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Everything posted by Handlebarz

  1. nice fish there Lew better then the two I did not get Friday afternoon or night were just waiting for a bunch to start the feeding frenzy
  2. Congratz ron you two put alot of time in and it was coming sooner or later glad she got here this year for ya.
  3. Dollarama has the 2 part 5min I use it and it works great. I dont repaint lures that get beat up from fish I leave them alone there is usually something about them that the fish like if you repaint or seal it then you might just change it enough to mess up the special thing it had leave a good producer alone even if it has almost no paint on it.
  4. nice fish for shure guys glad ya had a great time you got lucky wit hthe wind yesterday it was blowin hard from the NW with alot of white caps.
  5. Glad to see that this happens other places then down my way It seemed that there was alot of people bashing on our area thinking it was only the west part of ONT that does this its nice (well not realy nice to see it) but might help to make others understand that there are people all over that will do what they want on the water. Any way nice pics Terry from what I could see of them ya might want to keep the reel back for the next set of them so we can see everything else.
  6. Yet another awsome first class report thanks I enjoy the action air shots what a beautiful area
  7. Sandy you and Adam are gonna look funny here troling musky in one of them big boats. You must have talked with duck boat dan and took his advice in one of them would be a blast. All I know about them is I dont fis so well in em good luck on the search
  8. Yep we have about 50 drivers that will be loosing there runs due to this here that is just from Chatham not shure how many from our other locations. Glad I am hauling honda
  9. SPAM
  10. well it was a blast to get out with some other members of Muskies Canada and share the water with them a AMAZING time was had by us all we were out on Lake Nippising and mamaged a couple musky I missed one friday night my bad she did not coem back. Saturday all the action waited till the end of the day nothing untill 3pm then the next 1 hour and 45 min we went nuts. I landed a small 37" she was the first one on one of my own Spinner Baits what a rush to catch a musky on your own bait I love it. I had one other blow up and miss my bait I put another cast back out and shure enough she was cahsing it as fast as I could bring it in she stayed right there I go into a figure 8 and she was gone Oh well.We were joined in this bay by a couple more MCI members just as were getting ready to move back to the start of our drift Ian has a monster come outta the water high 40's low 50's were thinking as she tail dances and rockets throught the air 3 times before they can get her into the net deep hooked Mr.B goes to work with out the right equipment this fish is DEAD but after using jaw spreaders and plunging his hand into her mouth right up to his wrist he is able to cut the hooks with his knipex cutters (SPEND THE MONEY IF YOUR TARGETING MUSKY PEOPLE) they saved the life of this girl a quick pic and she is gone. this one was 50" by 23 1/2" My boat partner for the weekend has the big 0 and were getting ancy for his turn well shure enough he has a monster also this one flies through the air and we both see the same thing one trebel in her mouth the back one on his reef hawg or what ever it was he had on she dives under the boat and hooks the minkota Chris gets her off before I can get there to help she dives under the boat I start to rais the main motor just in time to see her explode into the air again and shooting the bait back at the boat. GONE that sucked. Well soon after he hooks another that is right outta the water also I did not see this jump as I was after the net the hooks come out and she gets one into the side then stops Chris brings her right to the boat I have the BIG net into the water waiting to make my move as he guides her in as soon as she nitices the net all heck breaks loose I rains it up the hook comes out and Chris has a new PB 48" withqa 20 or 21" grarth what a great weekend it was a blast and I will be back up thre.
  11. IMO Ugly Stick is your best all around rod they are tuff as nails (the big nails not finishing ones) the company stands behind there rods. You can get them in any length and strength. For you starting out I would suggest 6' med action with a spinning reel they have combos around the $50-60 mark I think at Wal-Mart or CTC these rods will take the abuse from miss handling or just bad luck like droping tackle boxes on them or steping on them. I have alot of them from small 4' panfish rods to 7' musky rods and use them all the time. I used alot of High $$$ rods years ago but kept breaking them I was way to rough on the rods and would nick them after buysing to many to replace the ones I would break I switched bakc to Ugly Stick and swear by them you will not find another rod that is this good for the $$$. Just my $0.02
  12. I think thyesay fer troling its a fish for every 100 hours and I am not doing the mathon that I know that this year I had just over 50 hours in casting and troling before I bagged my first of the season and she was well worth it.
  13. Well Lew looks like we are on the same thought wave I wonder where I learned some of my info from
  14. I have both a big Finn saver net this net has a huge bag so that the musky can rest after the fight before I take her out for a pic then I can put her into the cradel if I need to it is also a great way to measuer the musky with out laying her in the boat. I only bought the cardle this year and it has already paid for its self as my first fish of the year was my PB a 50 1/4" that was very tired and she sat in comfert in my cradle to revive its money well spent if you are chasing musky.
  15. last year I bought a 1995 8HP johnson it was only $700 from a dealership with warrenty so ya can go from there. I think if ya were to get $200 or so that would be good but the right person might be a bit more 400-600 if you can get it take it and run
  16. very nice fish to put in the boat from the shallows gotta love the release
  17. very nice slimers for shure
  18. Congratz guys here I thought Tj had a new TuTu pic for us like one in plad
  19. Congratz Clive enjoy every day with him they do grow to fast it may seem early to say that but Damn they do.
  20. Awsome thanks for posting them Aaron looks like they all had fun.
  21. Here lon Lake St.Clair we have a sand bottom with alomst no sturcture so we can get away with mono. here is how I like it on LSC mono 30 Big Game for my board lines this way they will sit in the release clips and not slip out like Braid does. On my boat rods I use 50lbs Power pro this way I feel good about only having 5' of line out with a 3-4' Floro leader with the rod down in the water. I use 65lbs PP for casting this is the rod that I use for trips to areas that have alot of rocks or other structure that will cut mono if a fish takes me into it. I dont recomend mono to people that are fishing any area that has alot of structure that you can get rubbed on. Just my $0.02
  22. Nice Brandon looks like you are taking full advantage of BC good on ya.
  23. have a good one and hope ya catch alot of fish today after all I think the 30th is slime.
  24. thats some scary stuff Wayne glad to here everyone is safe.
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