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Everything posted by Handlebarz

  1. Thanks for all the rplies and yes Sandy you can take her in the fall she does love to be in the boat. Lew maybe we need to get you down sooner this year like before the big snow fall this time LOL Pete when you comin down? it seems that this could be another good year I just hope it stays this way will just have to wait and see
  2. Well this weekend was a great time for all of us at the Belle River Can/Am Challenge we had a great turn out with some big musky caught 53" first place 52" second 51 5/8" third and I think there was three more over 50" but my daughter came out the big winner she got her first musky this weekend it was a small 35" but still a fish for her. and go figure the same special pearch Woodie got it that makes 6 in the boat for that bait and I dont know how many we have lost with it there must be some magic in that one.
  3. Glad its video season again nice one Boss so when you coming down here to video on the clear LSC musky water? I got the boat if you have the time.
  4. LSC has a couple bass tourneys this weekend so it will be a mad house. We also have our Belle River chapter outing for MCI the Can/AmChallenge so there will be alot of people out a big lake forshure but alot of people will be there I cant wait bring them on.
  5. What another chance to brag about the weekend here is my best caught over the weekend just over 50" musky and I get to show my pic again Ok
  6. Hey Jim every outting is great its just two bad he will not be going out this weekend the family will be out insearch of the next monster
  7. nice fish there glad ya got out for some fun
  8. thanks for all the great replies I have a deep finn saver net this year with a big small hole bag that makes it eay to leave the fish in the water and work on the hooks. some of the best $ I spent this year was on the net and cradle then today I had to use the knipex if you dont have these things and you plan to target musky you might want to go get them they are the cats meiow I did with out before but it makes the day alot easier with them.
  9. Well it looks like dad had a happy fathers day today we went out for some action in my back yard and luck would have it I was able to get a slimer for dad this one took my luckey woodie the good Ol special pearch this one has 5 for my boat. I had to cut two hooks it took me a bit to get the new one on again but just 5 min after I did another rip came she gave three hard oulls of drag then was gone. Oh well we went 1/2 cant beat that for the way my year started and yes I did get pics of dad this time before I let her go.
  10. Thanks to another Black and Orange Cupcake Special I have made it into the 50" club.Thanks Jef Heres how she went down today I was out on LSC as usual I had been fishing a couple spots and moved again to see if I could locate something swimming in the shallow sandy bottom so I put on the good o'l CC special and left the rod high so that it was running 1' under the surface heck the sinker was out of the water most of the time so I took my slow drive through the 2 FOW area zigzaging trying to see any spawners non were found so I headed still at the same speed for a weed bed I was no more then 100' into the weeds when this beauty slammed my line it was cood I watched the strike at the end of the rod and had it out of the downeaster before she had time to take drag the fight lasted a few min then into the net she went. I must say that I am glad I bought the big finn saver this year it worked great I let her sit in there for 30 sec as I got the camera ready (down east holders work great for nets also on my small boat anyway) I set the camera up hit the button for the timer and whisked her out just intime for a nice shot I actually got me and the fish this time. I am also glad that I bought the cradle this is the cats meiow for releasing a fish I took a measuer in the cradle and sat with her for 15 min or so until she wanted to go then off she went nice and strong.
  11. I guess you were that one boat I saw today. the river has had alot of people leaving it maybe this will get some back. congratz on the good day withthe wife Bob
  12. go give it a good test run at Lak air Lew I always liked minkota they seem to be great motors.
  13. Congratz on the new one it wont be long before there will be nice pics of ya out fishing together cant wait
  14. nice fish and story to gotta love sunbathers
  15. Dang Lew that sucks hope ya get lucky with a easy fix.
  16. nice report and pics just remind me not to hire your camera man they missed alot of head shots. I have a couple like that that I have taken over the years
  17. Roy dont bother I still have it from last fall when you got us hooked with it, the BBQ pit will be smokin by noon. Pete I hope ya had a safe trip I tried to call him and see how the pickeral was but no answer that might be a good thing. Good luck to all the other musky hunters this weekend hope we all have great reports to share.
  18. Brian I thought you were joining us this weekend you are more then welcome. give me a call. Mike D has alot of room on the big boat it looks like Steve and I will be on it with many more come on down.
  19. Once again Sorry for your loss Lew I know you and ed had many great memories and I enjoyed reading about alot of them and also headring them from you. His memory will always live on with you around.
  20. what a great report I must have missed this one after we got back. I love the pics it looks like a place that would make it very hard to head home on mondays.
  21. dang when you said he got gaught I tought it was one good punch. I am a huge chuck fan and from the you tube vid he was dominated that sucks.
  22. that was a very cool vid Rick
  23. Nice to see ya out there CCM with hte youg one, we were going to do tha same today but mother nature made me change the plans with the high winds and pouring rain the kids would have had alot to complain about.
  24. Ditto what Roy said and the pics need not stop after the party
  25. nice job wayne if ya want more pratice I will gladly bring my boat over
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