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Everything posted by Handlebarz

  1. I like thre thread Corey congratz on your great year next year you had better be able to add my name to the ONF'ers list when you and your Dad get down here. Mine must be a 10 as I joined the 50" club so that was great and my daughter caught her first musky I have also shared the boat with many great friends and it has been a blast I also think this weekend will be great.
  2. well here I thought COOL I will make the next swill at the fishing show but I am not able to show for this one the belle river chapter has our Christmas dinner that night have a good one all we will have some pops for ya down here
  3. I am also in favor of PP 65# is what is on my casting rigs with 50#-135# floro leaders depending on what the structre is if open water and just weeds no stumps or rock then 50# is good but if you have any rocks and stumps you should concider heavier just my $0.02
  4. Hope you guys had a great day or are still having one at this time. bring some of that cold down here to keep the fair weather people off the water here.
  5. Well I see a market here I think I will start to bag my hair when I trim it up and sell it I see more baits in my future. Its funny the ones who want the hair cant get it but us who dont it will not stop growing.
  6. some nice torpedoes there guys I guess they dont get to fat in the fall on the bog? Wayne when you comin here to look at my plane I know where the water is
  7. for the many Pike I have caught over the years I would say that they dont care if there is a leader. Musky are the same way if they want it then theywill come and get it. Have you tried using Florocarbon leader materal tying it direct with a Uni-Uni knot? that might work?
  8. WOW and here I was proud that this Xmas will be the three year mark for me not eating Mcd's maybe I will have to start again.
  9. Is the dump just west of London along the 401 different from this one proposed there? if not then there will be many who are not happy with the smell as anyone who passes london on the way to windsor will tell you it STINKS. I to am not to thrilled with the garbage heading north they should be able to find some land closer to the south and yes I do deal with these smelly garbage trucks daily as they head to MI to dump there load and even right here in good Ol Chatham Kent we take alot of T.O. garbage already so I know it stinks and you can smell it on the way to the lake if you pass by. I think it will take more then the locals to fight this one it will be all of us who head north to put up the fight for them and must stay strong
  10. better then we did Wayne he nothin beats being out on the water a good bud like terry. I got to spend it with Brian but I will let him post our report or lak of
  11. Lew please ask Diane if I should get out this weekend (well I know that answer) now what sould I use?
  12. Eh
  13. Glad you guys had a fun time out there as for them dawgs I have the swamp donkee version and have yet to get anything but I have not given them a true try I hope to jig them this fall
  14. WOW I did not think any one could make that car look good but I gotta give her props this is the only time I like that car awsome work maybe she will be getting some buisness I see musky requests coming.
  15. Chatham but go through Ham to get to wings at Christmas
  16. one thing for theses auctions that are held regluarly go and watch the bidders that dont win or get GREAT deals you will see a pattern some that sell for low $$$ will be back later atleast when you are going to buy you will know who you are bidding against and even if they change house bidders (or what ever name you wnat to use) they will still be doing the same things watching for signs from the auctioneer or hanging out with the same people before the auction. I have never been to this place but have been to many more in my younger days and you do get paid to bid or just up bid so like Brian said BUYER BEWARE
  17. Pete I would say it will be 65 here give or take 1 it did spike before the warm weather up to 71 again but with the cold of last week it will be around 65 again so are ya comin down?
  18. Lew I here ya on the phone order I called JB's last year before my trip with ya they had my new ABU 7000 BG to my house over night and it was exactly what I wanted. Big Creek I love that store to bad it is up that far I do call it alot I just did this week when I placed my oder for another new reel and leader materal your guys there are always helpful I had no idea of the size of the reel I wanted so I called and talked with a guy for 20 min and got my answers. I have also called ahead and had my order sitting at the front counter waiting for me the only thing I dont like about that is I had to wait and pay for it at customer service because they had it there and would not let the sales man take it for me that cost me 30 min or better and was not impressed but that was not there fault more about the jerk they had to deal with infront of me.
  19. WOW that tiger looks like it could be a new record judging from her markings I would say roughly 54" congratz ron that one loks like she came from pigeion
  20. have a blast BOSS cant wait for ya all to get back safe with another great report
  21. dang that is weired sorry for the second loss Wayne
  22. Joe sorry to here of your loss our thought will be with you and your family this weekend
  23. great report for shure Wayne you guys had a trip to remember for a long time some nice PB's for both now ya gotta go out and top it. congratz guys
  24. sent ya a message
  25. will check now it was not last night hope it is today
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