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Everything posted by Woodsman

  1. Bubbles if you would have taken time to read the previous replies you may have noticed there is new owners. They already have enough of a problem living down the previous owners deeds without more old misdeeds being placed on them.
  2. New owners in the last couple of years. They are still suffering from the previous owners reputation. I have heard good reports on the new owners although I have not personally dealt with them.
  3. Quite true. If they do sell I hope the new owners have enough sense to change the name. I can think of one place on Nipissing where the new owners had to work quite hard to overcome the past owners practices. The name is still enough for some to refuse to return although all I've heard about the new owners is quite positive.
  4. Don't be so sure. I hope your right but that breed is one of the most miss breed out there now. With their popularity there's a lot of unethical breeders producing these dogs not to mention the show dog crowd who don't care about hunting qualities only physical looks. Not all of these dogs would I call hunting dogs. For a generally friendly type of dog you have to wonder why they are one of the most likely breeds to be biting people??? Lets hope this Minister will have enough respect to reply to "e" mails about subjects they would rather ignore.
  5. I'm also on dial-up & yes it can be slow. One big tip is to set your camera so that it's not shooting at the highest resolution. 2 megs is plenty for posting on the net & will download much faster for you than 10 megs. Some people with high speed post pictures with such big file sizes that I just give up waiting to view them. The thing is that files over 2 megs don't improve the quality of the viewed picture on the net anyway. Rick
  6. Well if you weren't so lazy it would have taken you less time to read the thread responses than make a reply when the request was within 3 hours of Toronto.
  7. I also fished there with Ross(early to mid 80's). Good perch fishing in 35' each year. First year was a good deal. 2nd year he shafted us. We where charged the same rate as those in full cottages when we were put in the Doghouse(outhouse + no bedrooms). Ross & Betty shafted us on that trip & we never returned. Rick
  8. Mike on my way home from Lake Simcoe today I picked up a Hummingbird PiranhaMAX 170 instead of the Eagle 245. The Hummingbird has slightly more power(1600 watts compared to 1500watts) but mostly because of the transducer angles. The Eagle is a dual at 60 degs & 120 degs, Where the Hummingbird is also a dual but 20 degs & 60 degs. The Eagle just seems way too wide for my liking. It may not be the best option but it's one I can afford & will be a great improvement over my quite old Hummingbird LCR's. BTW even the old Hummingbird help getting me my limit on whities today. Rick
  9. Seems like you had quicker results than me. I managed to get my two off IBP. 1st at 11am & 2nd at 1pm. Bite was slow & soft where I was but started to pick up about 12:30 just before I limited out. Regular Williams & Rapala jigs only produced looks. For me a black & silver Meegs/BadBoyz tip with a minnow twitched on bottom was the ticket. Rick
  10. For me today it was a meegs/badboyz black & silver tipped with a small minnow twitched on bottom in just over 80'. The regular Williams or jigging raps only produced looks. Got my 2 but sure had to work for them. Bite was slow & soft today. Seemed to start to pick up about 12:30-1pm when I got my second.
  11. Looks like a decent day. I'm planning on heading up tomorrow morning. Probably IBP to start than if lucky on whities on to BBP for lakers.
  12. Each store can be different. You are not dealing with a chain of stores owned by a single group but a group of franchise stores generally owned by different owners. Some stores are better than others depending on how the owner dictates it is ran.
  13. Ciceri where can I get one of those in a 100 foot model that will not freeze up when retracted wet?
  14. Mike I plan on upgrading to the Eagle 245DS. I'll just get the plain unit instead of the portable though. Both BPS & Radio World have them for $115. Either build a plywood box or install in a plastic tool box. Add a rechargeable 12 volt battery from Princes Auto for around $10 and your good to go. I'll be replacing this unit with the Eagle. This is how I now suspend the transducer.
  15. Chumming is still legal. If using salted minnows the salties count as part of your 120 bait fish limit until there gone. As mentioned cooked rice, boiled noodles, cooked barley, canned fish (mackerel ect.), freezer burnt shrimp/fish also work. Most of these work better if a few days before you use them you pack them in sea salt &/or some sort of fish oil.
  16. Where are you getting this from? Could you point it out in the regulations. Nothing wrong with adding bait to a lure or modifying a lure as long as the bait you add is legal bait or your modifications don't include to many hooks. My definition of a hook came out of the Regulation Summary pg. 8 Adding a minnow head or a power egg to a Williams is often done when the bite is slow. A plain treble not directly attached to lure counts as 3 hooks. A treble with a pearl is a lure so it counts as one hook. And if you read my post Dozer said nothing about adding a stinger but only having a treble with a peal on it. Williams sells these if you check their website. It is also quite common when downrigging to use 2 lures (dropper line or three way swivel) on a single fishing pole. As long as the total hooks (single or multi-point) do not exceed 4 your legal.
  17. After drilling a hole before setting the auger aside drill another hole but not all the way through to the water. This will clean off the ice build up. If the ice is thick enough the auger can be left standing in this hole ready to go when you want it. Or if you clean out the ice chips & fill with lake water it makes a good spot to store your minnows if not to cold out.
  18. gbfisher you are incorrect. When part of a lure a hook is defined as "The number of hooks includes any single pointed or multiple pointed hooks that are part of a lure." When part of a lure you don't count points but individual hooks single or multiple pointed. If you counted individual points then the Williams Ice Jig would be illegal the way it is sold due to having 7 points. This is not the case. BTW I suspect Dozer did not mean adding an extra treble(but still would be only 4 hooks) but using a treble with a pearl instead of a plain treble.
  19. One thing people are missing is if they are currently advertising it for a certain price than they are legally required to sell it for that price or cheaper. The old bait & switch is illegal. Same thing applies if a retailer miss marks a price sticker.
  20. Chuck your a braver man than me. My past experiences have been the first guy out is the fool who believes 1 1/2" - 2" is safe ice. BTW; I hope to meet up with you again this year on the ice as in past years. Best Wishes & Be Safe: Rick
  21. DMASSE maybe you should correct the title and your first post to reflect it was not Innisfil Beach Road. We don't want someone going out off Innisfil because they did not read the whole thread and believed it is safe. Rick
  22. Check out your local Food Basics in the frozen section.
  23. Well ain't that tourist friendly? Well if it's a money problem lets let them think on this!!!! Boycott spending MONEY in the Town of Innisfil. For those who don't know the Town extends south of Gilford and further west than the 400. Our only vote there is our $$$$$ When the local businesses suffer maybe they will realize that tourist money is important. Until then they can forget my contributions.
  24. Here's to hoping the teens next visit isn't a torch party at O dark 30. I hope the gun deal doesn't escalate things in the future. My question is in the first post you said "igroring the NO TRESSPASSING signs and went ahead fishing." And in your 2nd post you said "from what I heard it was a bunch of drunk teens out for a party on my land,". Two different situations. Although I don't condone trespassing either way if they were fishing they not partying on your private land.
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