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Everything posted by cram

  1. I don't know what he has for shiners, but my favorite bait guy (by far) in that area is Bowman's Live Bait in Nipissing village. Really healthy minnows with lots of size selection, and he's a super nice guy. I also think he supplies a lot of the local bait shops.
  2. I assume having an open beer on my dock is considered drinking in public? Or, sitting in my boat while tied to the dock after 3-4 beers risks a DUI.
  3. Except that in your boat it is in fact legal.
  4. Have you looked at car based SUVs like the highlander, pilot, or acadia? You get loads of space, some towing power (highlander rated for 5000 lbs), and presumably much better gas mileage.
  5. Safest is hand-wash, but for the record my helly hansen alpha washed up just fine. Just use a front loader (no agitator to get wrapped up on) and use gentle cycle.
  6. If you machine wash it use a front loader, not a top loader.
  7. Another option is Okuma - middle of the pack (or low end of) price wise and pretty good quality.
  8. Salus says hi.
  9. Should be one at the provincial park. No idea if open though...
  10. Whatever it was, it's a really nice catch and likely the fish of a lifetime for him. Congrats to the angler.
  11. I'd personally love to have one near my place. They are very, very cool animals. Also WAY less of a threat to your dog than say, a group of coyotes (depending on where you live). If a bald eagle nests in your backyard are you going to take it down as well? They like to eat little doggies too. :-)
  12. I get an email receipt from them every time I order a book. When you combine that with no credit card transaction, and CSRs who can't find your order......i'd say it just never went through.
  13. Cliff - does your credit card show a transaction? Did they charge you and aren't delivering????
  14. I`m sure a lot of people don`t recognize or know what a marker is. They may think it is a lake buoy.
  15. Cliff - if you go into any indigo store there`s a deal for $10 off, whether you had an ereader previously or not. I just upgraded to the kobo touch as well. Looks like they have a new colour one coming out next week - so maybe should have waited!
  16. Sometimes more effective to make fun of him and make him feel silly than to go barnstorming mad, and inciting an argument/fight. Or, pull out one of your heavier musky baits and start casting!
  17. Thanks. You can get the new, tougher NHTSA safety/crash test results at safercar.gov....a lot of cars i had considered really safe (ie. subaru foresters) don't do that well in the side tests. Surprising, actually.
  18. To you firefighters and policemen.....seat belts aside, is side impact the biggest danger in accidents (where people are least protected and/or get hurt the most)? Should i care more about side impact or roof/pillar strength when looking at a new car?
  19. We were scathed by a US problem. What Canadian policies do you think deserve protesting?
  20. All good stuff, but what does it have to do with Canada? What exactly are people in Toronto protesting against?
  21. Some people need to go to big boy school and quit blaming the system for not providing for you. If you don't like the politicians, vote them out. Crying that the world is unfair and hanging out in a park downtown without a clear message will do nothing but waste your (and others') time. As someone else pointed out, our system (for 30mm people) is one of the very best in the world (amongst a population of 7B) so it can't be *that* bad. Suck it up kids.
  22. Can any of you name a bank in Canada that got bailed out by the gov't? (hint - we didn't bail any out) The top 1% get off with paying less tax than the bottom 99%? (hint - that doesn't happen here either...our system is far more progressive, and hte top 1% pays a giant portion of the tax. Top 10% pays more than half of ALL income tax) The financial system brought down the financial system!!!! (ours didn't) I'm a lefty, and even i think the protests are a pointless waste of everyone's time and energy. If anything, those morons are just costing the rest of us more tax $'s to police them.
  23. Was it murky because of the wind, or because it's turned over recently? (though 58 is warm for turnover).
  24. For those of you who match size to the forage they're eating....aren't they eating whitefish in the fall?
  25. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. No need to take the joy away.
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