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Everything posted by Jer

  1. The profile of the tire will also be 12mm smaller, or 24mm (almost an inch) less in total diameter. I imagine that would through your speedo and odometer off a bit.
  2. What kind of info might be included that would get you in trouble while on vacation? Name & address (which they usually record when you enter anyways) and what fishing/hunting license you may have? It just doesn't seem there would be any so-called "private information" in the data-bank. That being said, I do think it's ridiculous the MNR would hire a company from Tennessee to administer the whole thing. Surely an Ontario based company could have been found, or god forbid they could do it in-house.
  3. Living near Peterborough can have its advantages... I dropped off my 12 year old Citica Bantam reel at Shimano on Monday afternoon. It's been kinda noisy on the cast and the drag was getting sticky. Less than 24 hours later I have my reel back with new drive gear, new pinion gear, new drag washer, new yoke (whatever that is) and they replaced the bushing on the side plate with a bearing. All for 25 bucks + HST. I haven't had a chance to try it yet, but the reel owes me nothing. I was half expecting them to tell me it wasn't worth fixing at all.
  4. Jer

    More bears

    What forest? It was in the middle of the city, right between the QEW and 407.
  5. Drill a well, dig a septic, run an underwater cable...it's really not that difficult.
  6. Living and working in the area, I'm of two minds on projects such as this. We can certainly use the economic activity in the region, increased tax-base, building, materials, etc. But at the same time, it's a shame to see such a prestine island get developed. My guess is nothing is going to happen anytime soon, even once approved it will take decades before all the houses are built. The property mentioned in the old thread, Oak Orchards (former 3 Bouys marina), still only has three or four houses built (including the developer himself) and that has been ongoing for five years or so.
  7. This usually works for me...
  8. Happens every year here on Buckhorn. Only a few so far this year, but the bluegill are just schooling, not nesting yet. Some are obviously winterkill, like the 45" muskie half floating off my shore yesterday, half rotten and covered with slime and algae. Most float when the spawn starts full-time, the sunfish get super-aggressive. You'll see many missing heads and tails as well, probably vistims of the more predatory fish around taking advantage of the spawn. I wouldn't be too worried about it, the turtles gotta eat too.
  9. I think Sam's Club fled Ontario a few years ago.
  10. I was just speaking for myself personally when I go fishing from my dock for a few hours, usually no more than a mile from home. I have my boat, my boater's card, my fishing license and my phone, they'll figure out who I am soon enough. I wasn't in any way advocating for everyone in every situation to go without their wallet, that's your choice. When I'm away from home, of course I carry my wallet like everyone else.
  11. I don't fish Pigeon alot, but I do right next door on Buckhorn & Chemong. I can honestly say I haven't had a 10 pickerel day since, ironically enough, about 1999. There's still a healthy enough population I believe, I see them in all sizes (even the odd pig of 8 or 9 lbs), just not as easy to get to bite. I imagine you're a better walleye fisherman than I, so you still can have some success. The regs have changed since '99, four fish allowed in a keep slot of 13.8" to 19.7".
  12. Geez, who would name an inedible mushroom "beefsteak"? That's just mean.
  13. Not necessarily, when fishing from home my wallet stays in the house. Boaters Card is in the boat, fishing license is in the tackle box, what would I need my wallet for?
  14. ...as long as they're not pointing em our way.
  15. That store has always carried a better selection then most, good to hear they've expanded it even more. They really have to work on their pricing though.
  16. There it is...the faint stench of "elitism"... I knew it was still about.
  17. ...and where exactly does it say that? Though I agree, the shots in the grass of an OOS fish are in bad taste...not to mention the hat...
  18. Fishing was tough today Cliff. My buddy and I managed a crappie each and a few little bluegill for a few hours effort. Lots more boats out today then I've seen so far this year but didn't see anybody really catching.
  19. Is there another link to this survey? I can't seem to load the page, keeps freezing up my browser.
  20. I say no way your hydro bill is that low, not if you live in Ontario, unless you have all non-electric appliances and water heater. Then you have to add in your propane costs. I consider ourselves to be pretty low usage and my bills vary from $100 in summer (no AC) to maybe $130 in winter (wood heat, but more lights and TOU at peak during mornings and evenings). All our appliances are electric and the hot-water tank is by far the biggest draw. We try to keep laundry, showers, etc to off-peak times. I know lots of people whose hydro bills are in the $200 to $300 a month range so you must be doing something right.
  21. It's actually a pretty common practice depending on the industry. The last thing an employer wants is somebody just putting their time in or worse. Especially if you're dealing directly with customers and going to a competetive company. Regardless of their reasons, they definitely owe the two weeks pay.
  22. Hopefully, as long as the rain holds off tomorrow, I'll be out on Buckhorn for some crappie.
  23. The truck might make it go, making it stop may be a problem.
  24. Anytime I bothered to figger it...on three different 16'-17' aluminum boats with 40hp-70hp 2 strokes, I seem to come up with about 5 mpg.
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