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Everything posted by 12footspringbok

  1. My experience says when people start asking about fish running in a spot, they've probably been there for at least 2-3 weeks...
  2. 10 - 4 steve Sarcasm is a secong language for me. Just heading out the door to enjoy a little ontario salmonoid fishing myself.
  3. Yes who cares about those pesky salmons and steelheads.... :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash:
  4. Its really hard to tell from that picture but judging by the way the spots on the upper tail radiate out in rows on that fish makes me say steelhead. In my experience the salmon will stay a beautiful chrome colour for days or weeks in the river if the water is cold enough. This morning I almost mistook a beauty silver salmon for a big steelhead. Heres a beauty late silver salmon from a few years ago. Nice catch either way thanks for sharing.
  5. Nice! Those are some decents sized pinks. Haven't caught one of them for a few years now. Hopefully they make a comeback with the rest of the salmon. Thanks for sharing.
  6. I watched a guy fight a 'bow for about 5 minutes the other day on 4 pound test with a 3 pound leader the other day. Told me he likes to give the fish a fighting chance, and that he releases 99% of his fish. Well it took him another 10 minutes to revive the thing... I can see the thrill of fighting fish on light gear but it sure isn't in the fishes best interest...
  7. I voted no. It wouldn't bother me too much if it was banned though... The way I see it the problem is with enforcement. Another point I'd like to bring up is that supposidly some of the slit for roe carcasses you see aren't necessarily for bait but for food. Apparently some people like to eat the sperm sacs too or so I've been told...
  8. Guess the footage Roger took of me fighting a fish would have been too much for the general public...LOL
  9. I agree with most of Snidleys targetting fish for eggs rants over the years. All my eggs come from fish that are being taken for meat. I spend alot of time scraping and cleaning up skeins that would be otherwise going in the garbage. I'm sure thats not good enough for Snidley though because great lakes salmon are contaminated and not fit for human consumption... I also don't agree with targeting fish for eggs just because they are "mutant" stockers. Just my 2 cents...
  10. Couple inches of rain overnight and strong northwest winds starting in the morning.
  11. The one thing I know for sure is you will learn more on the river bank than internet fishing forums...
  12. November... Its been good times on the river for the last month, and I haven't been freezing my ass off.
  13. If you do feel like posting some hero pics make sure the files aren't named after the place you caught the fish.... Right Kemper....
  14. On 4" of black ice... Tried to get some action shots last fall none turned out very well.
  15. GM should have been allowed to folds up a few years ago. IMO and yes I do work in automotive... They need all of OUR government tax dollars so they can expand in other countries... Sad <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/Lvl5Gan69Wo" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  16. Thanks for the report Trout Junkie! Getting me pumped for my northern quebec l'ombre de fontaine trip.
  17. Thats is one big ugly grease pig!! Looks like a silver streak to me...
  18. <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/JhdH1ezM7To" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  19. Given your situation I'd just go withthe transom mount. I have a 40lb thrust that goes on my 12 footer and my buddies 14 foot aluminum. As already mentioned its not as ideal as a bowmount but is better than no trolling motor.
  20. Leave the boat at home you will only be disappointed... Unless you really like nice scenery
  21. WOW I always love your reports! Thanks for sharing.
  22. Never confuse "smart" with "educated" ... LOL I agree 100% with the OP
  23. Thanks for posting that. If our politicians think we can keep importing from China without lowering our living standards to that of the chinese they are dead wrong...
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