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Everything posted by AKRISONER

  1. have a buddy with a place in coe hill Id be bass fishing if I were you once it opens. Most of these lakes just dont see any pressure on the bass fisheries at all. Kinda old school mentality, fish to eat and not for the sport. A lot like the parry sound district, people fish walleye and pike, no one really seems to target the bass populations unless they are from out of town. Makes for some damn good fishing though!
  2. and it just keeps on raining...its been absolutely pouring here all morning and its supposed to be worse this afternoon. Luckily I cant flood here because I am close to the water, Lake Huron isnt going to rise 5 feet in a day because of some rain, but anyone on a river around here, holy crap look out! Judging just by how much water is running through my yard out of the bush, including the very small creek that runs through our yard i couldnt imagine actually living on a proper river. The entire yard by the creek is up at least a foot and thats in 2 inch deep creek. If you drive up the 400 keep an eye out when you cross the moon river, the forrest is a raging river, its absolutely nuts. Whats even more messed up is they are calling for it to be the hottest summer in history, so all of this rain is going to dump on us all spring and then it will turn to an absolute tinder box come summer time and we will have fires again up here. Bloody climate change is nuts.
  3. Erie and now superior are approaching all time highs. Huron is already at its level from last year and is expected to go up another foot. Ridiculous because I spent the last 10 years worrying about low water and modifying docks and boat ramps to account for lower water and now this year I am going to have to revert everything back lol probably just in time for the water levels to fall off again.
  4. Finally got my helix 9 all set up with navionics and the autochart zero lines card...overlaying autochart data over navionics, ridiculously sick. Now I just need to spend more time charting!
  5. Sorry dave I thought that I saw that you won the tourney out on simcoe? On instagram?
  6. Jeez this sure as heck shows some very definitive summer fishing holes out on the main lake and in the mouth of the st Lawrence
  7. checked the spring spots last weekend, nothing...so we moved to the staging area, just found some perch, then we went to the winter spot...still nothing...this was in desperation after we couldnt get any pike to bite either...last weekend was a total bust, everything is done with winter mode and waiting for the water to warm up. You know its bad when you cant even get a single pike to bite in two days lol
  8. i still wonder that if with a little wizardy you could make it work. I mean the wiring between the two units cant really be that different can it?
  9. sweet report, warmer days warmer days will soon be here
  10. why anyone would not just get a replica made is beyond me these days. They look incredible and stand up to the test of time as well. What a fish out of the kawarthas too hot dang!
  11. congrats on the win dave!
  12. Even if they had 400 of their brains combined I don’t think they would have any sense
  13. lol lets see anyone score that many points playing with kapenen and johnson the way they were playing, theres literally about 3 players in the league who could do what he did out there. But ya...hes definitely the problem you're right, max domi is far superior the player lmao
  14. yes...not for me, and a lot of people agree that they really dont like them. My buddy throws the tatula swimbait and loves it.
  15. Lmao whattttt??? auston Matthews just put up 5 goals and 6 points in 7 games in the playoffs and you are trying to say that he’s a problem? Lmao thanks for laugh I needed it this morning after the day I had yesterday
  16. Watching him battle that chine walk the whole video was giving me anxiety. ive gone 70mph as a passenger in a triton...what was even scarier was that we were doing it on lake Marion with trees flying past us the whole time hahaha. My boat does 55mph but doesn’t walk, even that scares me though, you feel like you can’t do much but just hold on while the boat is flying through the air barely touching the water. My normal 45 cruising speed is plenty good enough for me
  17. If people are already on the brink, This rain storm I think is going to make the story get very very serious come Friday morning. Hope everyone is ok around here but I think for many, much will be lost. I think bracebridge specifically is in very very big trouble.
  18. Never thought manual inflatables were a good idea. You fall and hit your head and go in, faint in the heat, crash your boat under power and get knocked unconscious, you are dead. Theres even the argument that you shouldn’t wear a auto inflate while driving a boat under power. For a while I switched to wearing the vest while driving when i realized I was getting into the habit of wearing the vest while driving but then nothing while fishing. To me it seemed stupid to not wear the auto inflate while driving or fishing just because I was scared it might not inflate. The odds of it not inflating while having an accident under power is probably 1-1000000000000th compared to the odds of me going in for whatever reason while standing up fishing. For that reason I switched back to the auto full time and feel good knowing I’m wearing a pfd at all times.
  19. thank the lord, soft water season is back and in effect! been gone for a month out of country, wish I could have made it down for some pre walleye opener action, i guess ill be waiting until next year.
  20. Leafs are in big big trouble, you’ve got a lot of guys making huge amounts of money and they can’t even win one series, never mind 4. I hope Nylander has played his last game as a leaf, but good luck dumping that contract. Marleau hopefully retires. Kadri is a moron. Not sure where to go from here. Big time reality check that you dont pay guys until they win. Chicago did it the right way. Hard to move when you are up against the cap. i honestly thought the leafs were the better team almost every game except game 2 and 6...but failing to go for the jugular in game 4 and game 6 is the defining moment in the series. They had Boston basically done and didn’t go for the kill. Sadly, everyone here knows this all too familiar feeling of being disappointed by this team, I know I have for the past 30 years. Dubas, show us what you can do.
  21. hate to rub it in boys, but was on the bass boat last week in south carolina and will be casting on the flats in cuba on Monday...lifes good ? by the time i get back and get back up north, pickerel and pike will be open and the ice will be off
  22. article reads like it was written by a butt hurt habs fan, dont bother giving it the traffic guys. The journalist basically says the leafs are canada's last hope and the chance of them beating boston is "not likely" END CLICKBAIT
  23. 2 strokes eat gas, I run a 130 Yamaha, there’s a sweet spot when it’s not so bad, but push it and it starts chugging. Really no way around it. Propping it correctly will make a big difference.
  24. I’m so tired of my MK receptacle letting the power cables bloody fall out. One time they even fell out started shorting off of each other and blew my fuse. Really safe stuff. I wonder what kinda law suit I could have started had my boat lit on fire.
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