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Everything posted by 12footspringbok

  1. Nice reading your input Doug. That is some impressive hair you had there, I hope to grow a beard that impressive one day, but I think the one I have now will be gone once the ice and snow leaves. I read your comment in the Tyler thread, about getting out on Simcoe. I certainly don't guide but would be game to hook up and giver' out there any day. Martin
  2. I fished the 3 you mentioned last summer a few times plus big jons. Scotty hands down are my favourite. Walkers are junk IMO, guys at the campground always have issues with those things. Cannons were pretty nice but not as nice as the Scotties...
  3. Full tank on a jiffy will last me half the season..... I also do a lot of ice fishing weekends only though, but generally make swiss cheese of the lake I'm on that day.
  4. Terrible start to what ended up being a good day. Had to pull the auger over a million times to make it go first thing. Worked up a serious sweat, and was just about to give up and ask the closest group to punch me a couple holes when it finally went... Took a little tumble going over a pressure crack first thing running up the lake...:wallbash:Almost forgot about it until waking up from an afternoon nap, ouch. It was nice to meet a couple new members and see some familiar faces as well. Had a few fish come unbuttoned when I did find some around 9:30 and finally got a couple through the hole by ten o'cklock or so. Oh ya then I dropped the cell down the hole... Might I say Tyler looked and sounded the best I've seen him. Good stuff. Couple pics from my morning. Derby Winner Bye Bye cell phone
  5. Yup that would have been us driving by in the red dodge with 4 sleds on the trailer. We did real good on the lakers, but no luck with splake or rainbows. Only fished those lakes a handful of times but the bows and splake seem super hit and miss.
  6. Should be there on Saturday.
  7. Nice report! Seen a new Cherokee parked on the side of a backroad on our way out of winter paradise Monday morning. We waved at the guy next to it on a sled, Joeytier perhaps? Those lakers sure are tasty nothing like the foul simcoe greasers I'm used to.
  8. Lots of info and documentaries out there on GMO. People should read up on the subject for themselves and decide. All I know is the grass fed organic beef I just ate tastes ten times better than the GMO corn fed crap they sell at the grocery store.
  9. Did something similar to put a young buck out of its misery a few years back just outside of Barrie. We didn't hit it though. Would do the same thing again, except checking to make sure nobody is filming us...LOL
  10. Crazy the lengths people have to go to grow a natural plant for personal use so they don't get thrown in the slammer...
  11. Yup not allowed, some shady places probably get away with it though. The place misfish posted a link to had to put in a completely separate cold room so they could do wild game.
  12. Always order poot-in when I'm up in northern Quebec. Never had any funny looks or unexpected surprises in my order. I can see the northern Ontario sloppy half English French folks pronouncing in Pootsin for sure though...
  13. Ahem........ You mean Libya, North Korea, Venezuala, and Syria...... Oh no wait scratch Libya and you might as well scratch Syria too. Funny how things work. Edit: How could I forget Iran.....
  14. Always a good time at the tyler event. Good to see some familiar faces. Had to work hard for the fish though.... Lots of moves until I finally found some fish waaay up the lake. Persistence pays off though. Going to enjoy the new gas auger. Thanks to everyone who helps put this thing together for a great cause. See you all next year.
  15. You were fishing the wrong part of that river yesterday... If you guys think the C&R section is the only thing that has made the fish stocks in said river better you're wrong IMO. Sure its helped but I think conditions in the lake, summer weather, and the drop from 5 fish to 2 fish limit has played a much bigger part. I could go on but it would be like beating a dead horse with a stick.
  16. MMMMMMM Gbay steelheads. Gotta throw a couple in brine tonight myself...
  17. X2 Put my otter through hell and back the past few winters. Everything is more durable on them. Worth the extra cash for sure.
  18. Never ever happened to me... LOL
  19. It's the elite fishing crowd that give baits like the ones mentioned a bad name. They get pretty jealous fishing their $1000 outfits standing in their $500 waders when Joe Blo with his $39 spinning combo standing next to them nails a few fish...
  20. Actually I know of one spot locally where an operational fish ladder was closed to preserve the brook trout population up top...
  21. Never had a problem with Lou. Always had what you wanted for fishing the area. Fall time he always had the salmon lures I wanted, had a good selection of floats hooks mesh etc for rainbow fishing. I could go on. If there was a rod or reel you wanted no problems ordering it in. Now I have to drive to the city to get what I want. Canadian Tire south in barrie looks fancy but they still don't cut it.... Better stop the rant now...LOL Jacobs for minnows for sure.
  22. Rack N Reel = a bad joke Wish Lou still owned it.
  23. Yup, but lake Michigan and lake Huron are technically ONE big lake... I've heard that the salmon caught with the yellow belly dot are Michigan stockers. I've tried finding something to confirm this but I think its baloney. It is strange though, the yellow belly dot salmon I've caught seem different in general than the large portion of wild salmon on Gbay. I remember reading a study 5 or 6 years ago where they did actually find stray US stocked salmon in Gbay. Of course I've looked several times but can't seem to find that study again. I do know that they were finding alot of lake Huron stocked salmon in lake Michigan in the early 2000's. So they sure can go from one lake to another.... Of course all of this is really moot, because the Gbay natural salmon population is definatly on the upswing. I actually cleaned 2 different salmon with Gobies in they're bellies this summer. They are adapting. Sorry for the De-railment of your thread Craig...
  24. Didn't buy my migratory license this year...LOL
  25. Yes fall river fishing is a terrble thing I should quit too... This morning was the last straw. I was fishing away and a pair of mallards tried to "grease" me out. Then a beaver thought it was ok to swim across the river right where I was fishing. To top it off a flock of noisy geese flew over me...
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