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Everything posted by Woodsman

  1. At Upper Thames it varies from area to area. No PWC anywhere. At Wildwood gas motors (no size limits) are allowed in the main area of the lake. There are some no wake zones & some no gas motors sections at the top end of the reservoir. At Fanshawe you are limited to 10 HP max. Most Conservation Authorities have Websites so you should be able to check out restrictions at their area's before going.
  2. Gee & I though you were going to mention something else as a first. A loss to the lowly Leafs guaranty the Habs a post season spot.
  3. This is incorrect at least as far as Ontario is concerned.
  4. You could also try adjusting the water valve that supplies the toilet(usually near the floor behind the toilet). Open it up a little or close it down a little. This may help and at least it will not cost you anything to try. Rick
  5. It can also happen on the machines in the bank branches. They usually get found out quicker but it can still happen. About a week and a half ago one was found at the TD/Canada Trust branch in Stratford. One piece of advice is to always use the same machine as much as possible. This way you are more likely to notice any changes (ie: skimmer added). Also placing your hand over the key pad when typing in your PIN# will stop the hidden camera from seeing your PIN#. Rick
  6. The idea of keeping all pike to remove the species from the system is only wishful thinking. Now they are there catch & keep will never make them disappear. Although not wanted in the system they are there & to remain I'm sure. Rick
  7. I picked up a Okuma Magda Pro MA 30DX line counter reel for $54.99 & a Abu Garcia workhorse 10' dipsey diver rod for $10 all taxes included.
  8. Just bought my train ticket & will be there on Saturday. Rick
  9. I wouldn't cut the line. That only leaves the fish dragging around a lot of line. I'd fight it hard and tighten the drag up. Either you'll land it somewhat quickly (doubtful), if not hooked good the hook may pull out or the line will break (likely). If the line breaks it will in most cases break at or near the knot so that the fish will be pulling less line around. Rick
  10. I have fished Nosbonsing numerous times over the years. I stayed at Birch Hill Camp once many years ago in their tent house. I had no complaints with the camp. IIRC one of the deepest areas on the lake (65' ?) is thru the middle of the bay that the camp is on. In June if you hit the mayfly hatch fishing will be slow. Walleye will be well fed. Here is a map of the bay the camp is on. Birch Hill is at the top left side of Maple Cove. And here is a map of the lake which I've marked some fishing area's on. D = Dropoff - Good spot early morning or late evening. P = Panfish - drift thru area dragging a worm. SI = Sunken island - Good muskie area but see lots of fishing pressure. HHHH = Hammerhandles - Lots of small pike in weeds. Minnow below a float get lots of action. N = Narrows - Troll for walleye early morning or late evening. A = Good area to troll for walleye over top of the weed beds. Hope this helps. Rick
  11. I plan on going Friday afternoon. Only time I can make it. But then it also great not to have to fight the crowds on Saturday & Sunday.
  12. The best answer I can give to that question is sometimes. Yes it can dispel some myths and fears but it depends on the person. I have had people in my class pass out when the video dealing with a severed artery is shown. I have my doubts they would be of much use in a serious situation. Experience in actually performing first aid is the best way to get better at it. The training gives you the basics. Practice improves the results. One course every 3 years will not make you a good first aider but hopefully will get you thinking in the right direction.
  13. My guess is that they also won that suit as your bother was performing a medical act for which he had no license. My guess is the resorts insurance settled out of court. Giving first aid is far different than giving medical treatment. When providing first aid if you abide by the Principles of the Good Samaritan as taught on your course there will be no legal grounds for a law suit. If you fail to abide by these principles than yes you can be sued & I highly doubt anyone carries insurance for negligence in performing first aid outside the Principles of the Good Samaritan.
  14. The "heimlich" now properly referred to as abdominal thrusts is the proper technique for dislodging an airway obstruction from a conscious choking casualty over 1 year old. Thankfully even though an improper method was used in the original story they were successful. I have been a certified instructor for First Aid & CPR through St. John Ambulance for 10 years. I also teach the Advanced Medical First Responder course which includes things like advanced causality assessment, CPR for the health care professional, defibrillator, oxygen administration & airway management, back boarding & traction splints. Most people who receive first aid training do it through work and are trained to the standards as set by Workers Compensation. These do not include infant & child choking or CPR for infants and children. For those with children or grandchildren in particular I recommending upgrading your training to CPR-C standards which include infant & child choking & CPR. CPR retraining is recommended to be done yearly as it is a skill that will be lost without practice. I also volunteer with the St. John Ambulance Brigade providing first aid coverage at many local events. If this is something you may be interested in contact your local St. John Ambulance Brigade or feel free to PM me for more information. Be Safe: Rick
  15. From what I've heard preserved minnows are fine. Purchased fish fresh or frozen just not live from the grocery store (smelt, herring ect.) are also OK.
