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Everything posted by AKRISONER

  1. Ill be staying in Cayo Coco. Everything I have read says that the best place to fish is definitely out of that operation in cayo paredon. Hopefully I can get in contact with someone there. im actually digging through my tackle right now. I’ve got an absolute pile of stuff that I’ve collected over the years that I will literally never use, jig heads, fishing line of various tests, spoons, hooks etc. ive also got a pile of soft plastics (Senkos, craws, tube jigs etc etc that I also will literally never use. Would these guys even care to have stuff like this? I’m guessing the majority of their fishing is simply done by either hand lining or casting hooks with live/dead bait. But I could totally be 100% wrong. Maybe they would have use for some senkos? my other question, if I am lucky enough to get in contact with one of these guides, am I going to be relying 100% on my own tackle? I’ve got an 8wt which would handle bones and snapper, but obviously if you are fishing tarpon or permit you should maybe be casting something heavier. i also unfortunately don’t tie flies...so if I’m reliant on my own tackle, I am going to have to make a trip and stock up before I go. Overall this seems like a much different experience than my trip out with a guide in isla Blanca Mexico. With them I was able to contact them via email, give a deposit and book a day. They picked me up from a mall in Cancun and took me out to their boat where they had everything I needed to fish on the skiff. i really wish I could spend a lot of the time exploring and fishing the area, but this vacation is supposed to be about spending time with the girlfriend. I spend so much of my time at home fishing that the last thing that I should be doing is going on vacation with the gf and then ditching her to go fishing exploring the whole time lol. the Lenny’s trip sounds kinda cool, are people shore fishing there? Or is it mangrove flats? I only plan on bringing the 8wt with me so wading would be cool. Sounds like a neat spot to visit regardless.
  2. unfortunately marchand plays left wing, so its pasta that will be the one streaking down the boards on the right side where muzzin likes to flatten people.
  3. Hey Scuro thanks for the reply. I have done a pile of reading and have figured out that there is one operation with the rights to fishing teh area around Playa Pardon. Two guides named Alex and Duniesky apparently operate skifs out of there. I found an email address for one of the guides, and also attempted to contact them through holywaters.ca But I have yet to hear anything back yet. I am definitely aware of the fact that the non protected areas are subject to a lot of fishing pressure, hence why I would like to take a guided trip to one of the catch and release only areas with a guide. What I am definitely struggling with so far is how in the heck to book/get in contact with someone so that I can book the day and go! if Anyone here has an experience booking one of these skifs I would greatly appreciate the guidance on how to do so.
  4. any particular reason? I personally think Pittsburgh is a huge threat this year...any time crosby and malkin are playing, anyone is in trouble. They are the ultimate dark horse this year...except they bloody just won back to back cups...look the hell out. Love 1. Buds all day 2. Edmonton 3. Winnipeg meh, i just like players on the rest but i dont specifically like the team big time Crosby fan I think hes top 4 all time maybe even better than Orr but not quite Lemieux and definitely not Gretzky, PK, Ovi, Toews and Taresenko Hated 1. Ottawa (a complete joke of an "NHL" Franchise...quite literally I think they should move) 2. Vancouver (no history, no fan base, burned their city down, people dont care about hockey there) 3. Boston (marchand is a rat and their home announcer is a clown, damn pasta bergeron and chara are good though...Love to hate these guys. Oh I also hate people from Boston, their fan base is racist, and scummy) 4. Montreal (I dont actually hate the habs, I respect their history, i respect their fan base, I respect what they signify to the province of Quebec, and i respect that they've won more cups than any other team, I just friggin love watching Toronto beat them, especially at home more than any other team in the NHL. I just know how friggin much it hurts them when they lose to Toronto at home. You could almost see them cry when the leafs crushed them a couple of weeks back. I dream of a playoff series between the two. I dont think we will have to wait too many more years for it to happen) 5. Dallas (I probably wouldnt hate them, but their current line up of Seguin and Benn, both of those guys are known partyers and I am super anti stereotypical hockey bro, nose beers lifestyle, and those two idiots personify it) I am also aware that this is hypocritical because the oilers were the kings of snow in the 80's...but times have changed.
  5. 4th liners scoring hatricks...not too shabby lol Habs are going to finish in that dreaded 9th place spot where you dont get a good draft pick and you dont make the playoffs...
  6. Hey Guys, The girlfriend decided to book a trip to an all inclusive in Cayo Coco Cuba for our joint Birthday and Anniversary. Well wouldnt you know it, apparently Cayo Coco has some of the best flats fly fishing in the world. Anyone every chartered a guide out of there? or perhaps did it solo? Im thinking id like to hire a guide for a day to get out on a skiff, but would be cool if I could pop out for a few hours on my own as well during the week to wet a line.
  7. leafs cant swing with the big dogs...especially those big bruising west teams... Its an absolute travesty that one of boston or toronto will be out after the first round, meanwhile a team like the islanders is going to get a pass.
  8. looks like some really relaxing fishing. Everyone wearing PJ's sitting on a comfy chair catching fish. If only it were always that easy.
  9. its sad what happened to creemore. Their beer was too damn good so the big guys bought em up and started to mass produce the beer. Its still pretty good, but if you remember when it was still brewed small...oh boy, i think it was my favourite beer of all time.
  10. interesting you got em on the haze Good for you for toughing it out in the elements
  11. lol luckily i grew up with two older brothers that were 7 and 9 years older than me respectively so that kinda hot garbage is laughable to me. If an internet troll wants to try and take shots at me in a hockey thread, id rather it me than someone else thats more sensitive lol. How about them leafs! Big JT with the goal after that moment at centre ice. It doesnt get any better. Keep it rolling! Also anyone notice just how strong kapanen is? Guy thought hed play sticks with him and kapanen decided that that was going to be the end of the conversation.
