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Everything posted by Woodsman

  1. Henry I'll assume you meant Sport Fishing License. As for limits & sizes Roy is correct. In other words only 3 & they must be smaller than 37cm (14.6") or larger than 55cm (21.7") in any combination up to a total of 3.
  2. It depends on what record your talking about. It will not appear on a criminal records check but will appear on a check of your drivers license records if it's a speeding ticket. IIRC it's there for 3 years. Not sure haw long a Fish & Game Act convictions remains on file. Liquor License Act convictions are also available to the police if they decide to check them.
  3. Actually they may be able to check if you have a valid fishing license. As the licenses can be sold by non-ministry staff & most are (ie: Canadian Tire, fishing/tackle shops ect.) if the retailer has not forwarded the paperwork to the ministry & or the ministry has processed it yet you may have a valid license that they have no access to validating. A charge of "failure to produce a license" (onus on you) is not the same as " fishing without a license" although the penalties may not seem to tell it.
  4. What makes you think they don't check your drivers license validity? Every time your stopped by the police when they run you for a driving related stop, they also include a drivers license check and criminal records check. Firearms registry check is also done on most calls in particular if it's at your home or is violence related.
  5. Actually for this type of charge he will appear in front of a Justice of the Peace not a Judge.
  6. Although it's not a criminal record it will still be in the system and if a CO chooses to check for previous convictions under the Fish & Game Act it will show up on a computer search.
  7. Definitely not all brands are compatible. Most Humminbirds & Lowrances are good though. The new Fish'N Chip is not generally good for Eagles though.
  8. That's not the case. Just make sure you get a chip that is for the area you want & is compatible with your Fishfinder/GPS.
  9. Yeah if it didn't stick in your throat it sure wouldn't stick in you arse. Not saying it wouldn't make a quicker than expected exit from either the northern or southern route though!!!!
  10. Too bad it's not a job for a student. Look at the dates for the job & the "Experienced Individual" qualification.
  11. pikehunter: They way you phrased your statement without direct reference to ehg's question, it read to me as you were saying "you must be an Ontario resident and must also have an Ontario issued handicap parking permit". All cleared up now.
  12. For those near Woodstock check out Anglers Outfitters. I was in there yesterday and the HDS-5 Fishfinder/GPS was the same price as Reeds ($650) in Canadian $'s. As currently the Canadian $ is worth slightly more than the US $ a better deal here. Also no cross border shipping to pay for plus possible duties & brokerage fees. Give Jos a call for prices on other models.
  13. Just remember you are also required to carry some forum of Government ID which has your name & birth date to show you are a resident of Ontario or Canada.
  14. pikehunter: I was with you when you were quoting the regs until the above statement. You do not need to be a Ontario resident as long as you are a Canadian resident. An "Ontario issued handicap parking permit" is not a requirement but is only one of the acceptable requirements of proof of disability. Other acceptable documents you have listed in your quote of the regs.
  15. Actually I believe it's illegal to transport them for commercial purposes.
  16. Bearing buddies will get grease to the outside bearings but the inside ones may suffer. Best to re-pack yearly. This is coming from someone who had a bearing seize on the road destroying the tire in the process.
  17. What about putting a small electric on the canoe?
  18. Ok I see your wife & two cats & two rats but where's the dogs.
  19. My goal is simple. Get out more often & have fun. Type of fish or style of fishing means very little to me.
  20. Just the way my 580 works. In sim mode it starts near England. It will have the international version of the UniMap built into your finder on top of the cards you add. The UniMap is low definition with basically only shore lines. When your GPS is active it will center you on your location. It will also choose the best available map it has access to which will be your gold card in area's it covers. In other area's it will revert to the UniMap. The 580 is basically the same as the 587 except yours is colour & has slightly more sonar power. Rick
  21. As of yesterday it was still $1.15.9 for regular in Stratford.
  22. At least there was a good end to the story, your safe. Take care: Rick
  23. Lots of good advice in this thread. When I was in school speaking in front of the class was not something I was comfortable with at all. Jump forward into the military & when I went onto a leadership/instructor course i was still not completely confident speaking in front of larger groups. Then the solution hit me know your subject very well so when you speak or answer questions you are completely confident in your responses. With this comes confidence in instructing. One big point to remember is never B /S. If you get a question your not completely sure of the answer don't guess but admit it with the caveat you will find out the right answer & get back to them. Make sure you do follow up this. Confidence comes with knowledge. As for this will work if you don't over do it. If you seem to concentrate too much on only one person or a small group of them than the rest of the class may feel left out. Not a good thing.Once you get use to speaking in front of groups it stays with you. I now instruct for St. John Ambulance. Best Wishes: Rick
  24. I have the Bell Turbo Hub. Far faster than my old dial-up account. Local phone lines not capable of high speed so the Hub was my cheapest choice. Sometimes heavy snow or rain can slow things down. Check to see if you can get a decent cell phone signal (Bell) in the place you'll place the hub. I've never had more than 2 devices going at the same time so I don't know how 4 to 5 at once will effect it. I have one computer wired to it & the other one wireless. Overall I'm happy with it. Rick
  25. There is no legislation in place in Ontario currently that recognizes 2-up ATV's even exist. No charges under the ORVA exist either for more than one passenger. The only reference in the ORVA to more than one rider states they must be wearing an approved helmet.
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