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Everything posted by LostAnotherOne

  1. Beauty. Multiply species day on the grand are always nice.
  2. I look after a bunch of college buildings in Brantford which a few are unfortunately located next to a homeless shelter. I see those fire guys everyday helping people who overdose. I have my opinion about that but I'll keep that to myself. Lew, how was the overdose situation when you were still working?
  3. Just 1 in 6hrs. It was a stinker.
  4. Was out a few weekends ago. Only boat out there. It rained and snowed the whole time and it took me a few days to recover from that. Glad I brought my rake for the launch thou.
  5. This is crazy. I never thought that. No wonder nobody posts that much. I think even there was a guy who posted a report on here a few years ago about fishing for some Brookies and someone somehow found out where it was exactly he was getting them. Anyways welcome to the forum. Tons of knowledge folks on here always willing to help.
  6. Thank you guys for the tips. I’ll be sure to do that before heading out next Saturday. Adjusting the winch mount looks pretty simple.
  7. Looks like it’s 6” from the bottom of the transom. Similar to the previous trailer.
  8. Not sure why the pictures turned out like that. You may have to bend your neck to look at them lol. Here in Norfolk county we got hardly any snow left.
  9. Managed to put the boat on the new trailer this morning. Luckily zero issues came up. Thanks for the advice guys.
  10. Started years ago donating to a couple of charities. I set it up so $10/mt gets automatically taken from my account and sent to Sick Kids and WWF. It’s not much but I think it’s something we all should take part in. Maybe with this post some of you will follow the same and pick a charity that means something to you and give back.
  11. Pick up a new Ram last year but decided to just go with the V6. It’s hauls my 14’ no problem. I rarely see one that’s not the Hemi out there.
  12. It definitely makes for a very long day. 2 hour drive up. 2 hour drive back. Walking onto ice. Using manual auger. Putting up 4 man tent. Good times.
  13. Thank you. Sounds like it will just be the usual dropping the wife and gear off then parking and walking 20 minutes back.
  14. Just a quick question guys. Planning on heading to cooks with the wife Saturday and was wondering what’s the parking situation at both Gilford or Lefroy. Haven’t gone for a couple of years to Lefroy and about 5-6 to Gilford. Thanks
  15. We were looking for houses on the water pre Covid close to Temagami that were going around 300k. I don’t think we are going to see those prices again.
  16. Was 30 minutes into my trip this morning to HH and unfortunately I had to call CAA to bring in the flatbed. The trailer is a 94 so I’m not looking to repair it, but to purchase a brand new one come March. The trailer is severely damaged and won’t be leaving my property. So I’m wondering what’s the best way to move my 14’ onto another brand new trailer once I purchase it? Thanks I’m advance
  17. A lot of theories but it would be cool if it was looking for food.
  18. This post definitely serves a reminder to keep all your stuff locked away and not exposed. I just bought 2 kayaks last weekend and even thou I live in the country they are now locked away and not beside the house for everyone to drive by and see. Checked your vehicles too boys and make sure there locked at night. The wife’s nephew was caught by his mom a few years ago with 2K in his room. Asked how he got it he said he used to break into vehicles that were unlocked at night and take what he can get. He said you would be surprised how many vehicles are unlocked at night. Hope you find your stuff Ron.
  19. Had the same thing happen to me out on Pigeon a few years ago. Nothing sends you into panic mode faster then seeing smoke coming from your boat. With something like this I honestly wouldn’t take the chance and do it myself, but bring it in to technician and have them look it over.
  20. He was probably just tired of having to go through 30 messages in his inbox a day 😆
  21. Somebody mentioned on this post about going into a Service Ontario building to renew two stickers from the past two years and telling them you didn’t have your vehicle on the road last year so you should only have to pay for this year. Has anybody tried this and did it work? Asking for a friend
  22. Good job. Every time I go there’s always white caps and I can’t even get out of the river.
  23. 100%. Also closes a lot of doors when it comes to employment. Best to not say anything. Pretend your deaf😃
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