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Everything posted by AKRISONER

  1. had a lot of work to do up at the lake this weekend so fishing was in spurts and the old man wanted to focus on walleye. Sunday morning i busted out the fly rod off the dock before breakfast and was very glad I did. I ended up catching 11 pike in just over an hour off of the dock. Including 4 in 4 casts, all on the fly.
  2. i drop shot almost all of my walleye...
  3. Walleye are biting, caught a dozen this evening in a couple of hours.
  4. i take back what i said, the sun came out this afternoon and guess who finally showed up for the first time. So wierd, noon not a fly to be seen, 3pm theres now clouds of them, they dont seem to be biting yet though. havent got out fishing yet, will let you know when i finally get out.
  5. im here right now, everything is way cold, and theres absolutely 0 bugs. Im expecting though that with the warmer temperatures expected over the weekend the blackflies may start up. As of right now its still too bloody cold.
  6. caught a few pickerel down on lake marion in south carolina this year
  7. insane up on G bay at the moment, water is about 48 in land but 38 once you hit the main lake. When you drive out of point au baril channel towards the big water its like hitting a wall, the air temperature drops 10 degrees with the water. Everything is so blood far behind, the pike arent even biting yet and its usually prime time right now.
  8. hey guys, I have a broken latch on the rear deck on my boat. Ive been trying to look around online and I cannot seem to find anyone in canada that sells deck latches. Everywhere is sourced out of the states, and amazon has one for sale for 70 dollars...that cant be right for one latch?! Does anyone know where I could find them, a store would be preferable, somewhere along the 400 is even more ideal!
  9. lmao the OOS smallies we were catching fishing pike were bloody baloons. Im pretty sure my buddy caught a 6lber on friday. also one 21 inchish fish that had been chomped by a musky. You could see the jaw outline it was probably 10 inches wide..nuts!
  10. http://www.bbcboards.net/forumdisplay.php?f=23 keep an eye there, I see older motorguides and kottas go for $300 USD all of the time. Jeez, i recently sold a motorguide for 300 bucks Canadian! I should bloody sell you our extra powerdrive V2 but its not mine to sell. Its just sitting doing nothing!
  11. not gonna lie jimmer, im pretty sure the boat we rented in guntersville a couple of years ago had the maxxum on it and it was a total POS. better off buying a used terrova or even a fortrex off of the Bass Boat Central Forums. on second thought it may have been an edge? either way it was trash. I wouldnt mess with anything but a fortrex, terrova or ultrex and even the ultrex has its problems.
  12. I dont know what the heck happened saturday. The fish i had been patterning in on all week all of a sudden turned off again. We need some warmer weather to get things going. Perhaps this weekend things will take off some.
  13. jimmer that TM i sold you was on a 14 foot tinner and was far and away long enough. Pretty sure it was a 42 right?
  14. Fuse your stuff people, mice and vermin are jerks and would love to try and short your wires and light your boat on fire at the first chance they get!
  15. I see your point but then you dont have the ability to take the trolling motor off of the boat when need be. If i had a heated shop to park my boat in then that would be an option but i dont, so its nice to be able to take the motor off if need be. I.e. I recent installed a new down image transducer on the TM and it was nice to be able to bring it inside from the rain and cold and wire it.
  16. sebille vibratos catch most of mine, but thats through the ice...drop it on their head and make em chase it.
  17. niagara river man or watch the wind and fish it in a north wind.
  18. digging up an old thread here, but I thought I would share my experience with you all as the design style of the marinco plug design nearly cost me my boat, and perhaps more this past weekend. But here is my story... I have had issues with the provided marinco receptacle since I first installed it on my boat. I have found it extremely difficult to keep the power and ground wires held into the receptacle with the crappy short screws included with it. As you all know, the style is to push the wires in from the back and screw down on the wire. The first time I had a problem, I was in a tournament and the power and ground wire literally fell out of the plug, shorted on each other and blew my fuse. leaving me rewiring the TM and changing my fuses in the middle of a tournament. I thought that was pretty crap until saturday afternoon. I was fishing a small bay while running autochart live. I frequent the area and figured, why not finish charting the small bay that i was in so that I would have a map of the drop off that leads out of it. I sped the motor up and began driving back and forth from inside the bay out into the channel and back mapping. Sure enough on my final pass on the eastern edge of the bay I am driving along right against the rocks mapping the edge when my trolling motor quits. I think, Its probably just a loose plug, so i push it in and the power turns on again and i hit drive and it shuts off immediately again. With the wind blessfully taking a second off i scramble to the driver seat fire up the big motor (that two stroke took painfully too long to turn over, what was probably 2 seconds felt like hours) i missed the rocks by about 6 inches and drove out into the channel. Lifted the TM and went home to figure out what the heck was wrong. When i took my access panel off, this is what I found. My ground line had started fraying in behind the plug, as more and more wire frayed it began to lower the guage of the wire until a point where the resistance grew so big that the wire literally lit on fire all while not blowing my fuse because it was the ground wire. I called up a family friend and life long electrician and he recommended to simply go with a contractor grade commercial receptacle and plug. Thats the game plan now! Scary stuff
  19. shes been blowing the last few days. I got myself in some trouble on saturday and almost wrecked the boat plus lit it on fire. Long story short the crap minkotta plug caused my ground wire to tear, which caused it to heat up, which caused it to basically light on fire, and of course the happened while i was driving 4 feet away from a rock face with the wind blowing me towards it. Just a poop sho, i managed to fire up the main motor and miss the rocks by inches. BRUTAL
  20. 49ish can find 50 occasionally, but that heavy rain on Thursday kinda made everything a consistent 49. If you get near the bigger water though its still 46-47. Ive been fishing as tucked back from the big lake as absolutely possible. Im talking back back back bays with 7-9 fow. Ive fished almost every day since beginning of the month and the fish only started biting on wednesday, but yesterday was the first day I was able to get a bit of consistency going. Its still tough though, they seem to be holding to an exact depth and an exact type of bottom, in an exact type of area. Even when you fish that kind of water the bites are slow slow slow. We had a really good bite yesterday on a moving bait but the more consistent bite just seems to be with the jerkbait while the lure isnt moving at all. Some sunny warmer weather will get things going fast, but as of right now the fish are still very very slow. Usually May 2-4 is just ridiculous, but we are only a week away and the lake is still cold and nearly dead. At least you can get some bites now, it kind of turned on like a light switch where one day you wouldnt even see a fish and the next all of a sudden you can actually catch a couple. Its definitely not good though yet.
  21. I still havent found one that fits my 98 yamaha TLRW130 learned the hard way that basically every outboard has a different threading. Anyone know a good source to find exactly what you need? really
  22. things in the lake are finally starting to wake up black flies arent even close to out yet. Its almost bloody snowing out there today. Had to come in at lunch to warm up for a bit.
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