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Everything posted by Woodsman

  1. Rear seats can be bought. As for legal to use them it depends. Anywhere the Highway traffic Act applies it is illegal. Where the Off Road Vehicle Act applies it is not prohibited.
  2. They were nice chairs but not the best crowd for a auction for them. May have been better for the online auction?? Any out of town folks would have had no way to get them home other than a chair or two at best.
  3. You get what you pay for. "We hire freelance writers who are paid by the word if you can believe that!" How about X $ for a approved slogan. # of words play no role. An old proposal may still work but unless approved it's a no go. I have no problem with a writer submitting a previous original work as it's up to you to accept or reject as you see fit.
  4. At this late notice your pickings will be slim. With your lists of wants you should have been booking at least months ago. If your too picky with this short notice you'll likely find nothing. Heck it may already be too late for anything now. Good Luck: Rick
  5. To clear up one thing, It's free for all Canadian residents to fish for the Ontario Family Fishing Weekend. Also those without a licence (who would normally require one) must follow Conservation Limits.
  6. Yeah Cliff snowshoes. Princes Auto may still have some surplus military one left.
  7. I've got one I plan on using on Simcoe this winter for lakers. Will use on my second pole to attract the fish in. If they won't hit it the other pole will have the more usual jigs on it.
  8. The "no boaters card required" Roy mentioned only applies to the boats owner. Us / State issued safe boaters cards are also acceptable.
  9. Posting where you live & where your willing to work may help. Good Luck on your search. I've been there & done that. Sometimes you'll be required to take a little less at first. Best Wishes: Rick
  10. How do you figure that? Different categories. Bob's total weight is 2 lbs 12 oz's more than Jos.
  11. A definitely maybe!!! If the ice is clear with no air bubbles & you use some way of insuring there is no air between your transducer & the ice than yes. Thick layered ice with air bubbles in it than forget it.
  12. Terry,Big Cliff & skeeter are both right & wrong. If the ATV is being operated under the HTA than two on an ATV is not legal, nor is it legal to have anyone in the sleigh. If the ATV is being operated under the ORVA than two on the ATV (any ATV) is legal. In the sleigh is also legal. Under the ORVA there is also no requirement for a solid tow bar.Excellent idea though. The requirement for a solid tow bar is in the MSVA.(snowmobiles) Helmets are required at all times. Here are the ORVA & MSVA Acts. http://www.e-laws.gov.on.ca/html/statutes/english/elaws_statutes_90o04_e.htm http://www.e-laws.gov.on.ca/html/statutes/english/elaws_statutes_90m44_e.htm Notice helmets & insurance required under both acts. Only the MSVA mentions a rigid tow bar. While on public roads the HTA generally applies.
  13. To bad it's not that simple. Unless the CO finds the offender committing the offense no charges will be laid. A third party photo would be very hard to get admitted as evidence.
  14. You go ahead. I can't afford the shrinkage factor.
  15. Also being mentioned on other fishing forums. When I see it mentioned I always give a thumbs up to the event in hopes of getting a great turnout to a great event.
  16. This is only another step in Innisfil's process to target non residents. Residents vote for the council, non-residents don't. Parking & boat launch fee's for non-residents at IBP were another step. In my area non-residents do not pay any fee's that residents don't also pay at local parks. No such thing as resident only parking area's in public lots. And yes I live in a tourist area that not only values tourists but tries to encourage them. As for the local Chamber of Commerce when I "e" mailed them last year about the IBP issue I didn't even get a reply.
  17. Had the same problem here with a 6 hp B&S. Was the fuel cap. Vent hole was plugged. Cheap fix & even if it's not the problem you'll not be out much $.(just over $3)
  18. I agree as far as live ones. Can you show where in the regs that you can't use dead smelt? I doubt you can.
  19. Your right your 345 is only a single 200 kHz beam & the dual beam is not the transducer you need. As for "Im just going back to where I bought it and see what they'll do for me" I hope it works for you but don't hold your breath. Your manual should state: PLEASE DO NOT RETURN THIS PRODUCT TO STORE FOR SERVICE Call: 1-800-633-1468 or www.humminbird.com & click Support Although I have never required to go this route I've heard they will give you a North bay # to call. All reports I've seen are that North Bay # will look after you quite well.
  20. Just about any 83/200 kHz transducer from Humminbird will fit, it as most units use the same transducer. Borrow one if you can & if it works then you know it's your transducer.
  21. Here's mine. Actually I just changed the head to a Humminbird 580 but no pic's yet.
  22. Cliff I always carry a compass. I'm sure you still remember how to use one as I know you had good training. Usually a GPS also, but a compasses batteries don't fail. BTW; What starts out as a good day can be changed very quickly to zero visibility. Be safe: Rick
  23. I'd rather have your weather than what we're getting here. -4 C, freezing drizzle, wind SW 33 km/h Not great for heading out on the ice.
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