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Everything posted by Handlebarz

  1. Were there also BOSS yes I have them in my boat all the time then the damn alarm goes off and its time for work in the truck by my self
  2. No Brian you will not get the last guys marking from his favorite spot with the auto pilot I tried and it only brought me to carp holes
  3. Roy how did you know about that
  4. I am a member of the Belle River Chapter and love it. I have made many great friends there (just like this place) some I know are going to be life long. You get to meet up with many different level of musky fishermen and women most who will be willing to share almost everything they know. We now have had our own private message board for members only where you will get to have access to alot of great stuff (sorry I can not talk about it I thinks that is the first rule?) You also have a great chance to get out to some great outtings that you either have to be a member of MCI or fish with a friend they are always a blast and almost to much fun at the end of the day. I know our Chapter includes the family in everything we do there is not a event we put on that any family members is not welcome to. Helping educate other fishermen and women about proper ways to handle musky and just getting out and enjoying time with new friends who you might not have ever know is what I take from being a member. You will also get a release journal every other month which will help keep you in touch with other chapters on what is going on with them (this comes in realy handy for the members who are not on the internet. I know a few of the members of the Hamilton chapter really good and you have some great people there and its non stop fun with them go check out a meeting they are open to the public come out and see first hand what bunch you might be joining.
  5. I had the wife get me season 1 for xmas it has almost been worn out this is a great show I to am a fan of simply fishing that is another great show. I dont understand why some shows cut from one shot to another every time they hook a fish to much jumping around for me I can not watch some of them shows even if they are musky related. These other shows would be great but way to much product placement and jumpy camera work if yer not interesting enough on your own then find another place fishing Canada knows they were not the flashy style and changed back to what most anglers want.
  6. I used Scottys my first year of musky fishing I just wish I had taken a pic of my holder after it stripped the teeth down to where the rod alomst went into the drink that fall. After the summer of pounding baits around LSC the big 9" Thumper Woodie almost took my rod off the boat since then I have switched to Downeaster Saltys and that is all that will hole my rods unless I use the stainless ones for board rods but then your looking at solid pipe to hold the rod streight up.
  7. I have had Dodge Caravans for the last 20 years pulling our old 16' with a 40HP and very heavy wood floors and casting deck never had a problem. One thing to remember is that there are alot more caravans out there that is one reason why people see them more in the shops I have two in my driveway right now a 2000 which has aprox 219,000KM and a 2001 with about 156,000KM both are great runners but you need to take care of them I use the 2000 all the time to pull my boat from Chatham to LSC and yearly trips to Sudbury area rice lake and other area it has always been great to me and now with there new power train warrentys they will last. JMO
  8. For all that know who Rob is and know what he has been going throught for years you know where this post is going for you who dont know this is our friend Rob his young son Chris has been very sick battleing cancer for way to many years over the weekend Chris became very sick again maybe with all our thoguhts we will help him get through again. I will not put to many details only that Chris and the family do need our help so please have him in your thoughts today and when you hug your family today remember how lucky we are and give a extra squeese for Chris. We are still thinking of you Chris
  9. WOW BOSS them are some nice shots that plce is awsome I love that area.
  10. Dang Wayne that shure is a great Laker glad to see ya getting out wish it was nice here to get some ice fishing for bigger fish
  11. I have 4 of the Okuma Convector 30D reels for my troling rods they have been great for me and all others that I know have them. I am looking at a couple more and will be getting them again if I buy more. The will stand up to the punishment for musky fishing even if your pulling but plows. The London show three booths had them for $59.99 thats a great deal.
