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Everything posted by Jer

  1. My guess is no...kinda defeats the purpose of "door crasher".
  2. Glad to hear you got the car fixed. Why would you be surprised by his comment? 210K is high mileage on almost any vehicle, alot of components, if they haven't already been replaced, would be reaching the end of their effective lifespan.
  3. Oh man! If I show up there that day, I'll end up with at least 3 or 4 new rod & reel combos betweeen the Stradics, the Compres, the Citicas and especially the Crucials...Oh ya, and a credit card bill I can't afford right now. What are the chances I can just sneak in just for one of those Stradics.
  4. Hey Mike, any idea what the discounted price will be on the Stradic FI 1000? I've asked Santa for a new reel and had suggested the Symmetre FJ 1000 which you guys have for $115 right now, that fits right into her "Santa" budget. If I can upgrade to the Stradic for near the same money, all the better.
  5. There is an ice cream boat out on the Tri-lakes all summer long. Wave em over right to your dock. Last year there was a guy with a hotdog cart on the ice on chemong, only saw him out once though.
  6. I don't know if I'd risk running empty to save less than $2 on a 50L purchase.
  7. Well they're not walleye, or deep fried for that matter. We call them crappie delights...
  8. I found anchoring the two corners on the windward side first, then pop the top works best on a windy day.
  9. Neat...I've caught a few not much bigger.
  10. Regardless of what Bill Murray says...dogs and cats can live together. Before long, you'll have this... ...but in brown, of course. Enjoy the pup, next thing you know...they've become a dog.
  11. I'm sure others will disagree, but I've been running 20lb Power Pro with about 5 or 6 feet of 14lb flouro attached with a uni-uni knot.
  12. I'm not a water expert by any means, but do have some knowledge. That's an extremely high iron content, everything you own will turn orange. Until you get a system in place, avoid the use of chlorine bleach. I work in the commercial laundry industry and anything over 0.5 ppm is extremely problematic. The acidic nature of the water (5.8 ph) will also be very aggressive to your plumbing fixtures. Usually water is slightly alkaline with a ph of 7 to 8.
  13. ...give em time....they'll get there.
  14. I don't remember the exact date, but it was November. We stayed in Rexdale at my sister's boyfriend's parent's house for a week. We lived only a few blocks away from the derailment on the Credit Woodlands.
  15. Nah...you're way too old...
  16. You're probably right, the 403 wouldnt have even been there when it was our playground. We used to hike up to the "hydro lines" (where the 403 is now) from Burnhamthorpe to do some body surfing in the rapids, sometimes we brought some rods and caught some decent smallies. That would've been late seventies, early eighties. The Burnhamthorpe bridge was just being built.
  17. When did that change? I'm just curious because I grew up on the Credit and south of Dundas was always a no-no. Dundas to the 403 (Erindale Park) was always year round.
  18. My guess is that the Ariens you see at the Home Depot have very little in common with the Ariens of 10 or 20 or even 30 years ago that everybody raves about. I'd say the Toro is probably your best built machine for the money these days. Besides, you'll get much better service in the future if you buy from a reputable independent dealer.
  19. Just checked the standings...still in second place in the conference. ...had trouble finding the Sens, had to scroll down underneath that bold line at the 8th spot.
  20. Certainly not a mink, the one by my place is no bigger than a large squirrel.
  21. We've had a mink at our house off and on for years. This summer he got in a little tussle with our dog at the door of the boathouse, what a vicious little bugger. Moosy tossed it in the air a few times and it took off. Both our cats had front row seats and didn't move a muscle. He must still be around, just the other day my minnow bucket got cleaned out hanging from the dock.
  22. Old wive's tale that doesn't pertian to today's plastic encased batteries. More of a concern would be over-filling, over-charging or leakage that would eat a nice hole in your concrete.
  23. Why not?
  24. Always lotsa fans in Ottawa for a Leaf game, they just happen to cheer for the visitors. I guess in Ottawa they cheer a 7-0 loss, rather than boo...
  25. Looks to be the same as the Eskimo unit they carried the last couple of years, except green paint must cost more than red... They did the same with the pop-up huts the stores have carried (on-line is sometimes different). Two years ago they sold the red Eskimo QuickFish 3, last year they had a blue version under a different name but it was identical in every other way. The suppliers prefer to sell Costco a slightly differentiated product (if only in colour) in order to protect the price integrity of other dealers of the same product.
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