  12. once had a pickerel swimming in the frying pan
  13. clearly the only way you know how to fish if you even fish?
  14. now that is a boat built for Georgian Bay! sick!
  15. Last night was hardly an indication of "how good" or "how bad" the maple leafs are. They arent the ottawa senators that lose 6-1 or 6-2 every game because they are horrible. Up until last night the stupid NHL Point system had Boston, at team with 2 less wins and 2 more losses than the Toronto Maple Leafs ahead of Toronto by a point in the standings...incredible right? The line up was decimated, they were tired and they walked into an absolutely ridiculously hostile environment on a Thursday night to a team that was waiting for them salivating for the chance to take a shot at the maple leafs. Was nice of the maple leafs to come to town though and actually sell some tickets in Nassau for once. Do people actually feel like a guy like Auston Matthews is not capable of elevating his game and using his size and strength to takeover the game come playoffs? Do leaf fans actually believe that a guy like John Tavares (who averages a point per game in the playoffs...during the lean scoring years) isnt capable of elevating his game to another level? Do people actually believe a player like William Nylander who is scoring at over a point per game pace over the past 10 games is going to all of a sudden no longer be able to compete with a bunch of connor brown type players just because theres a bit more hitting? Is Nazem Kadri going to no longer be a wrecking ball like he is every playoffs, zipping around the ice hitting everyone? Is muzzin going to stop laying out everyone that tried to enter the zone on the left side with the puck? Is Mr. Baby shampoo soft Marner (who was the leafs best player last playoffs) going to lose his magic and his ability to be a play maker (by the way, if the NHL gets rid of the ridiculous milimeter offside review system, that game could have gone entirely different, because a difference making player like marner, surprise surprise, made an incredible play only to have it overturned by a stupid video review) simply because "tHe lEAfs nEeD mOrE SanDpaPer" Which leafs fan here wants to put 20 bucks on it? Ill bet on this leafs team to make it out of the first round. Im not interested in betting with Montreal Ottawa, or any other team that isnt even going to be in the playoffs fan's...which leaf fan here wants to bet against their own team simply because the best forward line up in the NHL doesnt have enough "sandpaper" (maybe tampa is better...debatable, i think their D is better thats why they are better but whatever)
  16. Time will indeed tell...If you seriously think Matt Martin would have been the difference in the game last night... Only took 2 weeks for the leafs nation to turn their backs on Jake Muzzin...not surprised Apparently hes soft now too
  17. same experience here, no complaint about the operator...but getting skunked sucks. Especially when you own sleds, and portable huts etc.
  18. Well Ill be the first to point out my bad driving...I was 19 years old, inexperienced I was driving my dads 4 runner north of parry sound. It had been snowing and -4 all night, the salters were out and the roads were wet. During my drive from Georgetown to Pointe Au Baril the temperature dropped from -4 to -20 due to a flash freeze. I at the time was completely unaware of the scientific fact that when the temperature hits -17 water freezes even if its salt water. So what happened was those wet roads turned to a complete sheet of black ice. Me being inexperienced was driving the 4 runner in rear wheel drive. I was doing the speed limit following another vehicle when we began to go up an incline and the automatic transmission shifted causing an increase in tourque at the rear wheels...my rear end then ended up beside me, i corrected only to start sliding the other way into oncoming traffic. I hit the bank and rolled 4 times. We survived but the truck was totalled. That was a tough way to learn about the fact that salted roads dont stay thawed when it gets really cold. I havent had a single ticket, or accident since except for when I was side swiped in a hit and run by a truck sliding into my lane. I would say though that if you are going to comment, your driving record better be clean as a whistle lol. You also better have never ended up in a ditch anywhere.
  19. drove to oakville yesterday afternoon in that complete whiteout (normally i wouldnt bother but its a long story) Everyone was driving reasonably, saw one 20 year old moron in a suped up civic with snow tires swerving all over making lane changes to pass everyone...he will get his one day and of course blame the weather for his accident. Also one of my all time favourite things "I crashed because the weather was so bad" lmao. About the only time I would let someone get away with this is if they hit really bad black ice in a small area. Even then, you dont really have an excuse. Anyways back to the main subject I saw one accident on the 401...A transport truck rear ended a snow plow. Surprise Surprise.
  20. I got a card, with my license printed directly on it. I agree I wish it still had the bass on it
  21. i hope he jumps ship to Boston...funny part about Boston is Bergeron and Chara aint getting any younger...they are due for a total rebuild soon as well lol. he will be forced to jump again.
  22. or any form of "bait" for that matter, worms, minnows etc etc There are a few places where only artificial lures are allowed. Thats what you would be looking for.
  23. ive driven through crap like this multiple times, the problem is that people still keep their agenda for the day, and truckers tend to believe that because they are in a truck that snow cant stop them. I got side swiped by a transport truck that hit and ran me about 6 years ago. He along with his convoy of trucks all decided that the rest of the citizens on the road slowing down and following eachother appropriately in extremely hazardous driving conditions were jeapordizing them making their delivery time. Their solution was to attempt to drive and pass everyone through a 2 foot snowdrift in the passing lane which subsequently resulted in the the truck just smashing into my car with no regard for me being on the road. The A hole knowing that there was no way I could see his plates continued on his way leaving me with a totalled car. Driving in a complete white out isnt hard...you just slow down until you can see where you are going, if that means you drive 5kmh then so be it...the problem is that there are people that think they can still drive 100kmh because they have 4 wheel drive and winter tires.
  24. The main restrictions relate to not using bait at all. If you dont see any restrictions in that sense then you are good to go with any grocery store bought bait. The only restriction then would be what kind of live bait you are allowed to use...i.e. you cant use perch as live bait.
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