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Everything posted by Jer

  1. I don't think there can be a defence...they seemed to have plenty of cash to rescue their ATVs the next day. Hand'em a bill for the whole operation.
  2. The horse-race industry had a few marches with semi-impressive numbers, still got them nowhere. They'll all be outta work as soon as the OLG pulls their slot-machines.
  3. Those are stabilizers, one goes down each side. It takes the place of a keel on a sailboat, otherwise the sail will pull you right over. I sailed the thing plenty of times as a kid, with a good wind it gets going pretty good. Not really set-up well for fishing though, with the mast and the boom and the stabilizers, there's not alot of room for casting or your gear.
  4. Well my boat's been in the water on the same lake for a week now...and I have no plans to remove it any time soon. You'll have zero issues as long as, as others have mentioned, you keep the motor down in the water.
  5. ...but I thought it was only wacky right-wing, bible-thumping "neo-cons" that did this type of thing...not Daddy Dalton, say it ain't so...
  6. You mean like this... My dad bought the canoe with the sail kit decades ago. The pic is my brothers taking it for a sail a few years ago. Works quite well.
  7. Good to see they were a little more reasonable than in Ron's case in Cobourg.
  8. I had the same happen a few years ago...I was that second sooner... Don't know where the bird went and it was only a windshield...sure scared the crap outta me though.
  9. I would stay away from a full strength hydrochloric acid based cleaner, but any mild-acid formulation would be fine, just rinse well. This is what I would recommend Action ...but that's just because I work there.
  10. ...I keep hearing it was all Mike Harris' fault...for some reason with Dalton, nothing seems to stick...but lets not get political.
  11. From Buckhorn to Gooderham to Haliburton to West Guilford to Carnarvon and beyond and back...not a bit of ice to be seen, every lake was wide open today.
  12. I replaced my sending unit last year. I bought a universal, cantilever arm style from the local dealer for only about $30. The original unit ordered from Crestliner (with a donut type float than ran up and down vertically) would have been over $100. It was real easy to adjust to the needed length and a breeze to install once you have access to the top of the tank.
  13. How do they differentiate between me, the honest buyer browsing the site and the scammer skimming ads for email addresses. There's no saying that they'll send their phishing email at the exact time that they come across the ad. Do you know how many people may be browsing Kijiji at any given time? It's not like e-bay, where contact between buyer and seller stays within the site. Kijiji is no more than a digital classified section, they want nothing to do with the actual transaction, they just provide somewhere to post your ad.
  14. Somehow I don't think he was personally involved...
  15. Kijiji is nothing more than a free classified service. There is no possible way for them to monitor who might be looking at your ad and copying down your email address. There is no contact between buyer and seller through the Kijiji site itself.
  16. Are you allowed to say that in polite company?
  17. Sounds to me it might be your gauge, if your sending unit is reading the proper resistance range.
  18. Just to keep the newfs out.
  19. Been out on Buckhorn a couple of times now (Thursday & Sunday) to some of our favourite spots. We've managed a few crappie each time out, at each spot, but they still seem a bit scattered. No numbers to be found, the sunfish have been cooperative though.
  20. We've done a couple of hardwater trips to Sandy Bay several years ago. Had a great time. Jeff runs a top-notch operation.
  21. Funny you mention that. I happened to notice a couple of weeks ago while my boat & trailer was still up on blocks (right at the rear of the trailer) that the boat wasn't resting on the forward portion of the bunks at all, probably floating almost an inch above. I figgered that I would be adjusting the bunks, but of course once the trailer was off the blocks on the driveway, the boat was resting nice and flush. I had never noticed this much flex in the trailer before, next year I'll be supporting the length of entire trailer a bit better.
  22. The man lives on the lake! Oh My God, people crappie fish on Sturgeon Lake. Who woulda thought? I plan on fishing Buckhorn for crappie tomorrow, or shouldn't I mention that...
  23. $3000 might be better invested fixing what you have.
  24. Sound engine? Wait, it's electric...must be sound motor.
  25. I hope your right Cliff, my dock and boat just went in tonight, earliest ever...even managed a to find a few crappie.
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