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Everything posted by 4x4bassin

  1. Good deal there Lew , nothing but good things to say about Shimano
  2. Just heard that there is Major damage to some homes in the Angus area
  3. Pretty wild up here , NW of Alliston !
  4. Great report Mike , I'm jealous . Lake trout signifies to me the "wilds of Canada" and that's why I love fishing for them . There is something about going to a back lake somewhere and catching true wild lake trout , it is always a peaceful journey that will never be forgotten . Thanks again !
  5. Thanks for the comments guys , it was a great trip . Love the first backcountry trip of the spring
  6. Our annual spring trip into the backwoods of central Ontario in search of lake trout has come and gone . The trip was very successful to say the least with lots of trout caught , good weather , good friends and no bugs ! Here is a small report of our weekend . Arrived at the trail head fairly early to a cloudy and cool start . A couple things I noticed right away was that there were no bugs to speak of and the surrounding trees had just started to bud out , felt like March instead of May but I wasn't complaining it was just good to be out after a looooong winter ! The trail ride in was the wettest I have ever seen it , with a couple small washouts but nothing we couldn't handle The main trail is really no big deal just long ( 10 km ) with a few mud crossings and rock climbs . Its the off shoot trail to the lake that is narrow , muddy and filled with tire splitting rocks . Once at camp we set up the tents cut up some firewood and headed out to find the lakers . The water temp. was pretty cool ( 49 degrees ) so we knew the lake trout would be in shallow and scattered throughout the lake . The trolling gear was setup with a 1/2 oz inline weight and spoons . The lake trout were quite aggressive all weekend and seemed to be really favoring the gold/red cleo that my boat partner had tied on . I had a silver williams tied on that usually works but not this weekend , the gold and red was the ticket ! Here are just a few of the fish we caught that weekend Out of the 4 days we are there we have at least one fish fry , a couple unlucky lake trout for the pan We were actually casting the shore for the lake trout as well , they were really up shallow , but this was my view for most of the weekend trolling along ( very relaxing ) Here is a picture of our boats successful lure choices , 3" silver husky jerk , 3/4 oz darter with a fluke and the famous gold/red cleo Hope you enjoyed my little report and I hope to be back up there in a couple months , until then ........... Cheers
  7. Great report , Looks like a good time for sure . I'm heading out tonight on a "trout adventure" like yours !
  8. Ya , tons of suckers out there but not the ones I'm looking for !
  9. Looking for suckers to cut up and use as bait for an upcoming lake trout trip . Does anyone know of a spot in the Dufferin County area that I could get a couple . PM me if you like , thanks !
  10. Turtle hit it bang on , troll as much water as you can in a lazy S pattern . The lake trout will be a bit skitterish of the boat and the different speeds of your lure with the S pattern troll will trigger hits . We always have luck in the north end of lakes as well because they warm quicker , drawing in baitfish thus bringing in the lake trout . So start there ! If you have a finder and can spot them in deeper water try jigging with 1 oz bucktails . These setups are tied on 80% of the time when i'm hunting lakers in the spring Good luck
  11. As for the flies , CK made me some nice ones last spring and they worked great . Will be using them this spring as well Thanks for the replies everyone , will do some experimenting in a couple weeks .
  12. I have tried a lot of lures for lake trout but never a wobble bait , I will give them a go ! This sounds like a good set up but I couldn't imagine the mess at the side of the boat when you catch one , it can get pretty messed up even with a weight and a spoon ! Yep , love jigging lake trout . That's pretty well all I do once the water warms up and the lake trout head deep !
  13. It is almost time for my annual lake trout trip and have a question that I have thought about for awhile . I have read and been told for a couple years now that trolling spoons will get you bigger fish over body baits such as rapala's . I can say my biggest "trolling lake trout " was taken on a spoon but this could be just a coincidence . What do you guys think ?
  14. Seen them up my way (Pine River & Boyne) on Friday driving around . Glad to see !
  15. Just got a report from the Parry Sound area and the ice is melting fast and with all this rain coming this week expect open water on inland lakes by this weekend !
  16. Ya , I would pump that old stuff out of there . At least most of it then put some high test in there . I think you can buy those pumps at Can. Tire . (flo and go) or siphon it out using a hose and lung power !
  17. Thought I had a busy summer planned , very nice Mike !
  18. Have the annual boys week away in May for some back country lake trout (ice or no ice we are going) End of June hit some hidden bass lakes , couple more trips to the lake trout spot for some big smallmouth and some deepwater lake trout jigging (lotsa fun) Pike tourney in September , more bassin in October and spend some time at the trailer in Parry sound in between . I'm booked , can't wait
  19. Been waiting for these reports for awhile Drifter , can't wait to see the progress of your new pad !
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