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Everything posted by Handlebarz

  1. nice report love the pics I also saw some great gas prices what a fing joke one place was 107 on Friday am and went to 115 later the same day how is that not jacking the price????????
  2. I guess you will have to take the 5KM drive west on Hwy 17 of our Bosses home town to find out. I dont think I can photoshop that maybe I had Terry help me
  3. That is why I left it so dark. Dad took the pic so I dont know why it was dark like that he must have known something I did not
  4. I was suprised to see this on my way to Sudbury on the weekend here sitting right along hwy 17 was a big friendly sign it was nice to see it and made me think of my friends from here.
  5. Yep that beer was on the boat when the OPP pulled up to him and it cost him more then $200 I dont remember the exact figure but it was a costly beer. I know that I need to enjoy all the time I can with my dad as we are not here for ever I was just glad that he made the choice to start taking our tirps again. Roger I have a beef with you everytime I go t oBPS your not there I guess I am hitting the store the wrong days
  6. Well it was that time of year again that I have been looking for each year now May 24. I had not looked forward to this weekend in many years (as pickeral is open all year here) but when I lived in Sudbury many years ago dad and I would always go on our trip for May 24 this had stopped when mom got sick I was bummed out but understood. fast forward to two years ago dad had beaten cancer and had thoughts of times we missed on weekend trips so he asked my wife if she thought I would like to do a weekend trip HELL Yeah was my answer and I was on the phone to my buddy and had our trip booked the same day. well this was our second trip this past weekend and we had a blast. We went up to Crystal falls to a lake called Tomiko we had a great weekend with a little bad weather mixed in.all in all we had the best time as we spent it together and also made some new great friends. We got there Friday afternoon and thought we would take a nice troll around the lake I set the kicker motor at 2mph we put two lines out and trolled the shore line for the next 3-4 hours just taking in the view. just as we are ready to head back to the camp dad got the first fish this little SM bass and yes we knew they were out of season but took the pic anyway. the next morning the pickeral would be introuble as we set out after them with in min of setting up dad had this pan size one next I got a monster well dad would have non of this and showed me up with this 27 1/2" what a nice looking fish she still swimms to make more babies but if she was 30+ we would have thought of keeping her for the wall. we had only kept 3 for dad to have his shore lunch he enjoyed that very much. Later saturday it poured rain and we played chicken and stayed inside that was funny as last year when dad did not have pickeral for dinner we were out in a blizzard looking for them with a full belly he makes better choices. Sunday was pouring rain so we headed to Sudbury to visit friend and spend money at the tackle shop. Sunday night was another good night for pickeral but when monday came we hit the other lake looking for pike as we were told that is where we would find them I ended up wit h13-15 bass and dad around 5 not one pike we tried every place so I would think there is very few of them there but we did catch up with another new friend. they were working very hard for the day I know they watched us for a bit as we were the only ones out in that area they came over for a chat and check us all over for fish and safty were happy to let us keep fishing.They were also surprised to here me tell them I was happy to see them out there. ther was one fella at the camp who was not as happy his beer was a $200 + beer I hope it was cold. Well to end here I had a blast again wit hdad and hope we make it to next year and many more my son is only 2 1/2 and I would like for him to join us when he gets older.
  7. dang brian that sucked. Heck ya could ahve called me to go out and then add me to the list of them who could not I was away with dad and it went a little better then your day I hope all is well before musky season.
  8. happy Birthday Joey hope ya get out fishing or just sit back and relax
  9. I just thought I would say Happy mothersday to my wife and all the other moms here but I guess they will have to wait as they should be out fishing so will not read this till later
  10. as per (Art I think it was) last year when he let me know about MAXX DEET it worked great and with only 98% deet you better watch your glasses and shure the glow is great for getting worms after your done fishing for the day and a third good thing about it you save engergy by unpluging the night light. I love the stuff and use it all the time when the bugs are thick
  11. WoW what a bad day for ya sorry to here of the luck. You have alot of good advise here so I will not add anymore then my best wishes and hope all is taken care of.
  12. thats is what its all about taking the time great report and atleast ya had some excitement for a min or so it did look and sound like you guys had a great time please make it a to do everyyear or maybe twice once again in the fall they get nice and fat by then
  13. dollarama 100 for a buck cant beat that and if ya need bigger ones you get 50 of them. Nice job I have tried them all different colors and stick with good copper and red beads.
  14. man musky in april that would be nice heck maybe we should make a OFC swill and go do some. Have a blast I know your memories will be the best for you. My father and I are heading out in 2 weeks for a weekend he had mentioned it a couple years ago after beating cancer that he wanted to go camping again so we have done it each year since I was so happy he made the choice as I had been bugging him for years to do it again and we will always remember each trip. make the best of it and turn the TV off listin to a ball game or just talk about the day. enjoy it
  15. man musky in april that would be nice heck maybe we should make a OFC swill and go do some. Have a blast I know your memories will be the best for you. My father and I are heading out in 2 weeks for a weekend he had mentioned it a couple years ago after beating cancer that he wanted to go camping again so we have done it each year since I was so happy he made the choice as I had been bugging him for years to do it again and we will always remember each trip. make the best of it and turn the TV off listin to a ball game or just talk about the day. enjoy it
  16. LSC in june through Dec come on down we got a seat open for you
  17. all good ideas hey Lew last year I was bringin my booster pcak I just did not trust that old boat to much. I like to have 2-3 sets of plugs just incase
  18. Hey now I dont drive a cab and I speaks good english
  19. TEP picks ya up and give you his friendly greeting for the first time
  20. I was just going through my tool kit from my last boat it gave me many problems so I had everyting but the kitchen sink now I am down sizing to just the things I feel I need. So I was wondering what everyone else keeps on there boat just in case they might need it maybe I forget something or it may just help someone else out. I have not finished my new kit yet but will see what I have after and hope that there are many helpful replys before I get done. Yes I understand its Saturay and not many around but still there has tobe some of us not fishing just getting ready today.
  21. Dan I did not check the link I know the answer right away and its NO the habs will not make the playoff this year you need to get your fishing rod out like the rest of us no matter how much you wish it aint workin this year bud.
  22. I love the Bargin Cave it depends on what you are looking for I have found some great deals through the years at caballas not just the Dundee one. I love the Caballas stores over the BPS that I have been to there is another BPS opening in 2008 in Toledo OH right on HWy 75 they just brought in there trailer this week it has COMMING SOON on the side with there logo I can not wait it will be nice to stop in and just pick up a couple things when ever I want with passing by everyday it might be hard to not get into there. The Dundee store is great and very helpful people there. the tank is alot bigger then BPS in T.O. you can walk through it like a cave. it is worth the visit if your passing by. Jim had I known you were heading past it I could have let you know where Gander Mountain was and also Jans Net Craft you would have passed both of them. Glad you had a blast there
  23. Hey Brian Happy B-Day just think if yer were born in july we could have gone musky fishing for the day well we will just have to make a date for then anyway. Hope ya had a good one
  24. that was a great catch and I love the way you tell it how it is great on ya. Wish you had come over to the Odyssy last weekend I thought that you and the crew would have made the short trip over maybe next time.
  25. I have three convector line counters 30D for musky fishing they are the cats donkey you can pull our baits in with no trouble at all when the boat is still going 4-5 MPH and they dominate the fish also I will be getting another one this year and am also thinking that I will look at there spinning and baitcast for new set ups. There are alot of people that have them JB's Anging Outfitters in Woodstock I can say I dont remember going into a place that did not have some of them.
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