No kidding! Really ridiculous idea. I see enough people in Quebec with basically bald winter tires or 2wd trucks with zero weight in the back to know that mandating winter tires does not = safer roads.
There are websites that will visually demonstrate tire size comparisons so you can see the difference between the two. So long as they don't rub I don't see their being an issue
Baffin -100's are far and away the warmest and 100% boot i've ever owned. I can wall around in -35 and deep slush all day and still be bone dry and toasty warm! Heavy as hell though! I wouldnt go snowshoeing with them but great snowmobile boots
The Fishing Adventurer is an excellent program! Just watched an episode of Wild Fish Wild Places where they featured Inconnu lodge in the Yukon...incredible place!!
There are a few good travel-based shows like Rod and Rucksack and Wild Fish, Wild Places that have some really interesting content and avoid feeling like an infomercial, which almost all of the north american shows do.
Posting for my dad. He is looking for someone to contact for getting his Marcum serviced. He lives in the GTA, in case you know anyone local (would probably be preferred to shipping it out). Thanks in advance
Yes another early one for sure. I'll be out Monday for some gators, but I imagine the smaller lakes around here are already good to go. It's been a good week for ice-making with lots of cold temps and almost zero snow!
Interesting tidbit about muskie size in waters with and without pike populations. Could it just be that a waterbody productive enough to sustain both species is likely bigger, and hosts more and larger baitfish populations leading to bigger fish?
Fantastic eating fish. I wouldnt freeze it like you would other white fleshed fish...too oily and soft. Gotta be fresh!
Can't wait to get out on Nipissing and get a couple!