  16. As Shinning Tackle in London is in the red zone it's illegal to transport bait from there into the VHS free zone where Wildwood is. May be hard to explain to the CO where you got shiners from as there is a major shortage of them in the VHS free zone. Lake Erie shiners are available but illegal to transport out of the red zone.
  17. I was out last week & it was slow for me. Seen some pike caught but mostly small ones. I caught one very small perch not much bigger than the #5 jigging rap I was using. As for minnows no place close or anywhere near that I can think of that is in the VHS free zone which Wildwood is in.
  18. Well thanks to R.H. from Home Hardware (Hamilton?).
  19. Great time today meeting up with some old friends & meeting some new ones. To bad the fish in the deep water didn't co-operate for me. Lots of lookers but not big on being takers. Only one bite which I lost after a long battle including the fish running off quite a bit of line. Hook broke off the jig. Still have the jig just no hook. On the way in I stopped in 47 fow for 10 mins. to try for perch. That worked out pretty good. Landed 3 fish in 10 mins. including one which got me 3rd place in the perch category. I sure like my new cast iron pot & lid. After the tourny I went back out with the same results in the deeper water. Move back to the same spot for perch and got bites as quick as I could get my maggot tip jig back down until 5:50 pm when the bite just shut down. As I said great day. Best Wishes: Rick
  20. We have a different approach. When China thought a young girl was too ugly to perform they recorded her & put a better looking girl on stage to lip sync the song. We let K.D. Lang perform.
  21. I have a Seloc manual but it only goes back to 1956. Still it might have some useful info. If you have a question PM me & I'll try to look it up. As for NAPA I have a Marine catalog from a couple of years ago & can look up some #'s for you. One note is that most stores will not stock the parts but can get them in for you. If in the Canadian warehouse 1-3 days. If it has to come from the US warehouse expect 2-3 weeks.
  22. Try Cozy Camp Cottages on Lake Nosbonsing. Cozy Camp Cottages
  23. First time on Simcoe this year no tipping required. We had our limit of perch keepers in less than 2 hours. The second time out was another story. If they were not tipped with a half of a minnow forget catching at all. A whole day fishing produced about 15 keepers each. Let the fish tell you if tipping is required.
  24. Where are you getting this? That advice does not apply to driving on or across highways ("highway" includes a common and public highway, street, avenue, parkway, driveway, square, place, bridge, viaduct or trestle, designed and intended for, or used by, the general public for the passage of vehicles;) or on trails. From the: Motorized Snow Vehicles Act Driving requirements Driving along highway 9. (1) Subject to subsection (2), no person shall drive a motorized snow vehicle along a highway unless, a - the person has attained the full age of sixteen years; and b - the person holds a driver's licence; or c - the person holds a motorized snow vehicle operator's licence; or d - the person is a resident of any other province, country or state and holds a licence issued by such province, country or state which authorizes the person to drive a motorized snow vehicle. R.S.O. 1990, c. M.44, s. 9 (1). Driving across highway (2) No person shall drive a motorized snow vehicle across a highway unless, a - the person has attained the full age of sixteen years; and b - the person holds a driver's licence, a motorized snow vehicle operator's licence or is a resident of any other province, country or state and holds a licence issued by such province, country or state which authorizes the person to drive a motorized snow vehicle. R.S.O. 1990, c. M.44, s. 9 (2). Driving on trails (3) No person shall drive a motorized snow vehicle upon a trail unless, a - the person has obtained the full age of twelve years; and b - the person holds a driver's licence, a motorized snow vehicle operator's licence or is a resident of any other province, country or state and holds a licence issued by such province, country or state which authorizes the person to drive a motorized snow vehicle. R.S.O. 1990, c. M.44, s. 9 (3).
  25. This is how I done it. 49 cent piece of foam from a surplus store. A strap used for attaching a chain link fence to the post + a bolt & nuts. A few of electrical pull ties. Play with the transducer and strap/cable angles until the transducer hangs level then tighten everything. Tighten ties on foam until the cable is tight to pull through the foam so it will hold but still adjustable. And yes place the transducer below the ice for best results.
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