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Everything posted by Handlebarz

  1. if you are trying to save some $$$ go with the Tiger rods we use alot of ugly sticks here on LSC and they are awsome for troling musky you dont have to spend the big bucks for troling rods unless you want to look good for the next fisherman. I have 4 ugly stick big cat rods that I am using have have been for 3-4 years now they are great and with the softer tip you can see when you have weeds and get you lure back out running right again with out having to bring it in to see if its weeded up. Troling rods are alot different then casting so dont let big names fool ya. JMO and alot of people from the SW corner.
  2. Love the story Peter feel like I know ya a little better now. #1,3 and 7 have always been with me
  3. Thanks for all the cudos on this fine ride. I will post some more pics tomorrow or over the weekend when I get her home I can not wait tonight will be a long night with little sleep. Lew this fall will be nice fishing in my shorts will not be so cold with the heater blasting up front and the BBQ out back. and on them Blizzard days you guys can leave petes boat at home and fish in almost the same style.
  4. Well it seems that tomorrow I will be pulling my new ride home for the first time. I was not thinking of getting a new boat this season but things just seem to have a way of coming about I am so happy and can not wait to get out on the water. 1994 Starcraft Superfisherman 170 package includes a Starcraft bunk trailer. Plenty of storage on board with 3 aerated livewells, full canvas with side curtains, stern and bow cover, travel cover, 4 seats, AM/FM cassette, fishfinder, GPS, spare tire, extra prop, VHF radio, compass, downrigging plates, Scotty rod holder mounts, 90 hp 2 stroke with power trim, 5 hp 4 stroke kicker, Motor Guide electric bow mount, additional items such as fire extinguisher, fenders, steering bar, Garmin GPS charts, etc There are alot of you who know the soon to be past owners they are two of the best people and I can not wait to get out and take care of there ride. Heck I bet alot of you have alreadybeen out fishing in my new boat she will for shure have a great new home.
  5. Awesome report rich I love the looks on them kids faces I bet it was not the shock of the catch but the fear of you wanting them to come over to talk LOL I gotta get back out there its been to many years gotta love that place.
  6. In Detroit it hit the $4 mark last week
  7. I think I have fished most fish in my area and loved them all but I was bitten by the musky bug I think 4 years ago and have not looked back since all I think about is slime talk about is slime and even when I am sitting out side or passing by some water I can smell that sweet slime. Yep Musky has me going BIG TIME all others are just bait from june till Dec.
  8. I have not read all the posts here but I will say YES catch them and bring them in this will help your neighbors learn that they need to take better care of the cats at 450 or so to get their cat back I think they will get the point and you dont have to let them know who you are I do and give them my license for ID. One thing to remember is you have to be able to get the cat to the SPCE with in 2 to 4 hours depending on the rules where you live so that it is not considered cruelty to the cats. (Yes, it is not cruel for them to crap in your kids play area) I know how people get rid of the strays out of town but in town this is the best way to save your arse from getting a trip to court.
  9. Ron you have a good name and you know there are alot of people that will come out when needed I am glad to here that it went well here.
  10. Yes you did and for a punishment I will accept the duty of collecting a day out fishing musky with ya Lew. I guess its on the same level as do I take a pic of OOS fish nothing in the rules that I know of that say you can not hand catch them is there just like there is not rule that sais I can not take a pics of a OOS fish when releasing her?
  11. Brian if you stillwant to hit the Gander in MI just take hwy 50 from Cabalas cross under 475 and follow it right out to 75 again and then head north its a nice ride along there we do it in the big trucks when we stop at that store.
