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Everything posted by AKRISONER

  1. Holy $#@! 1. that last offside by pasta where he was 50 feet offside on the delay and then still attacked the puck and they bloody set the offside outside the leafs blue line I absolutely lost it. He was complaining that he didnt hear the linesman...I dont give a @#$! Its your fans that made it hard for you to hear. Thats gotta go all the way down. I could make that damn call. 2. Even if you want to call that borderline interference, their goal was borderline offside, its a wash. Leafs were literally 0-8 on the season on coaches challenges prior to that call going their way for the first time this season. 3. Hughson...man dont even get me started on that clown. How in the hell did that vancouver homer/Team America lover end up as the leafs broadcaster and his moronic Craig Simpson sidekick is just as bad. Those guys just cant help spewing how large their boners are for every crappy American team that faces the leafs. The worst one this season though was against winnipeg when Hughson had to put his half of cent of knowledge together to make the statement that "Winnipeg is clearly the more advanced team". Sure enough the leafs then came back in the game and won, and subsequently beat the jets again the next week and swept the season series. Did you notice him wearing bruins colours on the broadcast tonight? This guy is announcing Leafs hockey games on the government tax subsidized Canadian Broacasting Corporation while wearing and supporting a team from the United States of America. Are you &!$&#$! kidding me. I know tonights game was on sportsnet, but the fact that Ron Mclean also apologized after the pre game montage for game 4 because it was skewed to favour the leafs...How Canadian of him. Why the hell we are supposed to remain "impartial" while watching the CBC canadian broadcast of a damn Toronto Maple Leafs game facing an american team is infuriating. I guarantee Jack@$$ Edwards was crying all night on the Boston Broadcast. He probably called Hyman dirty after he hacked Chara after Chara decided to cross check him in the back for absolutely no reason. WHAT A JOKE FIRE HUGHSON. I tweeted this right after they showed that clown proudly wearing black and gold. (mind the language) One more to go boys! GO LEAFS GO!!!
  2. Almost time to nymph with the 5wt!
  3. My uncle was up in northern AB at a property or his and him and his associate decided to take the boat out for an evening fish. A local bar regular was about and my uncles associate invited him out for the fish. Wouldn’t you know it they are out in the middle of the lake and the regular falls in. My uncle quickly flips him the safety line and the guy is just not moving and staring right at my uncle and his associate. The guy sinks and is gone. They call 911 and after some intense questioning from the police the divers find the guys body. A scary day on the water indeed.
  4. I can’t believe not a single game has been won by the home team in the winni series
  5. Send Jimmer a message, he’s got multiple kotas around for parts, unless his wife made him trash them lol
  6. lol I got auto sensored to a worse name. I called him a lucky SO# you know the rest lol
  7. turns out bass boat seats.com is directly affiliated with this guy. Same stock, just canadian supplier! Probably where I will end up getting my boat seats from.
  8. no tether, no life jacket, a very lucky guy. Hopefully he learns something.
  9. we shall see! supposed to be pretty darn warm, even up there over the next little bit so Im not so sure I would want to venture out on ice that I dont know at all. May try and cast the river somewhere and see what happens.
  10. leafs outplayed them but didnt get the W. PK needs to be better, and anderson had to have that chara shot, but the same could be said for Matthews shot as well. Although something tells me Matthews is purposely screwing with goalies. For so long his shot was high glove side, then he started shooting five hole. his drag release is quick and it doesnt allow the goalie to react until its coming off of his stick. I think tukka was thinking "top right corner all day" just like normal and it froze him ever so slightly. When was the last time matthews came down the wing and shot between the goalies arm. I like the way they are playing, just need to clean up the PK!
  11. Amen to this, the line between the haves and have nots is so far gone that its actually disturbing seeing how the nots are required to live. West Virginia, and the back country of South Carolina are on another level.
  12. Was down in South Carolina this past week and decided to stock up on some oil for the outboard for this year. Last year I paid $58 a jug for quicksilver (TC-W30) approved oil. Other option is Mercury's oil, yamalube (if you can find it) or Amsoil. All typically over $60. I think there was a dealer in Huntsville that was selling cases last year for $48 a jug of mercury if I can remember correctly. Anywho, headed to walmart and got pennzoil XLF for $17 a jug! I get it, we have healthcare in Canada, so yes we can expect to pay more for things, but some stuff we are just getting totally fleeced on. I dont care about taxation etc, that is just a straight up rip off!
  13. amazon definitely has some great options, personally for me in a bass boat I am also looking at the BBC boards sponsor https://www.bassboatseats.com/
  14. I was the biggest Don fan my entire life. I never missed coaches corner for anything. It actually bothers me a lot now seeing him the way he is. I am not referring to his takes either. He can have whatever opinion he wants on stuff, its the fact that his rambling and stuttering etc is just hard to watch. Its the exact same way I felt about Bob Cole. Fortunately Bob knew it was time to hang em up. But even his announcing was starting to suffer. Reminds me lots of my parents who are also starting to show their age more and more. Its just hard to watch it happen.
  15. thanks for the tips guys...it really sounds like I will most likely be ice fishing. Which is kinda cool to be honest. I cant remember the last time I ice fished in May. Probably since I lived in Manitoba.
  16. who in the hell gave this guy a sports media job? Its mind blowing to me the spotlight this clown gets. He was a garbage NHLer at best, Definitely could never swing an actual job in the NHL coaching or managing because his takes/understanding of the game are hot garbage, and then on panels the guy can barely talk. The unintelligible garbage he spews makes about as much sense as Don Cherry these days. They treat him like a bloody hall of famer, the guy was a journeyman wimp "enforcer" that averaged 8 points a season and didnt fight. and when he did he got absolutely killed. He sounds like a guy that has been punched in the face wayyyy too many times.
  17. im not claiming the leafs are winning the cup (they win this series? anything can happen), glad to see Moxie is already looking forward to round two. For real though, you guys called me an idiot and told me that I didnt know anything because I said the leafs could beat the Bruins. You didnt provide any insight as to why, except for that they lost to Ottawa at the end of the year. Oh and that they dont have the capacity to play hard playoff hockey. I believe "Steamroll" was the term used. I gave a strong set of reasons why the leafs would have success and you guys called me stupid. Question, are you going to own up to it if the leafs beat Boston?
  18. id be ordering online. When the time comes thats how I will be getting mine.
  19. Hey Guys, Ive got some work up in Kapuskasing so I will be spending a couple of days up there in 2 weeks time. Which also means that I will have some evenings to burn. My guess is that its still ice fishing season up there. I also know it lies on a river so maybe thats open to some casting? Any tips at all that a local or someone with some knowledge could recommend I would greatly appreciate it. Feel free to PM or just reply here.
  20. ahhh, there may be no better feeling than when someone tells you that you are stupid, that you dont know anything and that their "knowledge" is far superior to yours. But then....silence. GO LEAFS GO!
  21. https://www.zikoko.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/IrALlKu.gif
  22. pretty sure I just used an online website. Nothing fancy. I just knew that when i saw what they valued it at in the states (1,500) i said forget it. Not to mention that they wanted me to also get a marine survey done as well. It was basically going to write my boat off just by trying to get it insured. I said forget it.
  23. guaranteed the pedal is the problem...jimmer might appreciate this? Impossible to get working pedals now. He has a few.
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