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Everything posted by Woodsman

  1. No personal attack intended. I'm just stating what appears to me. Best Wishes: Rick
  2. And she's done this on every labour dispute including police & firefighters. Whats new? To settle it quickly I agree. As I have seen this similar comment in this thread more than once; Re:"or lets fire every damned one of em and take on this "arbitration system " once and for all.." if anyone believes this is even an option they are either hiding their head in the sand or living at home with mommy as they are not even capable of wiping their own rear end. That is why this is known as a legal strike. This makes me to believe that your view point is completely influenced by your personal situation only. Rick
  3. Why because people on the forum disagree? As long as the posters do not violate forum rules why lock it? If someone violates the forum rules I say delete their post and discipline them alone. I see no problem with a discussion on a topic that all may not agree on. Pro Patria: Rick
  4. As I said earlier they have the above have the right to binding arbitration. Give the bus drivers the same & there would be no strike. That's all there asking for if the city & union can't come to an agreement. To say "You can't strike" but "also you can't have arbitration" is complete Bull. It's either one or the other. It's obvious that the city is trying to play "the out of control union card" while not trying to settle the issue & invoke public outrage. This will backfire in the long run. It's time to tell your local politicians to either have the city go back to the table or agree to binding arbitration. Without one of these 2 options the strike will never be settled.
  5. This strike is going to end one of 2 ways. Either the city goes back to the table offering a little more or it will go to binding arbitration eventually. Arbitration will most likely cost the city more. The only way this will be a short strike is if the city agrees to put more on the table or agrees to arbitration with the provision that the union returns to work in the mean time. It's in the city's hands now and being hard headed will only prolong the strike.
  6. I just don't get it. You want to prohibit strikes but you also don't want binding arbitration. Essential services that are prohibited striking have the right to binding arbitration. You can't have it both ways.
  7. Agreed. Only damage is a wrinkled front grill and slightly dented hood plus now the front signals don't work. Headlights & rear signals work but not the front ones. Maybe knocked a connection loose? Usually a bad bulb will shutdown a side not front or back on most cars. It's an old beater with more than a few dents so another few mean nothing. Although it's not true it looks like she drives by the touch method. Looks like my job for tomorrow is to check out the signals.
  8. Yeah my wife hit one on Thursday evening.
  9. Us federal law exempts "foreign vessel temporarily operating on waters subject to the jurisdiction of the United States." As the original title states "For all the Erie and Niagara guys" these waters fall under federal jurisdiction. And " Section 4306 establishes the Federal preemption of recreational boating standards and requirements. A State or a political subdivision may not establish, continue, or enforce a law or regulation establishing a performance or other safety standard that is not identical to a Federal standard." As for Canadian registered boats re: safety equipment, State laws do not apply in Federally regulated waters as they are exempt by US Federal law.
  10. Although I never targeted them on Simcoe if I were to it would be mid Feb. to mid Mar. just after dark. I would target a shoal area like Long Shoal or Cooks Bay Shoal. About 20 fow water near deeper water would be a starting point. Jig a glow in the dark spoon with a bottom live bait rig near by. Pre-baiting also helps. This system has worked for me on other lakes such as Cassels & Bark. Another hint is if you have a partner near you have him pull in any nearby lines as ling will circle tangling all lines in range. If your by yourself keep your second line about 2/3rds the distance of the depth of water apart. Rick
  11. I believe you will find that Canadian recreational boaters operating in US waters temporary with a Canadian registered boat are only required to meet Canadian safety equipment regulations by US Federal laws. Likewise foreign registered boats operating in Canada are only required to meet the standards of the country in which the boat is usually kept.(pg.68, Safe Boating Guide, TP 511E) On searches I have found no sign that these following regulations have been repealed or amended. TITLE 46--SHIPPING Part B--Inspection and Regulation of Vessels CHAPTER 43--RECREATIONAL VESSELS Sec 4301, Application [CITE: 46USC4301] ; exempts a foreign vessel temporarily operating on waters subject to the jurisdiction of the United States. http://law.justia.com/us/codes/title46/46usc4301.html Sec. 4306. Federal preemption [CITE: 46USC4306] " Section 4306 establishes the Federal preemption of recreational boating standards and requirements. A State or a political subdivision may not establish, continue, or enforce a law or regulation establishing a performance or other safety standard that is not identical to a Federal standard." http://law.justia.com/us/codes/title46/46usc4306.html US federal law exempts foreign vessel temporarily operating on waters subject to the jurisdiction of the United States and also states " A State or a political subdivision may not establish, continue, or enforce a law or regulation establishing a performance or other safety standard that is not identical to a Federal standard." Rick
  12. TSC has work style ones on sale now.
  13. Dara your math is screwed up. What makes you think they work anywhere near 40 hrs a week/ 2000 hrs a year. The great majority don't even come close to those numbers.
  14. I talked to a few hunters done here a little while ago. Their group has only seen one and too far away to shoot at. Standing corn is making it quite tough they said.
  15. Down this way I didn't see many out. I'm sure around here hunting will be quite tough with most of the corn still standing. Seen some corn coming off today, but rain is now hitting the area. Good Luck: Rick
  16. I have Hercules Trail Diggers on my Jimmy. Deep snow they are quite good. Hard packed snow or icy conditions their poor at best.
  17. He does like to push the Lowrance line though. He will sell other lines but will spend some time trying to get you into the Lowrance line.
  18. It used to be in the park beside the marina snack bar. Problems are the reason it is no longer in the park.
  19. Back in the late 50's or early 60's I had an uncle who caught one just over 28 lbs in Chemong.It was caught on the north side of the causeway near the old turning bridge. I was told it was the record at the time.
  20. What year/model# is the motor? I may be able to help with that. Rick
  21. As a first Aid & CPR instructor I'll comment on this topic. This is correct & a smart precaution. This is a myth. Although it may make you feel better temporary it does little to warm up your body's core temperature. The body's reaction to cooling of it's core temperature is to shiver. As the core temperature gets even lower the shivering becomes severe. If shivering goes from severe shivering to no shivering quickly this indicates severe hypothermia. The body's natural defense of shivering to warm the body has failed to work and has given up. This is an extremely serious condition. Medical help is urgently needed. Rick
  22. No he doesn't need one. That's as long as he has $305 for every time he's checked.
  23. The trick in a low flow water supply in a household is installing the largest pressure tank you can.
  24. Ryan have you invesigated using a sandpoint? These are a common way of drawing water in sandy areas near lakes. It is what we used in Ipperwash for years. How deep is your well? Rick
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