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Everything posted by Jer

  1. How do you keep them out of the rain? and the puddles?
  2. We've had some cool looking fog on the lake here at times the last week or so... Best thing is, the last of the ice disappeared yesterday.
  3. You should check the job listings for Fort Mac...lot's of work and money if you don't mind getting your hands dirty. It's not the executives that are pumping oil and building pipelines.
  4. ...and quickly make the ofah membership unaffordable for all.
  5. Oh Lew, you don't wanna know...the horror...the horror
  6. It's all ice in front of me on Upper Buckhorn, real punky ice though. I can see open water stretching right across from the direction of Gannons Narrows all the way to Emerald Isle. When I drove across the narrows yesterday afternoon it was pretty well open both directions as far as you could see. This afternoon I came across the Pigeon River by Emily Park and that was all open as well. The water level is starting to come up a bit, but still at least a foot or two below summer level. My buddy was saying he came by Scugog through Cesarea today and there was more open water than ice. I may have to get the boat on the driveway this weekend and get it ready.
  7. Always remember...locals know.
  8. It'll be a couple weeks at least. Last year we got out the 1st of April and that was an early ice-out...
  9. ...and how does this make you any smarter than those out yesterday? Besides that you didn't actually go for a swim. Sounds like you were an accident waiting to happen as well...
  10. Is that a portable pop-up? If you left it unattended, I wouldn't be surprised if it blew away.
  11. Looks just like a Gulp FishFry, I have just that colour...
  12. Don't be concerned, that water is open all winter long no matter how cold. And don't worry about the water levels, there will be plenty of water come early May. Check out this site for some perspective on the seasonal fluctuations.
  13. You never know what you may find on Kijiji...
  14. I have an 04 1600 Angler and it's been a great boat. It's showing a bit of wear and tear, especially the carpet, but it gets its fair share of use and abuse.
  15. Good to hear that they've pulled up their socks and you had a good time.
  16. Many, many years ago, a buddy and I took a drive to Eufala, Alabama for a week right around this time of year. Mind you it was more like 18 hours straight driving. The fishing was poor to say the least, but we really didn't know what we were doing. Had a blast regardless.
  17. Lotsa panfish AND ice in the Kawarthas...
  18. I've been waiting as well...
  19. The police ALWAYS say the lake is unsafe to drive...
  20. Hi Bob, I tried the cordless drill adaptor on a 6" auger a couple seasons ago. Worked great while the ice was up to about 15" or 16" thick. The ice eventually got over 20" that year and at that point two holes per battery was about it, became almost useless. That being said, another guy had a 5" on a high-end drill and could drill the 20" in seconds, all day long it seemed. I think the key is a better drill and smaller auger. The wobble can lay a beating on the bearings of the drill as well, the average handy-man drill can't take the abuse for long.
  21. I used to have an XPS from Bass Pro, it crapped out after only a couple years. I replaced it with a Minn Kota several years ago and have had no issues since.
  22. ...but you shouldn't have to and not everybody has a vehicle they're comfy driving on the ice, that's why they rent a bungalow. Don't get me wrong, I hope the OP has a great time and catches a ton of fish, just letting him know what he may be in for...
  23. But don't you see? That's what you're missing as a Sens fan...the passion.
  24. Your wife must be lovin the new ice shack...
  25. Poor Matt...if he could only start a thread about the Sens and get so much interest. Problem is, most everybody doesn't care...
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