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Everything posted by AKRISONER

  1. hats off to you for finding perhaps one of the worst repurposed photoshops I have seen in some time lmao
  2. Play(ed), Went to Hockey School, Coached, run a team and have watched hockey over the course of the past 25 years. What a waste of my life.
  3. we know more about hockey than you seem to know about the difference between "know" and "no"
  4. so now were gonna complain about who it is on the team that plays with the edge? Couldnt possibly be that 38 year old geezer ron hainsey Hyman shouldnt have punched that guy in the face either when he hit tavares, it should have been someone thats an effective player...like matt martin ? Cant wait to see bergeron and pasta line up against tavares and marner.
  5. i honestly dont think a player in the entire NHL, and especially goalies doesnt have a groin issue. I play twice a week and its a never ending battle. Its just a manner of the severity and how much torture the guys have to go through with physiotherapists to ensure that they can remain mobile. I remember a few years back on the road to the winter classic they had datsyuk and someone else in the therapists room getting their groins worked out by the therapist...I almost cry thinking about it. The guy was basically putting his entire body weight onto a rolling pin and rolling it down datsyuks inner thigh. Id probably just quit the NHL at that point. I had a massage therapist a few years back that used to do a few in-calls for sundin. She said it was strange but made sense, sundin outright wanted a massage but with absolute minimal pressure. He couldnt take anymore punishment because the athletic therapists work these guys over so bad every day to keep them loose. im more concerned that its a knee tweak.
  6. Just a public service announcement cause I don’t want to see anyone run into trouble out there. two weekends ago on the 17th I was in an area fishing a spot that I fish very regularily on 3 feet of ice after the slight warm spell we had. Temps were -13 and everything seemed great until I went through. Only went up to my waist and was wearing my survival suit. The warm spell and wind pushed a lot of warm water into the basin and sure enough an old hole (probably one of my own to be honest) had opened up to be about 2x2 feet across and had gotten snow covered. In a went. This past Sunday the 24th my best friend decided to get an extra morning in on the big sound after we did ok on Saturday and ventured out on his own. The ice Saturday and Sunday was great with cold temps hard clear ice but a lot of wind. As things heated up Sunday and the wind died a lot of moving water caused a pressure crack to open up near waubuno beach. My friend who was driving back the same route he had taken in the morning was shocked to see wide open water where he had travelled just hours before. He was lucky he could simply head to shore and make his way back into town along the beachfront. Theres a hell of a lot of ice out there guys, but don’t trust anything. The ice is thick, but not stable. Wear your suit, carry picks, and I wouldn’t recommend travelling at night at all anymore. Softwater will be upon us soon, be patient.
  7. How about that Tavares guy...oh never mind his goals are tap ins so they don’t count...it’d be cool if he starts pushing towards 50
  8. Funny, you old guys want the leafs to be the 2010 leafs again. i cannot friggin wait for Toronto to beat Boston, then everyone can shut up once and for all. Maybe then people will appreciate the fact that for the first time since 1992 the leafs have a really good team again.
  9. I actually moved over to using straight fluro on my jerkbait set up (orochi xx jerkbait special and curado 50e) i like the extra casting distance and that bit of stretch for when the big smallies absolutely crush the bait. I find that a lot of the time they hit on the pause and I go to do my next jerk and there’s a big old smallie sitting on the end of the line, I found that with a little more give it kept the fish pinned a bit better. Plus the feel is just hightened mainly for my own enjoyment.
  10. cant go wrong with that. Would be my exact choice if I was in the market for a DS rod as well.
  11. lol too familiar the dog getting excited catching the line with his tail and dragging the fish around the ice lol
  12. imagine being this much in someone's head.... Squids most recent posts, in order...no posts in any other thread, no interaction with anyone except bashing the leafs with every post. The leafs must be doing something right to have him this rattled. Typical Leafs team, start strong and finish weak and on top of that complain to the league that the playoff format is not fair Gees come on. How do the leafs lose to Ottawa??? Love it, Stupid childish insults. Tell me Chris, did you play hockey in your life? If you did how high did you get in your career? Double A? Most posters on here fail to see the arrogance of the leaf fans posting to this thread. The thread states 2018-2019 hockey thread ( started in 2016). It doesn't say 2018-2019 leafs hockey thread... 1. I am not a leaf fan. I said I like the leafs but my heart is with the HABS. 2. Never said that it was a good idea to sign Tavares, Matthews, Marner. Nylander. I said that the Leafs will be hard against the... Gees what happened last night guys.....The city of Toronto registered a 4.8 earthquake last night....AGAIN. Losing to the best in the NHL is understandable but losing to the hawks...come on... Maybe there will be color photos of the next stanley cup win by the LAFFS!!
