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Everything posted by Handlebarz

  1. We got dumped on here in Chatham and the Detroit news said there was atleast one tornado touch down there it was very windy with branches breaking from trees and alot of great light show to go with. Bad night for the wife and her friend to go camping
  2. very nice shots and great release shots also thanks fer sharing
  3. nice slimer ya sher look happy but then again yer holdin a musky
  4. Congratz fer shure anyone who heads over say ha BIG hey to Dennis for me and give him a big hug but dont pick him up. What a great bunch from MTL
  5. That is a awsome rememberance of your brother Lew. Enjoy it as I know you will. Very nice work Pam and thanks Joey and Pete
  6. Lew I take it that you kept the camera dry this round. Great report you always have the best times where every you go but for some reason old mother nature follows. Corey is a great youg lad and I hope that Jim and he will get down here some time soon for some LSC musky action.
  7. ob bell express it might be on 403-404-405 not shure but it has been on them in the past during a rain out
  8. 911 was the last time that I can remember of late that monday was also not done but that was a whole different reason. Dan if he can not get there and wants to sell the tickets let me know we might just help him get some $ back and go our self's
  9. Well it looks like the race is gonna be a wash out today with the rain coming down like it is there is no way they will get it in until tomorrow afternoon they are calling for up wards of 50mm of rain right across the board from Ohio to Michigan right over to here Looks like a good day to stay inside I am glad I got all my work outside done early today.
  10. If yer looking at a bit bigger baits the Super shad raps will do the trick. http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/template...&hasJS=true One thing we use here for musky to get you down is inline sinkers or canon ball sinkers 5-6oz will get you down to the fish just need to have a snap swivel on your main line then attach the sinker on the other end you will attach a 3-5' leader with two swivels on it one at each end clip on onto the sinker and the other to the bait then all ya need to do is let the line out. Do you have any buck tails? or try a hammered copper/orange spoon they work awsome on tea colored water. have fun
  11. OK I was not shure what you all were talking about I dont use riggers so am green to them all together
  12. Welcome aboard and yes our Boss has some good looks I guess (TJ was that a request for your famous pic)? You will like this place it shure is the best fishing site around
  13. WOW Boss that place is lookin great You shure do alot of work and will reep the rewards in no time.
  14. I tried that and it shows 0 kb would be cleaned up. I did the advanced cleanup but no luck
  15. The D drive is the one we are having trouble with
  16. Ok here is what is going on. D drive (the one that runs the computer) shows only 17% free space about 830 MB how do I free up space on the D drive? Already De frag and that did nothing for us. its very slow like I type here right now and the letters take a few seconds to get up on the screen and it took about 15 min to get the computer to turn on today and 1-2 min for the Internet Explore to open also things be very wrong here. Help me please
  17. Awsome ride Terry that is what I am also waiting to get they are a nice boat you should have alot of great trips in her BTW if you need to make her feel not alone this weekend I will gladley take her out for you maybe even get some slime on her.
  18. I was just wondering if there is any fellow OFNCers heading out for it this weekend? I will be taking the Family with me to enjoy the weekend I just hope the weather is better then here on LSC. Hope to see some fellow members out tyhere here is a link below to the MCI site withthe info. MUSKIES CANADA FAMILY OUTTING
  19. Nice Slimers roy you have a great guide and friend there with you congratz on a great day out
  20. Awsome report Lew I bet you were able to be calm on the figure 8 I guess that is wh yit works better for some. Glad to see Diane get out with ya we will be up your way this weekend with the MCI group maybe we will run into you
  21. BB nice lookin fish and always nice to hit anotehr PB mark
  22. We have a bait shop here that will count out minnows I never buy a dozen I ask for $3 worth or $5 worth I do not go to the one place his wife will take your $ and you will have enough for a hour of slow fishing. Most places when I ask for $5 I get a nice black bottom bucket. I can not remember using all the minnows unless I was pearch fishing which does not happen all to often. Remember if you ask for 12 dont expect more. Crawfish usually is per each leaches is by dozen for most places I go and you dont get more its like Crawlers 20 in t he pack you get 20.
  23. Awsome Brandon I loved living out there it shure is a amazing place to be. I must have missed your post on going out there Good Luck with everything your doing out there Brandon all our best wished for you out there. Mike
  24. LOL Terry you have way to much time on yer hands and I like it. That is one great lookin fish for shure the head and tail say it all
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