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Everything posted by 4x4bassin

  1. No real technique when they are aggressive , just drop the jig down get them to move on it and start reeling ! But when they are a bit slow you have to tease them a bit by reeling up and dropping it like a yo-yo .
  2. Yep , when i'm on this lake I use the inlaws pontoon . Very comfy ! Thanks ,No I just tie that jig on and drop her down on the lakers head !
  3. 4x4bassin


    That will come in handy i'm sure , congrats !
  4. My next trip for sure I will be trying them !
  5. Last week I was up in the Parry Sound area doing a little lake trout jigging , well the weather was not the best for jigging with high winds so I had to resort to some bass/pike fishing in the back bays out of the wind but in the back of my mind I was wishing for some light winds so I could go jigging for these deep water greys . On the last morning I got up grabbed a coffee , took the dog for her morning duties and we headed out to perfect jigging weather . The lake had finally calmed down and I felt good about my chances . I tied on the bucktail and started my hunt for the "hooks" on the finder. To anyone that is not familiar with this type of fishing , I like to call it "lake trout hunting" just drive around in known laker haunts watching your finder for the big hooks . I don't waste my time with hooks on bottom but wait until I see one about 10-20 ft off bottom (those guys are feeding) and an even better situation is when you see 2 or more hooks grouped together . When you drop a jig down on a small pack of suspended lake trout it is basicly a race to the jig , so hang on !!!! Anyways I started to mark some lake trout on the finder and started my jigging , well the lake trout were chasing the bucktail but were not hitting it , I kept this up for a couple hours but no takers , there was something they didn't like on that bucktail so I changed it up to something a little smaller . I tied on a 3/4 oz darter head jig and 4" gulp minnow thinking the lakers wanted something a little smaller . Well I was bang on in my theory , the next drop I had a lake trout chase and hammer the jig and for the next 2 hours I had some of the best lake trout fishing I have ever had. Here are some pictures of that fine morning and once again I was by myself with the dog so the pictures are not the best . Nice upgrade for Team 2 ! This picture shows how thick these guys are A couple others Here is a screen shot of one of the lake trout screaming out of the pack to hit my jig This is the bait of choice that morning , a 3/4 oz darter and 4"gulp minnow . I touched up the darter a little bit to give it a little flash ! All in all a great couple hours with me going 9 for 10 between the hours of 9-11 am and the biggest one being 28" and the rest just slightly under that. These lakers beat me up that morning to say the least . Thanks for looking and I hope to have another report in a couple weeks with a back country/atv trip planned
  6. Yep , looks like a good spot . You guys are going to have to get a boat in there next time !
  7. Nice laker , good old lady Simcoe is really producing some tank lake trout this year . Congrats
  8. Thanks for the report Mike , looks like you guys had some real quality time together . Your son has the walleye belly hold down pat by the looks of it as well
  9. If you are going to buy some jigs/bucktails try and find 1oz. They may seem big and heavy but it is important to be vertical all the time and the big jigs get down fast when you are hunting lakers on the finder .
  10. I would find the deepest part of the lake and start there , try and find a drop off or some structure around that deep water area say in the 40-60 foot mark or just cruise around the area and watch your finder .When you see the hooks drop your jig down right on top of them , if they are hungry they will come up and grab your jig . Don't forget that they love to chase and follow so if they don't move on the initial drop start reeling up slowly and if they chase speed up your retrieve and that's when they will hit ! I have had lake trout fly up off of bottom for 40 feet to hit a jig (they have good eyesight) In my lake I don't bother with the hooks on bottom , I wait until I see one suspended or even better 2 or 3 suspended off bottom . Those fish are feeding and when there is more then one they are a little more aggressive ! My go to jigs are 1 oz trimmed white bucktails with a gulp minnow trailer , don't forget a stinger on those jigs they always hit short . This is what I am talking about , 2 lakers together and one that really wanted my jig This is a couple of my favorite jigs , bottom one is beat up pretty good ! As well use a flouro leader like others have said and good braid . Good luck Like to see a report when you get back .
  11. I was working last night at the airport (Pearson) and I can say I have never seen or worked in rain like that in my life . It was like someone was dumping buckets of water on my head for 2 hours . The airport was in and out of red alerts for 3 hours and the ramp areas were completely flooded ! Crazy weather indeed .
  12. Looks like a couple good days to say the least , love the lake trout jigging . The lake trout jigging is just starting to heat up on my lake this past weekend !
  13. Well my old Olympus digital finally crapped out on me this past week and i'm sorry to say cost our " team 2 " a 31" lake trout with no picture Anyways i'm just looking for any advice on a small point and shoot digital that is waterproof and somewhat tough to take on my fishing/camping trips . I might go back with Olympus since the one I had was pretty good in bad weather and survived some real wild trips . What do you guys think ?
  14. Enjoyed the report as well , you are a very lucky guy to be able to pick up and go to a place like that right in your back yard. Love the laker reports
  15. My kind of exploring and fishing , have a spot just like that one with cached boats but it's a lake trout/smallmouth lake . Can't wait for the actual fishing report , thanks for posting !
  16. That's funny , Love the laker reports !
  17. I could do without no problem and I do except for jigging deep water lake trout . Watching the lakers chase your bait in deep water is a blast !
  18. Nice musky Lew , thanks for posting
  19. Looks like you guys had a great time , love the shore lunch pictures . It looks soooo good ! Thanks for post TJ
  20. Just north of there on hwy 11 they are working on the bridge at the Gull lake narrows , when I was coming home southbound last week it was backed up real good . Can't imagine what it is going to be like this weekend if they have not opened up some lanes Drive and play safe everyone !
  21. I had no problem catching largies on the weekend in the northern Parry Sound area , as matter fact it was the best opener in years . We found them in what available weeds there was in the lake due to the cool water temps. I guess (71-75 degrees) A lot of small bass in the 2lb range .
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