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Everything posted by cram

  1. Lew - get yourself some bear bangers. They're easy to use and work wonders in scaring bears away. Same effect (IMO) as being shot at.
  2. Salus Marine www.salusmarine.com -- many think their float suits are better than Mustang and Helly Hansen. Made in Kitchener/Waterloo area. I also think Helly Handsen makes it's float suits in Dartmouth Nova Scotia (though is a european company).
  3. Any idea when left handers are available?
  4. I don't know the address, but believe they have a shipping depot in Mississauga or Etobicoke that you should be able to take it to. If it's not easy to find on their site, I remember seeing it under the section describing how you can trade in and upgrade your rod.
  5. I have a similar set-up and just use double 9s instead. They pull MUCH easier.
  6. Tuna (SUPER fast and strong, giant size, tastes great) and Mako shark (jump, jump, jump, jump, jump, jump.....jump again)
  7. Really pretty musky. WTG.
  8. May be legal, but not sure it's good form to "borrow" someone else's boat.
  9. Is this the guys who were caught commercially harvesting baitfish outside their zone (and in someone else's)? If so, they probably deserve it.
  10. Hey guys - on a scale of 1-10, how pretty is this girl?
  11. Also Beak was a good shop, and in Brampton.
  12. Hatch Golder Look up all the mining companies. If you\re open to heading west, the oil and gas companies need this as well.
  13. Muskytackleonline.
  14. Whenever I'm at Bass Pro it seems pretty empty. Even when there's a bit of a crowd there, the checkouts are relatively empty. Wouldn't be surprised if a run of the mill walmart does more business in 1 or 2 hours than BassPro does in a day.
  15. There's a section in their webstore called Historical Colors. You'll find it there. Night Shiner is also a pretty good color.
  16. Lew - you can still get turbo-skunk colored believers.
  17. Okay - let me clarify. The 427 is not a wasteland road from a mad max movie. 99% of travelers wouldn't notice the "lack of maintenance" you're referring to. In terms of driving distance, they're about the same. 403 has potential to be faster because you avoid the downtown toronto traffic.
  18. 427 is fine (crap??), but 403 to 401 is faster.
  19. It was colonel mustard in the library with the wrench. Still think it was a mink.
  20. Just buy a replacement mesh that has a good coating.
  21. Mink or fisher or something. A turtle eats it on the stringer. Doubt a musky gets both off your stringer. A mink or fisher would chew it off at the stringer and run away with it.
  22. Another vote for Restoule. It's a great park.
  23. cram


    Bears care about grubs and garbage. They do not want to eat you. MOre people die every summer on hwy 60 from hitting moose, than have ever died in Ontario from Bear attack.
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