  12. nice day forshure Pete but ya make it look cold with the suit on. COngratz on the fishies to
  13. If you want a great day out for musky give a call to Captin Rick he will take great care of you. He also does Pickeral,Pearch,Bass and for one month a summer he will be doing charters on Lake Earie for rainbow and pickeral that action is awsome there have been a few people from the board taking trips with him and all have had amazing musky days on LSC just let Rick know who ya heard it from or where you saw the add and he will take great care of ya. http://www.can-amcharters.com/
  14. I was always a eagle man until last year I had done alot of research on new units and fianally went out and got a hummingbird 565 that unit is great it has dual beam and is very accurate when jigging for pickeral I could watch the fish move in and out from the shole I was on dad and I watched as the boat would drift in and out from shore maybe a 10' drift in with the breese then back out again anyway the bottom would go from 10' and drop to 22' that is where we were parked and each time we would dridt into the 10' top we would mark small fish and get a rockbass from the huge school when we would drift back out we would hit the pickeral it was very cool to watch a big mark coming up about 15' on the next pass in the rockbass were gone one of the big pickeral chasd them off they were gone for the next three passes and then we could see them again and start getting them again this unit is great.I bought the one with temp also I did not need the speed I love the split screen and if needed it has a huge screen also its got alot of pixels also I would not hessitate on buying another one. http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/template...&hasJS=true
  15. Well Jamie you have lots of time to lok at the new boat just think of the things that will be on them by the time you go shopping. Congratz on the new addition
  16. Rene (a different one I know) when we were out for coffee one day was asked why he had change his name to Rene when he came over from France or some place like that he said its better then Irene that was his orrigional name
  17. Lew you said it some times I feel like I should thake summers off well now june till dec (not shure why) and then work for the other 6 months but then again them first 6 would be a lot of long nights trying to get to sleep. I tried to get assitance when I was around 18 I went out of town for a couple weeks job hunting and ran flat out of money I had a job that I wook time off from to go find better work. When I asked for enough gas money and a couple buck for food they said no I even said I would pay them back but it was stil no because I had been working and not off work long enough I showed them lists of places I had been to it was the same thing but a friend who had her little girl less then two at the time was given money any time she wanted (I must say when she asked it was only when she needed some months she needed it more) the funny part is she would ask for a couple hundred and get 600-700 what the heck were they thinking????????????? it suck and I hope the best for your brother I guess he just needs to get the letter from a land lord there are alot out there. I guess there is one more thing I know the answer but why dont they just give the land lord the $$$ and the stores around where they live so that they can just go i nand buy the FOOD and HOUSE supplies they need NOT BOOZE and BINGO sorry for getting off topic
  18. our condolences also Dan
  19. thanks for all the well wishes everyone one of the many AMAZING qualities dad has is he never missed out on anything he makes shure he lives life to the fullest.
  20. Well it has worked here in the past and I hope it will again we got some bad news today about my father his cancer is back and worse then they thought giving him a year so I am just asking if ya all can think of him and maybe we can get a few more days. thanks Mike
  21. I love my $ store lures they were gifts from my daughter and will not see the water as they look and feel cheap but they do sit in the box so that when she is sifting throught it she sees them and when she asks what to use I tell her something different. its like most of the stuff there its not worth the $ you paid for it. just through away after use stuff at them stores. And yes I do shop there but dont depend on anything bought from the places.
  22. Dang that was a beast. Yep them big girls like to take there time and just take a slow leave from the boat it is nice sight to watch.
  23. BB what stores for BPS have you been to? I have visited a few and they all fail to compair to Caballas stores for size or selection I know there main store is huge but it seems they scale things way down when building others I hope that the one in Toledo is a bigger one it looks like it will be.
  24. If they have a ugly stick i nthe style of rod I know I would be using them. I switched back to them years ago and will do so for a long time they are dependable even if you are hard on equipment like I am it sucked whe nI would break my rods just because of daily use and a nick I would not see I did not like to have $100+ rods sitting in the corner so I switched back. Now my wife bought me a nice musky casting rod from Gander mountain they are made from St Croix blanks and they have a over the counter return policy if I break it just come in no questions asked I get a new one (I might have to pay if they dont have the same one and I up grade but I understand that) I know of a few people here in my area that use the Tournment series from Gander mountain and have exchanged rods. I have been luckey enough to not break it yet.
  25. I am glad I have the 7000 BG she has held up great throught my back lashed right Lew. last fall I bought 3 great white reels from Caballas I bought one and tried it love it then bought 2 more I did not get anything casting with them but they hold the big baits great no matter if I was tossing bucktails or big heavy jerk baits I will find out just how great they are this season coming. They are made for salt water and big fish in the surf I feel they will be good this year.
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