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Everything posted by Woodsman

  1. pikeslayer your point is incorrect as you left out a big part important of wallyboss's story. Dropping the fries was not the big thing but reaching down & putting them back on the plate was. As for her getting fired, we have no way of knowing if this was an over reaction to the situation (discipline of some sort was required) or just the straw that broke the camels back in regard to her previous history. The manager may or may not have been correct in that situation. If I was wallyboss I also would of complained.
  2. Not a good idea to use bait from a VHS positive area in a non VHS area. That being said there is nothing illegal about bring the bait there for personal use. The transport restrictions are on bait for commercial sale. Rick
  3. blairwelsh: It was posted in a proper place as the poster for the tournament stated "* A fishing license is required for those between 16 and 65 years of age.*" However you are correct that no licence is required for those below 18 years of age or over 65.(Canadian residents) BTW: I'll do my best to make again this year. Always a good time. Does anyone know if Innisfil will be waiving the parking fee again this year for those in the event?
  4. Actually incorrect. Canadian residents under 18 or 65 and over are treated the same as Ontario Residents as far as licences. Non Ontario and Non Canadian residents are different. Those under 18 may fish without a licence as long as they are with a licenced angler. Their catch is part of the licenced anglers catch and possession limit. An option for the non resiident under 18 is to buy a licence & have their own limit. Also available to them may be a Non-Canadian resident angling Licence for a Member of an Organized Camp. Non-Canadians 65 & older are required to purchase a licence for Non-Canadian Residents.
  5. I agree but my problem is those with a conservation licence are restricted to conservation limits but those (18-64) who have paid ZERO $ & don't fish are allowed the larger sport fish limits.
  6. Although I believe Terry is correct I feel it should be a conservation licence limit. Why should they be allowed to possess more fish than someone who actually paid for a (Conservation)licence?
  7. Hell I work straight midnights. I'm always up at odd times.
  8. Sounds like a good day Cliff. As for hooking up the trailer to the ATV when I go out with my buddy George (his ATV) we do it that way also. In goes our 2 flip overs & equipment and out we go. Rick
  9. A week & a half ago I caught one about 16" long in Cooks Bay when fishing for perch in 31 fow.
  10. I was out there yesterday in 31 fow. Solid action all day but the great majority were what I began to refer to as Simcoe 7's. Must have caught over 200 of them with no keepers. They weren't too picky on what they hit. My best bait with the highest hooking percentage was a small Northland forage minnow tipped with small mealworms. A small orange & yellow rapala ice jig tipped with a Atlas red egg on the treble also was good. Also caught a 16" herring on the rapala ice jig which quickly was released. Rick
  11. If you start feeding them you must be committed to it for the rest of the winter. Your herd may increase & your costs also. To start only to give up a few weeks to a month later will only cause more harm than good. Unless their stressed I'd leave well enough alone.
  12. Try this. http://www.gofishont.com/smf/forum/
  13. Or the cop didn't have a clue what he was looking for. The only acceptable labeling in Canada for non visitors to Canada is. "Only the devices marked with one of the following are approved for use in Canada: * "Approved by Department of Transport Canada" or * "Approved by Canadian Coast Guard, Department of Fisheries and Ocean" " This is directly from Transport Canada web site. http://www.tc.gc.ca/eng/marinesafety/debs-obs-equipment-lifejackets-few_words-1179.htm Although my new Helly Hansen Delta II floater suit has ULC approval it means nothing as far as the Canadian regulations go. It also has the Department of Transport Canada approval on it. That is the one that counts.
  14. I think you mean Canadian Coast Guard approved.
  15. A good spot for lakers & whities is straight off of Innisfil Beach Park. Head out to 80'-90' of water. Good jigs are Williams half & half (J60) in smooth or new wrinkle finish or bad boyz/meegs jigs. We have had better luck with the larger J60 Williams than the smaller J50's. Many tip the bad boyz/meegs with small crappie tubes but I've had better luck tipping them with a small minnow, either alive or dead. Insert hook into mouth & out the top behind the head. Good luck: Rick
  16. I just bought a one piece suit that is Canadian Coast Guard approved. Can be bought for under $300. It's a Helly Hansen Delta II. Be Safe: Rick
  17. I also deal with it. Now it's somewhat minor compared to when I first hurt my lower back. Went through strong muscle relaxers & traction at the time. It helped some. Generic back & muscle pills help & sleeping on my back with a couple of pillows under my knees sure helps. Good Luck: Rick
  18. Best wishes for your wife's health & for you to. Henderson Hospital I guess? Rick
  19. What I can not support is giving money to an organization which will use some of it to actively try to stop me from fishing & hunting. To say I don't not do not support the conservation of animals as a whole is inaccurate. To say I oppose the SPCA's version of "support the conservation of animals as a whole" would be correct. Many post here speak of the anti's objectives but fail to recognize the SPCA is part of that group.
  20. Please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, but does not the SPCA fundamentally oppose fishing & hunting. Yes they do some good work for abandoned or mistreated animals, but IMO any money they receive will only free up more money to oppose our favored past-times. Sorry I can not support the SPCA in any form. JMO: Rick
  21. Not for me. I preferred Deputy Dog & his quest for the big old catfish.
  22. I agree if wallyejack is serious I'd jump on it. Quickly doing some math it would cost me about $700 in fuel alone for my Explorer to make the trip. Add my time + meals & 3 nights accommodation another $1000 for a total of $1700 using your trailer. These are aprox. figures only so $900 seem like a great deal.
  23. Big, Middle or Little Doe. I have stayed on Little Doe many times but always had better luck on Big Doe during open water. Only icefished once on Doe & it was on Little Doe. Mostly small to medium perch & some small to medium walleye. Without a fishfinder I would have never caught the suspended walleye. Rick
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