  12. Brian I would say 100% hit Caballas in Dundee after you are done there just head south into Toledo there is a Gander mountain off exit 8 (this is the exit for the airport) on the 475 you will have to cross over the 475 after you get off then turn left at the first light you will see Babies R us turn there and Gander is in the mall across the street there is also shopping there to keep the wife happy. after you leave there head south again to exit 6 (at least that is the one I think it is) turn right and then left at the first street two blocks down on the right is janns Net craft this place has alot of materal for building everything you want and some tackle its a little shop but neat to see if your there they have a huge where house out back and have alot of stuff in stock out there. then head south again to Hwy75 north this way you will get to see the NEW BPS that I will get to shop at daily in a few months (cant wait) after you cross into MI hit exit 36 Eurika road take a left and there is supposed to be another Gander Mountain there but I have not hit it yet I tried to find it on Friday but the directions were messed up for me and trying to find a store with the big truck is not fun but you know that. with this game place you can hit three Gander (this includes the one in Port huron) Caballas and Janns Net craft there is also a plce in Dundee called splash universe water park and hotel check them out on line there is a $75 voucher ( I dont know what it is for but I did see it yesterday when I was checking out there site) Dont forget to also check out the little shop in Port Huron its right after you come across the blue water bridge beside McDonalds call Pro Tackle small shop but great guy and very help full ask him about the turtle back Gulp worms he sais everyone loves them there on the Stclair river. I hope this helped some call me if ya need some more help.
  13. if you have to ask you would not understand
  14. one thing I did here from some others is tat they seem to last one guy sais he get 2 pickeral on most minnows and has even gotten 5 on one of them I had forgotten to ask how many were in from them so now I know around 50 thanks. I have been looking for them in the states and they are still $19.99 so our local shops are doing good on this one for us as they are also $19.99 thats always a surprise and nice to see. I have used the gulp bags before and like it but want to give this a try thanks for the help and hope some more people give there opinion on this.
  15. I was just wondering what you thought were with the gulp alive line of products? I was thinking of getting a pint of minnows and leaches for my may 24 trip and if anyone knows how many do ya get in a pint? I asked a local store and they had no clue.
  16. JB you need to buy a Mac I did not get any virus from the link. I am in the FF club and was not aware of the change of name thanks for the heads up. All kidding aside the nice weather is here and things will be back to normal soon enough this is a huge family and were disfunctional at most times just stick it out you will see that you are welcome here and we dont come across the same on the puter. Oh heck maybe its just you LOL JK hope ya stick around to see what this place is like.
  17. I have read alot of the reviews on the Frogg Toggs and I hope they have made changes to them it seemed alot of people were having the same problem or maybe they just ordered to small suits that would cause the ripps? I still have not decided on what to get but I think it will still be gore tex.
  18. I am doing the same thing this year I have always used mono on my spinning stuff but this year its braid and floro I have been looking into Hi-seas might give it a try will see how it preforms this spring and let ya know.
  19. Well Terry if we see it on our travels I will be shure to let the other guys I run with make a good road block and have a little fun for ya with them pukes. Heck its been a long time since we had any fun on the road and with the other three I run with I am shure we can cover the HWy. Sorry to here of the news Terry
  20. Damn you Wayne I had the bid at 347.54 until some jack came and out bid me that sucked. I wonder how many times we are bidding against each other here and how much we help the sale jump way up? I love shopping on Ebay it can save you alot of cash to bad they did not have the CDI for my boat. I wonder how a place in the USA can still have the same part for $90 less then anyone here in Ontario?
  21. Our thought are being sent Rick
  22. Happy Bday Wayne so thats wh ywe get the holiday this year I wondered what was going on
  23. Well I am looking at getting a Gore Tex rain suit this year I see that there are so many out there what makes one better then the other? I will be using it from spring to fall so I dont want anything that is to heavy lined that I will roast in the summer. I was looking at Caballas and Basspro any info on what you all have or like and why? I do think I want bib pants from what I have read they are a little more comfy.
  24. I have a mounted on on my boat with a 8' whip it will get across LSC no problem I do have a hard time talking to friends with hand held ones when they come to visit so like others have said it depends what you need it for?
  25. YO-ZURI SUCK ALL TOGETHER there product was just crap I spooled up with there floro mono blend and it was so bad that it FLEW off the spool I thought it was just on backwards no after trying a couple times I gave up sent them many emails with no response no help not a thing it was well over a year later and many email when I told them I was going to tell the world about it that they emailed me and said to bring it back to the store I laughed and asked why it took me to do this to get them to respond they gave a lame excuse and said they could not help I was happy with the answer and just pass the message along to any one I can STAY AWAY FROM THERE CRAP. JMO I do love PP for my bait casters and musky casting I have heard that the new red PP is one to stay away from as it comes off alot faster then the green and gets into everything I have not tried it yet.
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