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Everything posted by cram

  1. Can't help you on where to buy, but curious -- how do you keep them from swallowing the bait? I use big minnows for pike fishing in the spring and as hard as we try still have mortality. Difference is we can eat the pike.
  2. Depending on what size you want, i believe Bass Pro has their own branded version of a stowmaster as well. Smaller sizes (bass, etc)
  3. I have a musky sized one. Mesh is finer than I like and the bag is too deep, but overall I really like it. Pretty sure the mesh is exactly the same as the new stowmasters (their old mesh is different).
  4. The "dummy" could have had 4-5 beers in him if he was 160 lbs or so. Paddleboats go, what, 0.5 mph? 1mph? Get that guy off the streets before he kills someone!!!!
  5. I genuinely just wondered. Hopefully didn't impose.
  6. Is the dock your property, or similar to an ice hut?
  7. FnA - can you get a ticket for open liquor in public if you have a beer on your dock?
  8. One puts others' lives at risk. Not sure if i'd worry about a guy in a paddleboat taking out another boat or running down kids on a sidewalk.
  9. Call me weird, but i consider it a bonus catching them. Fight like crazy. Mean buggers.
  10. Curious - can you get a "drinking in public" ticket for having a beer on your dock?
  11. Big difference between someone impaired guiding 5000 lbs of steel down the road at 100kph, and a guy in a paddleboat at 2kph. One puts others lives at serious risk. The other, not so much.
  12. Can you be charged for cutting your grass with a beer on your lawn tractor?
  13. I bet the guy was checked for safety equipment, failed the attitude test, and is now going to be paying for it with an impaired charge. The guy may have had 3 beers and taken a spin in front of his cottage on a paddleboat....hardly endangering other people's lives.
  14. There are private water lots in Lake Simcoe. Not sure where though.
  15. And if you're mercman drinking 48 beers a day on the wknds, you wake up monday feeling REALLLLY dehydrated. :-)
  16. Beer dehydrates you as you drink it - drink a litre, lose more than a litre in pee. When you drink near beer or water, you don't dehydrate faster than you take it in. In fact, its even possible to die from drinking too much water if you're taking it in way faster than your kidneys can get rid of it.
  17. You don't need 50 beers to get drunk. You might need 50 near beers to get drunk....but it'd be impossible to drink 50 near-beers. My point is it'd be physically impossible to drink enough near-beers to get drunk. You can't physically consume that much. Get it? You can't even drink as many near-beers as beer....because the beer dehydrates you. Coffee and soda as well.
  18. One of the reasons you can drink a lot of beer is because alcohol dehydrates and you end up peeing out the fluid. Not so with near-beer or water. You could not sit down and drink 50 near beers. Your kidneys would fail and you'd die first.
  19. the flip side of course, is you should expect to get pulled over and scrutinized if you're touring around the lake with a near bear in hand....so you shouldn't get a ticket, but you could get your fishing interrupted.
  20. Guys - it is literally impossible to get drunk on near beer. Your kidneys would fail before your blood alcohol increased to a measurable level. It is completely legal.
  21. Monkfish (which might be related to ling?) is the poor man's lobster....try it - pretty good! Definitely not a pretty fish though.
  22. If a 5 yr old can buy it at the grocery store, i think that means the law considers it non-alcoholic. For those who like bitter lagers (heineken, carlsberg, moosehead) try the becks non-alcoholic. To me it is BY FAR the best of the non-alcs.
  23. Frabill makes a very similar net to the stowmaster (think they licensed the design from them). Virtually the same price. Lebarons carries them. Cabelas US does as well....not sure about Cdn Cabelas.
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