  13. no excuses coming from me for playing like crap. but lets put some perspective in. Leafs sit 3rd in the eastern conference and 5th overall...Lets not blow the team up yet. If you actually believe that a 6-2 loss to the senators is reflection of reality, give your head a shake lol. I have some concerns related to the fact that its almost playoff time and the leafs are going through a rough patch when in truth they need to be heating up. But at the same time, they have 3 weeks still to get back on their feet. If this pattern were to continue for the next three weeks then ya you have a major problem. Freddie definitely had a few rough games and then I dont know what the heck sparks was doing in the net on saturday... I think its funny that Matt keeps harping on about how the leafs dont have goaltending, except for the fact that Freddy is having a vezina quality season? explain that one lol. Man they definitely miss jake gardiner and dermott though. I unfortunately dont think Jake is coming back this year, something is seriously wrong with his back. Might be time to get someone other than Marincin a shot though, he has struggled.
  14. You wanna clean them out of areas quick, put up $100,000 and say the person who catches the most wins. Catch and kill fishing tournaments could clean these up pretty quick. they did this in lake athapapskow in Manitoba.the burbot population was beginning to overrun the lake so they started an annual burbot derby where prizes were awarded for biggest and most caught. After years of them cleaning the burbot out of the lake the Walleye, laketrout, pike and perch fishery has recovered.
  15. Jer, I think now that freddie played the whole game and won, they are gonna rest him tonight and hope that he wins the next game to get him feeling good about himself then they will give him more games off. Resting him now when the playoffs are still 3 weeks away won’t do anything for him in April. When was the last time a nice rest made you feel great a month later lol. i do gotta laugh at the “this isn’t a leafs thread” sentiment. Funny, seems to me like the leafs fans here talk more about other teams than any of the supposed “hockey fans” we have reading this thread. its nice to know that Toronto is so in everyone’s heads that the only thing they can even think about talking about hockey wise is the Toronto maple leafs, even if it is vile hatred and slander lmao. Actually maybe I lied, we’ve talked about the senators at length lately. Let’s keep that conversation going lmaoooo Or for you toilet seat fans out there, that 16th overall draft pick is gonna be a real doozy
  16. The thing literally just came back from teh shop, new carb, new plugs, new oil. It overheated...and its a 4 stroke....
  17. Heavily considering going the drill route especially because my rigid has a lifetime warranty. Do they still punch 8 inch holes?
  18. man that snook was giving me anxiety jumping so much lol
  19. UPDATE Dunisky just replied to me via email in very broken english. He gave me his phone number, said he would guide me and asked me to and asked me to call his cell phone but i cant seem to get the number to go through. Does anyone have any experience calling cuba? AHHH super stoked if this works out! Im considering contacting my resort and asking them to give me a hand.
  20. omg dont even get me started on jiffys. Ours is a year old and died. Went in for service and they replaced the carb...fresh from the shop, the air supply hose cracked and fell off, we taped it back together and then tried to put the cover back on and the screws stripped out of the hole. Jerry rigged the cover back on, took it out saturday, it wouldnt idle so i had to run down the lake with my finger blipping the throttle to keep it going, the damn thing started over heating, melted the entire cover and unbeknownst to me, lit my #@%@ING survival suit on fire, ruined it (thats expensive) and then the thing wouldnt start again...Im buying a new auger next year...and surival suit...yay for me BUYER BEWARE JIFFY IS PURE TRASH I kind of wish that the thing burnt me severly so i could sue the $%Wtards good luck man, let me know what you discover, i might end up doing the same thing.
  21. I use an older Loomis DSR and absolutely love it. I tried the NRX and found it a bit too light for my liking. the feel was insane, but I like the little bit of extra backbone and power that the older DSR's had especially when trying to handle smallies from long distance in the fall when im drop swimming 3 inch swimbaits. Unfortunately the line of rods has been discontinued. Ive used the E6x on loan in a tournament last year, i think i actually liked the feel a bit better than the NRX as crazy as that sounds. It just had a bit more oomph to it than the NRX. I also absolutely killed it that tourney and it handled the "big fish" for the tourney so I won some money off of it. Ive tried the mojo bass drop shot as well and it was ok, but definitely didnt have the feel of the Loomis rods. My preference is a stradic Ci4 2500 series, the set up cant be beat.
