is a crazy situation up there .
  13. Just received an update on Algonquin Park ice conditions today and they are reporting that Opeongo and surrounding lakes still have 10-18" of ice and is still locked to shore . Bigger rivers have opened up but the smaller ones are still frozen . The guys that run the water taxi on Opeongo say "not a chance" will the ice be gone come opener ,still calling for ice out in the first week of May. No reports from any where else yet but when I hear anything I will post .
  14. I am trying to upload from my desktop files to my photobucket library , no go
  15. Is anyone else here having problems loading pictures to a photobucket library or is it just me , I never had problems before but I see they have changed the site a bit and now I can't get the upload to work . Any tips would be a great help , Thanks
  16. I have been fishing bass in some real backcountry spots all my life and enjoying it but just in the last couple years I have sorta changed some of my focus to lake trout and I'm lovin it ! There is nothing better in my eyes then being on a secluded central Ontario lake and catching lakers . As well I don't fish for the sake of keeping them , I fish for the hunt which makes it exciting . Don't get me wrong I love the odd fish fry but it is all about the hunt for me , love the lake trout video games as well . This is a screen shot of a 15lb lake trout I caught last year screaming up and nailing my bucktail , now this is fun !!!!
  17. Just got a report from the Algonquin Park area from the weekend . Opeongo still has 15-18" of ice and all ponds and streams in area were still locked up, as well the park is expecting 10-20 cm of snow this week . Any interior trips planned for Algonquin come the opener at this point will probably be in jeopardy Locals in the area are still calling for a first week of May ice out . No reports from the Parry Sound - Dunchurch area but should have something in the next couple days ! One positive out of this is no blackflies for the May long weekend
  18. I am hearing from a couple of guys in the north country (central Ontario) that there is still 15-25 inches of ice on the lakes up there and a some Algonquin regulars have pushed there trips back to the beginning of May and they are telling me that they are expecting ice out around May 1st . I think all lakes north of hwy 60 and even some south in Algonquin will be ice covered come the opener as well from past experience you need the water to warm up a bit and get the whole lake ecosystem moving again for optimal trout fishing (1-3 weeks after ice out is the best) If you time it right due to late ice out , this spring could be a good one If I here of any more conditions in the next couple weeks I will let you guys know . If I was you CK I would be pushing your trip back a week !
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