  22. I have collected a pile of tackle which i plan to use to try and at least get some form of connection with some local fisherman. as recommended. Ive got spoons, line, hooks, weights, plastics, tackle trays, stringers, spinner baits, a reel lined with mono and i plan on leaving it all down there. Ill give it to whoever looks fishy. I havent heard anything from the guys in Pardon, but I think I am going to take your advice and take a cab over there to at least try get to camp and speak with someone. I plan on bringing some flys to give out to anyone who will talk to me there as well, maybe even a couple new era fitted baseball hats too. The last thing I am is one of those stereotypical white tourists that acts like the people are inferior to me. That stuff actually bothers me a lot. If its anything like mexico, I thought every single person I saw that was working was working wayyyy harder than anyone ive ever seen working in Canada. Go by road construction in mexico...youll never see 4 guys standing around observing a guy digging with a backhoe. The guys working the bars and the beach were working 7 days a week for 12 hour days. I became friends with one of the bartenders at the breakfast cafe one day while waiting for my table to be ready. We tipped him very well and talked about baseball and the blue jays, the next day i brought him a new era fitted jays hat and we became best buds. He opened up to me about his actual life, the struggles that hed gone through trying to provide for his daughter, trying to get into the United States and escape mexico to try and give his family a better life, working his way up in the resort industry and only getting 1 week of vacation a year while working 6 days a week with no "stat" holidays, those guys earn their keep. The only reason I really want to get a guide on a skiff is because opportunities for me to go and fly fish salt water are few and far between, Im not a Mexico/cuba every year person, so If i have a chance to go a couple times a decade I am going to try do everything I can to have the best opportunity to at least actually cast at some fish. I think my biggest obstacle now will be the language barrier to try and get connected with the right people. I unfortunately know very very little spanish, but plan on at least learning how to say "do you know Alex or Duniesky, the fishing guys" hopefully that will put some of the pieces together. Hopefully an offering of a tackle box full of lures will be enough for them to give me the time of day.
  23. Boston is not even close to deep enough to win another cup, let alone make the finals. Their top line is one of the best in the NHL and from there out you really fall off of a cliff. Chara is a great D man, but he isnt the "old chara" hes now the "old" chara. Their goaltending is solid, but they dont have all of the collective pieces and depth needed. Aside from the obvious choice Tampa...you know who scares the hell out of me? Pittsburgh. I have no clue why people are discounting them, they are on a tear lately...guess who ended bostons streak? Oh also...guess who won 2 out of the last 3 stanley cups...yup. Chris, I agree, Bostons streak was very very impressive, but they definitely were relying on a lot of very late game heroics and 1 goal wins. That kind of stuff isnt sustainable. What I am wondering (I dont know the specifics of the stats) but my guess is that their shooting percentages were definitely over achieving, along with their scoring chance ratios. Which is totally normal. What we used to call "getting hot" has a heck of a lot to do with luck as crazy as it is. Much like how the leafs at the beginning of the year were shooting at percentages are were way way way too high. I believe Matthews was shooting something like 40% over the course of the first 20 games of the season. Remember when he was on pace for like 130 goals? What you hope for is that some regression occurs now as we head into the playoffs. Boston goes back to playing more like they did for the other 50 games of the season. Might I also mention, the leafs have won as many games as boston this year, in less games, but sit 4 points behind them in the standings...cause that makes a lot of sense. Enough of the inferiority complex. One thing that bothers me a lot is the Leaf's fanbase complete disregard for just how friggin good John Tavares is. Its like people are thinking "hes getting paid 11 million so he better score 40 goals and have 100 points" The guy is setting the exact example of what being one of the best centres/players in the entire NHL looks like. Of course everyone wants to talk about kucherov and Marner because they score a lot too, but how about the fact that Babcock has relied on Tavares to match up every single night against every team's top lines? Last year we didnt have an answer for the bergeron line...i think the leafs just may have the answer this year to at least even out the stakes. From there the line up matchups swing very heavily in Toronto's favour. Hopefully Kapanen and Johnson can get some of their swagger back. Ive already ranted about how deadly the kadri nylander line is going to look matching up against any NHL teams third line.
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